At what speed are you comfortable driving on the highway?

by JH 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    A sheriff's deputy pulls over two young punks going 150 miles an hour he walks up to the drivers side and knocks on the window as soon as the window is down he bongs the driver on the head with his nightstick "give me your licence boy" he yells in the window as the kid reaches for his licence he bonks him again he takes the licence and goes and writes a ticket then comes back to the passenger side he hands the ticket across then bonks the passanger with his nightstick "hey" yells the passenger "what was that for?" "that" replies the deputy "was for the wish" "the wish?" says the punk "yeah" returns the deputy "that way when your 5 miles up the road you won't tell your idiot friend over there and say I wish he'd tried that crap on ME"

    Police humor...

  • 144001

    Between 80 mph and 130 mph, depending on road conditions, traffic, and my own sense of urgency.

  • sonnyboy

    I usually stay between 65 and 70.

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