My two week consulting trip to Bethel (the beginning of the end) part 2

by seven006 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Winston....I belong to TWO other xdub groups online....I work nites....and the job I have allows me to get *some* I have plenty of keyboard uninterruptus time during the day, but only when I'm not tired (patients didn't have bad nite) and we're not havin' a "frog strangler" of a storm....this suits me fine, since I'm ADDICTED TO YALL!!!! LOL!

    Frannie B

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Frannie's on track to post 8,000 times in a year, a pace exceeded only by... Fred Hall! Her content is much better, though.

    LOL@Willyloman! and...thanks a bunch, fella! (punches Willy's shoulder lightly with fist) Whatta guy!

    Frannie B

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I don't want to post it at the end of this thread so that it doesn't get lost. I'll post it when I can.

    Dave....I don't care WHERE ya post me...we won't lose it, cher...

    BTW, I'm wonderin' if Leo's "roomie" was set up for a "fall" at if Leo hisOWNbadself is the REAL perv....(rubs chin while pondering over this)...and if Leo got Bro Roomie axed so Leo could keep on keepin' on....

    Frannie B

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Frannie! <gasp> Yer not posta be telling about us squealin worms over on the other list! We're waiting patiently, prim and proper, like the nice XJW ladies that we are. <grabs Seven Oh-Oh 6's neck and screams "When will Part 4 be ready?! Dam*it!"> <smiles coyly and thunks Frannie> CG

    (succumbs to army of squealin' worms comin' out of Country Girl's ears {yall thought they were ear hairs, didnya?} and falls over in dead faint)

    Frannie B

  • Inquiry

    Oh my God!!!!! I am loving this story!!!!!! I haven't been so caught up in something since star wars!!!!! hahahahahaha

    Thanks Dave.. this is soooo awesome!

    Frannie... a Frog Strangler of a storm???????? ROFLMAO!!!!! You better send me some depends woman.. I am running out!!!! LOL

    Killin myself laughing here...


  • DevonMcBride

    Frannie and Country Girl,


    From You Know Who (hint: centipede)

  • Dogpatch

    By permission, the whole story will be up at:

    It's already up so far now if you want to make it easy to read.

    Thanks Dave, what a riot. I was there a few years before you and can vouch for much of this, and knew about Greenlees and Chitty as well.

    I remember the day after the stuft shirts (GB) decided that Bethelites should come to the morning table in suit and tie, Freddy wore an old T-shirt all next week (at the head of his table) with the message, "Where in the hell is McCook, Nebraska?" He always hated the GB arrangement, and even said so at Knorr's last Gilead graduation. What a bunch of cronies!

    Randy Watters

    Net Soup!

  • Lady Lee
  • Dogpatch

    Thanks Lady Lee!

    All four parts now up and edited at:


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Frannie... a Frog Strangler of a storm???????? ROFLMAO!!!!! You better send me some depends woman.. I am running out!!!! LOL

    Inq...(smiles slyly)....I hafta admit...I plagiarized that from my "Colloquialisms" thread...somebody else posted it there and I loved it...heheheh I'm pickin up all kinds of good "quotes" to use...(wriggles eyebrows)

    That reminds me....just thought of the time I had a chance to use a colloquialism in a conversation with my Lieutenant when I worked for the P.D....heheheh...I'll hafta post that one on the other thread.

    Frannie B

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