My two week consulting trip to Bethel (the beginning of the end) part 2

by seven006 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    What I can't understand (and didn't think was even allowed) is how someone can start something like this without it being finished already.

    I think Dave has it finished already and is just jocking us around... making us wait like this. I knew there was something about that guy that I didn't like...

  • drwtsn32

    seven006: I love this stuff!! Can't wait for installment number 4!

  • Mindchild

    Dave, I just gotta tell you need to submit this personal story for the AWAKE. They would have to print an extra ten million copies of that issue to keep up with the demand. Damn good reading material dude.


  • detective

    Reading... reading...


    C'mon now, what's next?

  • metatron

    Bethel is the sort of experience that's hard to articulate. You just had to be there.

    Dude, you bring back memories.


  • Gamaliel


    All I could think of was, how could this happen at Bethel and how could this of happened right in the room of a Governing body member...I sat down for a while and just couldn't think straight.

    Uh-oh, I hope Leo didn't rub off on you.


  • jschwehm

    Boy, your story is bringing back all kinds of memories for me. I served at Bethel in the late 1980's. I would have to say that my Bethel experience was the last straw for me too.

    Jeff S.

  • SadElder

    Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy, does this thread bring back the memories of days gone by. And also bye, bye for that matter. BTW the name of the English woman - Marina Sydlick (AKA Ice Woman). The photo dept. overseer - Jim Spencer, later demoted for using the Bethel equipment to make money (discussed elsewhere on this board). Don't know who you slammed with the door, sounds like fun.

    Leave poor Freddy and his sartorial skills alone. I always found it quite amusing to see what he would wear next. I remember him giving someone's (Bethelite) funeral discourse wearing a Hawaiian style shirt with a paisley tie and no jacket. Probably the same shoes you saw. It was a hoot.

    more, more, more

  • Angharad

    Can't wait for part 4 Dave!

  • seven006

    <<<You talked about Franz talking to his shoes. My wife understood that to mean that as he talked to people, he always looked down at his shoes. I understood it to mean that he was a bit wacko and just talking to himself. Which was it?>>>


    Well I'm no expert but, the guy seemed a bit senile to me. I guess that would lean more toward the wacko side.

    <<<Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy, does this thread bring back the memories of days gone by. And also bye, bye for that matter. BTW the name of the English woman - Marina Sydlick (AKA Ice Woman). The photo dept. overseer - Jim Spencer, later demoted for using the Bethel equipment to make money (discussed elsewhere on this board). Don't know who you slammed with the door, sounds like fun.>>>


    Those names sound very familiar. Alan F. called me last night and gave the name of the lady. As I remember, she was a very good looking woman. The name of the photography guy also sounds familiar. I knew it was a short name like Jim, or John or shit head.

    As far as the GB member's nose I accidentally flattened, I don't remember. He was old and had gray hair, that's about the best I can do. I do remember the kid from the art department I was with got all freaked and kept telling me I hit a GB member with a door. I told him to calm down, I said I was sorry, what else could I do? I saw that several people at Bethel looked a GB members like they were gods. I personally looked at them as a good door stop.


    You're a twisted and sick puppy, No, I didn't get it up the butt by Leo. I never saw the man. I only saw his new room mate who told me about his old room mate who use to give it to guys up their butts. Quit being such a valis.


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