My two week consulting trip to Bethel (the beginning of the end) part 2

by seven006 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    Seven, I can lend you mine. I hardly ever start a thread and this is too good to wait for. hehe

  • wednesday

    I am really enjoying reading this. I have never been to bethel, but see i have missd nothing. Looking forward to reading part 3. why don't u just put part 3 in here with 2 ? No laws against it.

  • shamus

    What an awesome account!

    Thank you so much! I will be looking for part 3 tomorrow!!!

  • cruzanheart

    Too cool! I want more!!!


  • seven006


    good idea, I'll see if it will fit.

    My two week consulting trip to Bethel (the beginning of the end) Part 3

    The next morning My escort picked me up and we walked with Freddie Brown Shoes to the administration building. I could have sworn his shoes talked back once. At that point I wouldn't have been surprise about anything. I went up to the art department and was told the elder in charge of it (the nice old guy) was going to take me down to the photography department. Before we headed out he wanted to talk to me. He told me that the young elder who ran the department was a little bit set in his ways and that I should just do what I came for and not let him upset me.

    I thought that was a really nice way of saying he's was an asshole. I walked into a large photo studio and was introduced to this young, short, greasy haired fine brother who gave me a look like I came to steal his candy. As we walked toward the back of the studio I notice a photographers cyclorama. What that is, is a thing that photographers use to shoot photos of people. It is a (usually) wooden structure that starts at the floor and slowly curves up to the ceiling up against a wall in a half circle shape and then straightens up as it hits the ceiling. There are no seems in it at all and their are somewhat hard to make because of having to curve the plywood. Its like building half a ship up against a wall. I have seen hundreds of cykes and have been in hundreds of professional photo shoots. This was the first time I had ever seen one with a shiny white surface.

    As we walked over to it the elder from hell gave me a big smile and said. "this is my new cyclorama. what do you think about it. I looked back at him and said "it's shiny." A big smile came to his face and said, yes, isn't it great? I asked him how he keeps all the hot spots out of the background. He looked at me like I was speaking Yiddish. I told him I had seen hundreds of cykes but never had seen one built with a shiny white surface. He said "really." I just shook my head and asked about the project we were supposed to be working on. He brought the cyke up again and I told him every cyke I had ever seen was painted with a very flat color and sometimes sanded so that the light from the light boxes or umbrellas wouldn't reflect off of it. Again. I was speaking Yiddish.

    He told me that we wouldn't need to worry about it because we were shooting a table top shot. It was to be of a mannequin neck with an expensive necklace on it and someone hand coming into the shot that looked like they were stealing it. He told me the props were on their way.

    We waited a few minutes and he began to roll a sheet of seamless (long flat colored paper used as a back drop) onto a makeshift table. We had the mannequin neck and within a few minutes a very classy lady in her early thirties showed up. She walked up to the elder from hell and in a very strict voice said "nothing better happen to this"! She had a very bitchy English accent and a look in her eyes that could freeze lava. She handed over a medium sized jewelry box and he set it on the table. She asked how long until she could get it back and he said an hour or so. That instantly told me this moron didn't have a clue about what he was doing. A few minutes later one of the guys from the illustration department showed up and told me he was there to learn something. All I did was smile.

    As the little elder started to set his lights up I asked him if he was going to look at what was in the box before he started to set his lights up. He said he didn't need to so I walked over and opened the box. There was a necklace loaded with diamonds and emeralds. The largest rock had to of been at least eight carrets. I knew by the look feel and weight of it, it wasn't from Kmart. The young brother from the art department came over ad took a look at it himself. He just shook his head and then faded back into the background. As the little elder played with his lights I slipped back into the background and asked the guy from the art department who that sister was and how did she get a hold of the crown jewels. He told me that she was married to one of the governing body members who was more than twice her age and she came from a family with money.

    I don't remember who that governing body member was but in a phone conversation with Barbara Anderson a year ago I asked her about it and she knew who it was and chuckled. I still don't remember his name, I suck with names of people I don't care about remembering. I started to tell the little elder about the hot spots he was going to get of the jewel cuts because he was using an umbrella instead of a hot box. He didn't seem to care so neither did I. He shot a few Polaroid's and I took a look at them. Sure enough, it looked like shit. I wasn't about to help this guy out. He was a pompous twit and having to spend an hour standing next to him I already hated his mother.

    He did the shot and as he said, it took him less than an hour. It looked like a piece of sparkly blown out shit, but he did do it in less than an hour. The kid from the art department looked at it and I could tell he was about to blow a vein in his head from trying not to laugh. I finally told the little elder to try bracketing a few shots no matter what he thought his light meter said. I told him that if he was a little off on his main shot then possibly a few darker ones might work. I think I saw him adjusting his aperture while I was leaving. As much as I wanted to give this idiot a piece of my mind, I thought leaving him alone with himself was about the meanest thing I could do. Iv heard from a few ex Betelites that shortly after that the little elder got demoted and was given some manual labor job. I feel bad for the broom.

    I headed back up to the art department and the secretary had a note from my escort. He had found out where the brother from my old hall was and left me a note. It was Tuesday night and I had to go with the kid from the art department to the book study. I told him I would meet up with him later and we would go to the hall at Bethel. I wanted to hunt down the guy from my old hall first. I got the instruction on how to find his room and headed to it right after dinner time (which again, I sat alone in my room admiring my sink faucet. I then headed to go see the brother from my old hall. When I found the right building I went up to the right floor and knocked at the door. The kid I new back in my old hall answered the door with a shocked look on his face that very nervously turned into a half smile. He asked what I was doing there and I told him. Then he invited me into the apartment. I had been in several rooms of the people in the art department and the guy from the purchasing department and most of them were the size of a walk in closet that had a bed that came out of the wall.

    This was a full blown two bedroom apartment with a small living room. I knew he had only been there a few mounts and I had heard the story about how someone has to die off or get kicked out to get a larger room but this was a damn Palace compared to every one else's dump. I looked around and asked him how he got such a nice place after only being there for a few mounts. He told me that he was Leo Greenlees (a governing body members new room mate). I looked at him again and asked how di that happen? he backed up a few paces and in a low soft voice said the what I had heard several times before "You can't tell anyone I told you this but." I had heard that intro to a statement several time before on this trip, but this one I was dying to hear.

    He told me that Leo's last room mate had to leave Bethel so Leo asked him to be his new room mate. I asked him why Leo's last room mate had to leave Bethel. He told me that he wasn't supposed to tell any one. I looked him straight in the eye (I have this mean kind of "I'll rip your throat out kind of look when I want to, I don't know where I got it, I think I had it as a baby) I told him that if one more person told me in a quiet voice not to tell anyone something they were about to tell me I was going to blow up. He sat down and repeated his request for me to keep what he was about to tell me, to myself. He said the average brother might not understand. I said, Just tell me!

    He said that Leo's last room mate had been kicked out of Bethel because he would get new young brothers drunk and then bring them up to his room and have sex with them in their butt. Yes, he actually said have sex with them in their butt. I didn't know whether to laugh my ass off or drop to the floor in a state of shock. I then asked him if his old room mate was gay. He looked at me a little funny and asked me what did I think. I didn't know Leo Greenlees from Mr. Green Jeans so I didn't know what to think at that point.

    All I could think of was, how could this happen at Bethel and how could this of happened right in the room of a Governing body member. (for those Watchtower spies who read Simon's board and don't know about Leo, go ask someone who has been there for a while and ask them why Leo was the only GB member who was shipped off to New Orleans to be a special pioneer until he died insted of living out his life at Bethel like the rest of the GB members) (for those Watchtower spies who read Simon's board and know about Leo, don't go trying to hack my computer again, I'm not answering any unknown e-mails with little surprise in them so go blow it out your own butt).

    I sat down for a while and just couldn't think straight. Then I thought about this young brother from my old kingdom hall and how he was so quiet, shy and so impressionable and what the hell was he doing here. I looked back at him and he was definitely shaking. I felt bad for him and I felt bad that he let out such a big secret. I told him not to worry about it. That I wasn't planning on telling anyone back in my hall about the things I had seen so far on my trip to Bethel. I was starting to realize that what I saw and what I heard would be instant grounds for disfellowshipping for apostasy. I told him I had to go and I left in a daze.

    I later hooked up with the kid from the art department and we went into a big room in one of the buildings that served as a kingdom hall. It had big heavy wooden doors on it and As I opened one I accidentally hit someone on the other side with it. It was an older brother and his wife was behind him. I didn't open it very fast so there was no real damage. I said I was sorry, asked him if he was all right and he said yes. As soon as he walked away, the kid from the art department asked me if I knew who I just hit with the door? I said no I didn't. He said was brother So and So...(again I forgot his name) but he was one of the governing body. All I could think of was this just wasn't my day, and for the first time in all my years of being a JW I was actually getting to know the names of some of the governing body members. Brother Leo In the butt, Freddie Brown Shoes and Flat Nose So and So.

    After the book study the kid from the art department asked me if I wanted to go up to his room and have a drink with him and his room mate. As we were walking down the street I asked him if that was permitted to drink in your room. He said after a little time at Bethel, it was an absolute necessity. He then smiled an asked me to look up the street and see how many guys were walking into their buildings with brown paper bags under their arms. I looked around and it seemed odd but it looked like they all had paper bags under their arms. He told me, that's all beer they are taking in. I asked if they were sneaking it in. He said no, it was OK to do that but you just had to carry it outside in a paper bag so no one knows what it is. As stupid as I thought that was, I agreed to it and we went to his room. On the way up we ran into a few other people from the art department. They were headed over to this one sisters apartment to have some mixed drinks and asked me if I wanted to go. I smiled with a genuine smile for the first time in days and said yes.

    The sister and her husband made daiquiris for about six of us. I'm not a dainty drink kind of guy but after this day of meeting the cradle robbed English bitch who could freeze lava with her eyes, the little Napoleon elder from hell in the photo department, Learning that Leo Greenlees ex-roommate use to get guys drunk and have sex with them in their butts and almost personally knocking off a governing body member with a Kung Fu door, I needed a drink.

    End of part 3

    Part 4. the secret locked library

  • shamus

    Oooh! I am dyi8ng for the next installment!

    Tomorrow, when?????

    Excellent reading!

    Please put it on another thread, so that I can check it out.......

    Thanks, Shamus

  • seven006


    Chill out and have a foo foo drink. I am dyslexic as hell and it takes me hours to write this all down and another few hours to find all my screw ups, backward words and misspellings. Part four will be later tomorrow.

    I need a damn secretary.

    Take care,


  • DannyBear

    Can someone please direct me to part one (1).

    There is so many damn parts on this one damn thread, Iam confused!

    Dave, Dave, Dave,

    You been saving this story for the appropriate time, I get it.

    No wonder you ended up the demented sick apostate bastard that Gumby is always talking about. Covorting around in Leo Greensleves room....well howdyyyyyyyyyy.

    Iam queing up with the rest of the flock for part 24 or is it......anyway whatever comes next.


  • Xena

    Hey Dave I will GIVE you one of my threads.......just email me the can trust me with it...

  • seven006


    Have your wife come to the computer and ask her to find a thread that has the same title as this one but with the words Part 1 instead of Part 2?

    You blind bastard!

    Give the little woman a hug for me.


    Part 3 is on this thread. Partf4 is still floating between my brain and my dislexic fingers. Just hold on to your pull-me-ups


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