Letter From Bill Bowen

by Lin 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • Trauma_Hound

    *snore* zzzzzzZZZZzzz

  • Seven

    Dear Rev,

    they don't need me
    I know they don't but the survivors do. Please don't bail on this project until it's a bit more established. I realize some things may make you twist inside but you've brought this thing this far-see it through if you possibly can. The site needs some continuity. I think you've proven to the survivors that you're in it for us. You're easy to talk to and that means a great deal. Your absence would be such a loss on so many levels. Please give it some thought. I can't see anyone filling your shoes.



    btw, I see Lin a few posts back. She's one of my fave posters there too.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    I haven't been following this whole thing very closely, so take what I'm about to say for what it's worth. But after reading your post, and Bill's email, it might be better if you just walked away from the situation and chalk the whole thing up to experience. It sounds as if you and Bill got crossways. When that's happened with me, the more I try to explain to or communicate with the other person, or attempt to "make things right" the worse the situation becomes. It's clear that this is a sensitive subject for both you and Bill so a misstep here or the wrong word there makes a bigger impact now than it otherwise would have.

    Sometimes it's better to just walk away and let it go. Just my opinion.

    Edited to correct spelling.

    Edited by - Big Tex on 18 December 2002 22:38:52

  • WildHorses
  • Monster

    Hi Rev.

    Looks like I owe you an apology too. I called you a "con man" I didn't have all my facts together either, I take people for their words until proven other wise. I don't know Mr Bowen. I have read that he has helped many childern who have been hurt for that I applaud him. But in the future I will be more careful of who I call a con man. Hope the apology is accepted by you.

    Peace James.

  • LoneWolf

    RevMalk --- Only you know your strengths and weaknesses well enough to make that decision.

    If it was Bill only that would be impacted by your decision, I'd say drop him. I detest people who will say one thing to your face and then change it behind your back. I also have a deep contempt for those who demand to be forgiven for anything and everything but aren't willing to give others the benefit of the doubt.

    This does not mean that I hate Bill and/or wouldn't help him should I have some talent that would be useful. However, I certainly will not "tickle his ears" and pretend that all is fine when he gets out of line. Right now his role has grown bigger, and he's involved with things that are far bigger than anything he has handled before. He needs to grow with them, and that growth is never a comfortable thing to experience.

    What he desperately needs now (and will vigorously deny it!) is to have some hard-nosed people around him that are ready and willing to boot his butt clear up between his ears whenever he needs it, and can laugh him under the table when he gets mad. He would benefit --- but in the long run, those benefitting the most would be the Lambs themselves.

    Also, for the Lambs sake, I would like to see you stick around. I feel that you could prove valuable, even more than you already have.

    Sorry I haven't answered your last post to me. Your questions are excellent and deserve an answer, and I think you would like that answer. However, my schedule is hectic and not condusive to haste.

    Should either you or Bill desire, my email is open and my telephone is (541) 946-1231. I like to be encouraging where I can, and can usually figure out ways to accomplish things that look impossible to many. My words may be blunt at times (as you know) but they are never malicious.

    Take care now and don't be discouraged.


  • RevMalk

    I think some are getting the wrong idea here. I wasn't asking if I should leave silentlambs, that decision was made for me. I was fired as Webmaster. Also, as far as what he expects of me now, is uploading the site to his new server, when HE decided he was leaving the FREE service I already give him. This is alot of extra work for no reason. I told Bill he had a free home with us for as long as he needs it, but he decided to leave due to the fact that I refused to allow him to kill the forums at LambsRoar. So, in spite of the fact that he's dragged my good name through the mud to literally thousands of people throughout the internet and God knows how else, I have agreed to upload the site for him, even after being fired! He's told numerous lies about me, he's defamed my name, and that of my business, my livelihood, the source of food for my children, on several occasions. He asks what he can do to make it up to me?

    That's easy, STOP!

    Now, as far as the site goes. He will keep my copyright notice for the design only, and I hereby grant him a lifetime license for use of that design on silentlambs.org only, and for the designs made in virtually all present sections of the website. The site he received I would have charged around 10,000 for to the average customer, and if you add in my hourly rate.....well The state of Kentucky doesn't have that amount. Keep in mind I did not do this for Mr. Bowen, I did this for the survivors. I also want to clear one other thing up. I did not tell Bill to forget the copyrights, I told Bill that he didn't have to sign anything, and I will take his word. It's my signature, and well worth the amount he received for nothing. But above and beyond that, it's a reference. I can add silentlambs.org to my list, send customers there to see a sample of work I've done, etc. It's just common courtesy on his part. If he doesn't do it then he doesn't do it, but that's what I'm requiring of him, so this will show how good his word really is. All this may seem redundant and petty, but this is my livelihood, and many can tell you, I've set that livelihood aside for the last several months to help this cause. I continue to host and maintain LambsRoar.com (and currently silentlambs.org), I continue to help Bill with silentlambs.org, until it's uploaded to his new server (still waiting for FTP information). I've put myself in financial ruins here over this, as many can attest to, but that's ok because somehow I'll get through it. I'm just trying to get to that point now, and Bill can now help me in that regard rather than hurt me, or my business. I'm going to respond to the original email sent to thousands of people (near as I can figure). Bill did give an apology, but there's still some harsh accusations tied in with that, that have not been addressed. I noticed his original email is quite lengthy, but the apology letter pales in comparison. And, since everyone has decided it should stay posted (and I somewhat agree), I think that I need to defend myself. I'm not a very public person, as far as my personal life goes, and here it's been spread all over in public. So it's out here for the world to see, and that's where I'll address it, as a matter of public record.

    I also want to note that I have painstakingly attempted to keep my name private, for quite a few serious reasons, and he's gone and made it public. But, I would appreciate it if everyone who has posted this, would remove my name and replace it with "Rev". Thanks!

  • Angharad


    I've been through and replaced your name in this thread, as the time limit for posters editing will have passed.

  • DannyBear

    Rev Malk,

    ***So, in spite of the fact that he's dragged my good name through the mud to literally thousands of people throughout the internet and God knows how else, I have agreed to upload the site for him, even after being fired! He's told numerous lies about me, he's defamed my name, and that of my business, my livelihood, the source of food for my children, on several occasions. He asks what he can do to make it up to me? ***

    Think about it, if BB is willing to do that to you, an avid supporter of his cause, how easy is it to assume he/Silentlambs can and will do the very same to those accused of abuse.

    What should have been the 'telling event' to everyone is his decision to stand at the front door of WTBS and loud speaker an accusation against TJ. This single event proved that the sole intent, the agenda of BB is vindictive. Say anything, imply henious crimes, all in the name of defending the abused.

    Unfortunately the name Silentlambs has now become synonymous with 'crash and burn' tactics. No one is safe, from this style of activisim.

    The lesson's provided in watching these events develope, should make any reasonable person, take pause about giving unreserved support to any 'cause'.


  • hawkaw

    No offence Rev ....

    ... but I would strongly recommend to Bill exactly what he has done in this situation. The partnership did not work out for whatever reason and things need to be the way they were before with regard to Bill's internet site.

    And quite frankly ... I want to make it very very clear that during my entire conversations with Bill, he was very sadden at what happened here and showed a lot of emotion with me. He knows what you have been through and he talked very highly of you. He DID NOT USE YOUR NAME IN A NEGATIVE LIGHT IN ANYWAY and I take offence when you are telling the world that during conversations such as mine with Bill - he did. But he has come to a conclusion that the partnership needed to end and based on everything I have seen from you and him, I agree and support the ending of the partnership.

    You guys entered into a partnership whereby you offered your free service to Bill. You came in willingly with the full understanding that either party could back out at any time. This partnership was tested and unfortunately did not work out. I also understand others were helping out too. Having reviewed the entire situation myself, may it be you or others, I agree with the steps taken and who needs to control the silentlambs site.

    You have been abused by this WTS organization in many ways just like most of you on this board have. Bill, who has also been abused, is, just like you, trying to do something about it. Unfortunately your paths, resources and times are different. It shows and the partnership needs to end - peacefully.

    One thing I noticed is that you have indicated that you put yourself in financial ruin over this is??? Did you tell Bill you were running out of money? Did Bill know that? I sure didn't? If I knew you were in financial ruin I would have been telling Bill to go another route a long long long long time ago for sure! And of course I guess you weren't going to be running this site much longer anyway if you were in financial ruin

    ...God Rev ... you need help man. Priorities have to be and always need to be family, work then hobbies/causes. Do you think I work on this day and night? Nope. No way. I give this maybe a couple hours a day (except when Vicki's case was going on and then I bumped it up to 4 hours a day). I spend maybe 500 to 1,000 every couple of months on telephone calls etc. but no more than what I have alotted. Bill, Lee, the reporters/producers and others that I work with know my time lines on this and no one has complained.

    I think that is what has happened here - I think you over committed big time and it is showing in your writing.

    Now if you want to go on about the numerous lies and defaming your name etc. .... fine .... its your right and please don't let me stop you if it helps your heeling process. But I want to make it clear (as I am now likely a minority on this board now seeing what Simon has done) I understand what Bill did in this situation and if it was me I would ave taken the exact same steps.


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