Letter From Bill Bowen

by Lin 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Personally, I think it is best to keep it up with the follow up emails / posts as an explanation.

    Trust me, if you don't then someone will bring it up in the future but will put a different spin on things and you will find yourself havnig to try and explain that "this was not quite what happened".

    I'll edit the first post to make it clear that the message was originally sent out on the SL list.

  • Mulan

    Charlie..........you like Gore??? Now I know I like you.

    Marilyn..........of the "Charlie is a nice guy" club. (even though he does have kind of a scruffy mouth, at times)

  • RevMalk


    oh boy!


    Simon, you have email, just need a bit of advice if you don't mind. Thanks!

  • waiting

    Thankfully, I read my emails first - and thanks Rev. Malk for the explanation & accompanying copies of Bill's emails.

    As usual, I read page 1 of this thread, then page 4 - and noticed I had missed a lot in-between.

    Glad all has settled down & communication between Rev & Bill & whoever else is involved is straight again. Rather like husbands & wives, eh? When communication breaks down by design or accident, all hell usually follows. May the hackers burn in hell - if there is one.

    Peace to y'all & Merry Christmas!


    Edited to change name

    Edited by - angharad on 19 December 2002 9:30:17

  • RevMalk

    I need to ask you guys some advice. I think I have been pretty damn patient throughout this entire mess. Even to the extent of working with Bill to get the site moved today, all day, and once again setting my regular duties aside (regarding my business). When all of a sudden, during this process, Bill emails me the login info for the new server. What Bill didn't realize is that he forgot he had been emailing back and forth with the new webmaster. What he said to the new webmaster is what bothers me. Now, granted this guy doesn't know me aside from a few emails, BUT the fact still remains that he's degrading my name and that of my business. It's been plain here that I was not at fault for these things, yet I'm still being abused. My first inclination is to bail on this project right here and now. They have access to the website, so they can move it, they don't need me, what exactly am I suppose to do, and how much of this am I suppose to accept graciously? Here is the portion of the email that upsets me:

    Hey dave I thought I would send this to you also. I sent a newsletter out to my email list and told them what was going on, it appears Matt has seen the light after some people got after him. He now wants to work with us in everyway. This should save us a lot of work. He said forget the copyright and we can have anything we want. I guess that is good news, now if we can just finish this.


    Am I just being silly, or is enough enough? This is just uncalled for, and not even close to professionalism. I asked Bill about this, and this was his response:

    Cant get away with anything can I?

    Sorry if it offends it just a way to explain to this person who knows nothing about all of this.

    If it bothers you I will make it right however you wish.



    Is this excuse good enough? Am I crazy? Am I being stupid? Overreacting? When I calm down, will I see this as nothing? Tell me because I really need some advice.

    I'm sorry if I am being petty, but like I said, I think I've been quite understanding considering the fact that my name has been defamed to literally thousands of people in the last 24 hours.

  • IslandWoman


    I think I've been quite understanding considering the fact that my name has been defamed to literally thousands of people in the last 24 hours.

    You have been very understanding and have sought peace, I hope you and Bill find it.


  • Lin

    Thank you Simon for editing the post. I decided to do that while out to lunch today, and came back to find it had been done. Thank you.

  • Trauma_Hound

    Rev, I think you maybe overreacting, because he didn't say your a scumbag blah blah etc.

    E-Man, you just can't handle brutal honesty.

  • RevMalk

    Could be Trauma.....I'll have to give it some thought. It just seems like the icing on the cake if you know what I mean. Everyone has a breaking point, and it's usually a very fine line, and something that may seem trivial that does it.

  • kelsey007

    I personally do not think it so trivial when a person continually throws accusations out to the public that have no validity. Then when others- even the accused- question the accusation or defends the accused they are accused of overreacting.

    BB is not god or our elder of the week. Just like when he threw comments out about Ray Franz his "apology" was not for thowing the crap out but was for a "misunderstanding". BB was the only one in each case that "misunderstood" anything and was totally abusive in his speech and wrong in making his "suspicions" public prior to doing any investigation to find if his suspicions were warrented. Such statements are reckless to say the least and hurtfull to the innocent.

    Keep in mind that this is a pattern of behaviour- not some isolated incident. Who will be the next BB victim? Rev you admitted yourself that you had defended Bill against similar actions on his part.

    Kelsey of the not silent or of the lamb class-

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