Anyone from Minnesota?

by scootergirl 111 Replies latest jw experiences

  • scootergirl

    Hey Jack! I am not really familar with anyone from the Cities......but hey, a Minnesotan is a Minnesotan! Welcome!

    Ding dang, out membership for the next apostafest is growing!

  • joannadandy

    Hello Jack!!

    Don't really know anyone from Columbia Heights, I don't think...

    So when is the next Minnesota Apostofest anyway?

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    FUNNY STORY>>> I know the Deremers of Anoka. Dean and all his kids with all their names starting with the letter "D". There is a funny story about this family. When Dean Deremer was in the North Congregation the Society had some directive that the congregations could not be named after a direction like south, east etc. So the North Congregation had to choose another name. Their congregation was on the corner (at that time) of 26th (or something) and Fremont Ave. Dean an elder there was absolutely insistant that the congregation be named for the street at the other end of the block, Dowling. He argued and argued and finally all the brothers gave in even though it didn't make any sense. So Dean got to name something besides his children with his beloved letter"D". A while later after sometime members of the Dowling Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses found out that Dowling Avenue was named after Father Dowling. So the Dowling Congregation of Minnesota is named after a Roman Catholic Bishop thanks to Dean. Dean the little I remember of him isor was a rather nice fellow.

  • scootergirl
    ...Society had some directive that the congregations could not be named after a direction like south, east etc

    I had no idea of that! For many years our congregation was seperated into the North and the South. And what was their line of thinking on this rule? LOL

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    It is a distant memory for me and I could only guess why congregations cannot be named after a direction. Perhaps a problem with postage delivery. I remember a postage problem with the abreviation Mpls and the Society saying it should be spelled out to Minneapolis because they had the problem of mail going to Maples, Minnesota. This was said at an Assembly about 35 years ago. I remember everyone laughing at that. I was just a kid. I believe this was before zip codes became common. The Society has many many rules and regulations. I imagine if they were all put together in one book it would look like the size of the Minneapolis phone book in NWT size fine print.

  • garybuss

    Out here in South Dakota in the 50's our congregations were called Companies and the divisions were called Units, and right here in Sioux Falls, we had the East Unit and the West Unit, back near the end of the world.

    Certainly these were military terms cause we were at war ya know! Us against THEM, back near the end of the world.

    Now the Witnesses don't try so hard to look different anymore and the Companies are called congregations like other religions, and the names sound like shopping center names, and there are parsonages built right on to the Kingdom Halls. The parking lots are all paved with concrete now, not gravel anymore, and there are Lincolns and Cadillacs there. The magazines have color covers now and there is no back call night or service before the book study like we had, back near the end of the world.


  • eyegirl

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More Minnesota apostapeeps!!!!!

  • Swiffy

    Hey everyone, thanks for the hellos!!! So nice to hear some familiar things being posted. How is everyone?? So when do y'all get together, would love to meet some of you and make some new friends with similiar backrounds!!! Or would like to talk to some of you by email, so go ahead and send one!!! Take care everyone and look forward to your next post!!! Jack

  • YoursChelbie


    Edited by - YoursChelbie on 8 September 2002 4:21:21

  • Gopher


    Do you know me? I was in Dowling from 1980 to 1984. Please e-mail me ([email protected]) if you know me.

    Yes "Dowling" was an odd name, and when I went there we knew about the "Father Dowling" story. The territory centered on the Camden business area and so I always thought it should have been called Camden or Camden Park. It was a fairly close-knit hall, my memories there are mainly good.

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