Anyone from Minnesota?

by scootergirl 111 Replies latest jw experiences

  • YoursChelbie

    Minnesota is wonderful, the gorgeous pine trees freshen the air, the geese stop traffic literally. What a great place to live and raise kids!

    My boyfriend and I have alot to see and do.


  • scootergirl

    Yes, chelbie, isn't MN great! I am partial to our state......I just love it.

    Now just to get your butt up to the North here! You gotta see it when the leaves peak! OMG......breath taking!

  • Swiffy

    Hello all, it's been a while since I was on here. I have been out of town for about 2 full weeks!!! UGH!!! Things have been great here in Minneapolis!! I am very interested in meeting some of you in this area, Please post any meetings planned. How is everyone else doing? Tell me all of it!!! Jack

  • scootergirl

    Hey Jack! Nice to see ya!

    There isn't any planned Apostafest anytime soon, but I am kinda thinking of maybe having a get together near the Duluth area. Anyone interested?

  • WildHorses

    Scooter, don't forget the gathering we're going to have next spring, when I get there. Swift, count on going to the Cities at the end of may, begining of June.

  • scootergirl

    That is right Lilacs! Make sure you let someone know ahead of time so we can plan something special!

  • musky

    I was thinking about driving through Minnesota, But I am afraid I will get run over by Randy moss

  • scootergirl

    LOL Musky...........I wouldn't worry about Randy is eyegirl you got to be careful of!

  • eyegirl

    hahahahahahaha!!!! i'm not an unsafe driver. you have to be more worried about where you park your car

  • scootergirl

    Just giving you crap, eye.....YOU are a very safe driver. But you are to be careful where you park-if it isn't people busting in your car for your stereo, it is bears licking their lips watching you leave the "woods"! LOL

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