abortion vs holocaust

by unstopableravens 692 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    > the best way is education

    indeed, unstopableravens. hopefully one day you'll start educating yourself.

  • unstopableravens

    j h: stop and think for a minute, over 5o million babys are murdered in the womb, this whole thread most pro choicers want to talk about the 1% or less leaving 99% and how many of the 99% are after week 8? alot and i need education? i asked you to take an honest look at week 8-24 week abortions which are legal. and exlpain to me how its different from a picture of holocaust victims. you have not done that. you guys are always putting pressure on me to defend my postions, but when you are challanged you weasel out of it.jh be honest man you cant look at those pics and and not see that its a murdered baby.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    first of all it's a killed embryo, not a murdered baby. second, and again, comparing this to the holocaust is disgusting and shows how uneducated you are, plus you seem to celebrate your ignorance (which isn't a surprise, since you're also proudly ignorant when it comes to other topics).

    you are the one being dishonest here. you want to ban abortions completely, even if we're talking just a few cells. about 50% of all conceptions are aborted naturally without anyone even noticing. many abortions are just a matter of killing a few cells by taking a pill. most abortions take place in early stages, before the 9th week. most european countries don't allow for abortions after the 12th or 14th week.

    you aren't arguing about at what stage abortion would become unethical, you want to completely outlaw it, even at the cost of a mothers life.

  • unstopableravens

    jh: you feel that my comparison is "disgusting" okay thats your view,and the view of some others here, i view the death of babys/fetus in the womb as disgusting. i feel if a women gets pregnant and say well i just dont want to be a parent now, the timing is off,and i want to go to collage first so ill have an abortion. thats disgusting to me. to me its sad that keeping that kid even has to be a "choice". jh ill ask you the same question i asked caedes, if a husband and wife have relations, she gets pregnant and she happy and wants to keep the child,and he does not, so he punches her in the stomach to end the pregancy and it works. should he be charged with murder?

  • abiather

    J. Hofer

    You find it easier to hang on to technicality. That is not the subject here! At what stage the embryo is a person also does not matter. Sperm from man and egg from woman go to form the embryo, after that they do not know what is happening; yet they call it abortion—as if they are the actual doers so as to abort the process in-between. How a seed is formed in man and woman—this too they do not know. Semen and eggs are meant for creation. If an embryo is formed, no one has the right to terminate it. Those who say this are simply RESPONSIBLE-MINDED, not ignorant as you conveniently term them.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    abiather, every sperm is sacred. every sperm is great. if a sperm is wasted, god gets quite irate.

    unstop, no of course he should and will not be charged with murder. he should and will be charged with battery or serious bodily harm though. i'm not sure what that has to do with your complete rejection of any form of abortion. again, you are not only against the relatively seldom late abortion, you are also against the morning after pill and against early abortions even in life threatening situations.

  • Caedes


    I would say that the father should be charged with the same as whatever charge would be levelled against a doctor aborting a baby without the mother's express consent. I would not have a clue if the charge would be murder or not, it would depend on the laws in the country in which you live.

    Torn apart

    So when does it become one? I had a scan at 11 weeks pregnant. The baby was fully formed, arms and legs waving around as he danced in the womb. He was 2". The characteristics he displayed at the time on the scan carried on throughout the pregnancy and after birth. To me at 11 weeks gestation, he was a real little person.

    Good for you, I hope you and your child are happy. (Please note, I am not being my usual sarcastic self here) I take it you understand that not everyone is in the lucky position to just be able to carry on with a pregnancy.

    I think the holocaust comparison is not wrong to make.

    Many babies particularly in India and China where males are favoured are aborted because they are the wrong sex.

    Can you point out where the pro-choice people here stated that is a good reason for an abortion?

    babies are aborted if they are found to be handicapped in some way (despite the fact that many disabled children go on to live meaningful lives).Look at the man Nick Vujicic for example!!

    Not everyone is in a position to be able to support a non-handicapped child never mind a handicapped one. My sister used to foster handicapped kids, I always assumed the reason their parents weren't able to carry on looking after them was because the stress and workload got too much, I never realised it was because they were nazis!

    Hitler wiped out people because they were disabled, mentally ill, wrong race etc... where's the difference?

    Nice, glad you had the balls to admit that you just want to compare ordinary people making an extraordinarily hard decision to nazis. Way to go judging people, I assume you are a theist?

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Abiathar you make a lot of nonsensical statements there, I'm assuming from them that you view any contraception as abortion as it also prevented a baby from being formed.

    Every sperm is sacred:


  • unstopableravens

    jh/caedes: this isnt about what the law is, its about what should it be. but it seems both of agree a father has no right to choice if the baby/fetus lives, and caedes you said a doctor aborting the baby without the mothers will. does that really seem logical? really think about it. how can killing a baby/fetus in the womb be right or wrong based on whos doing it? if the father does it ,its wrong he has no right ! but if the mother does the same thing, well it her choice! double standard to me

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    oh my, usr, is that really that hard to understand? do you think there's a difference between somebody getting a pentagram tattoo on his forehead and somebody being tattoed one against his will?

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