I need you tonight my friends,Please

by Valentine 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth

    Tina, I don't know you that well, but I know the pain of lossing someone close. I hope today finds you feeling better!

    Hugs, stealth

  • Gopher

    Larry Black,

    Why don't you just wait a little while before you start throwing your puny words at the other posters in here? Or are you one of those multiple personas who has really been here longer than you're letting on?

    Anyhow, Abaddon is an intelligent chap who brings well-thought-through ideas to this forum, rather than lame insults like you do. Get some heart and thinking involved before your next post, please.

    (Sorry didn't mean to take this thread away from the main subject....)

    J.R.Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Abaddon

    I love it when people tell me to get my hair cut, it means they have nothing better to say...

    Larry, the people here are not imaginary, well, most of them aren't imaginary... larry, or whatever your name is...

    Some are friends. Some people eventually get bored with other people being mean to their friends. Then stuff like this happens. But, unless you've been lurking, you actually don't know what the fuck you're talking about, do you?

    I am sorry you cannot understand this without having it explained to you.

    Love and big sloppy tongue kisses...

  • Mindchild

    Tina my heart goes out to ya kid and I hope you can take comfort from the fact that you have lots of friends who care deeply for you.

    ...now for all you people who have been naughty into the spanking room with you! I simply ask you this, if you are having a bad day and ask for some help from your online family...do you want to see the outbreak of a flame war? Sheesh, play nice.


  • TR

    Tina - we love ya- hang in there!


    where is her present husband and her son in all of this? Why isn't she seeking the arms of those closest to her?
    How in the the hell do you know that she hasn't already? You made some major assumptions. Couldn't you at least 'hug' Tina first before you dispense with the advise?


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • Kent

    Hi Tina;

    Well, life can be a drag sometimes - and it seems you are having a hard time just now. Anyway, you can call me any time - or we can chat online as well.

    My phone is: +47 35 59 49 00

    Take care, my friend. I'm thinking of you!

    Yachyd Da


    I need the new KM's as they come! Please send me scans!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • teenyuck


    {{{{{Tina}}}}} I just lost my father and understand, for the first time, the pain of losing someone close to me. I would be devestated if I lost my husband. I am so sorry.

    Hang in there,

    Tina, the Other One

  • LDH

    Kisses and Hugs, Tina!

    Your virtual nephew is doing fine, send me an email with your phone number or I'll send you mine.


    PS-guys, this isn't the pain of just 'loosing someone to the everday occurence of death.' This is the pain of watching a woman, pregnant no less, have her heart ripped out by vicious murderers.

    Yes, I would think even after 20 years that could conjur up moments of extreme emotion, counseling or not.

    I will be careful not to EVER ask for help on this board, because if I got some of these responses, you all would see the real reason Focus calls me a she-bear.

  • Valentine

    Thank you my dear dear friends!!
    I'm so grateful that you're here.
    And thanks for understanding that having a bad couple of hours,is not a major breakdown..:>
    You are the best!!!!! And I hope when any of you get a bad moment I can be there for you too.With mycu love and gratitude always,tina

    Ps..to those who showed the most appaling ignorance here among them larc. The things you write show me the paucity of your knowledge. Anyone who has been in therapy knows and are taught about creating a 'social scaffolding' a support base of friends. Reaching out to friends is considered quite healthy,as opposed to other dysfunctional ways of getting thru a bad time.It is considered a crucial 'ife skill'. This because in our humaness we will have a bad patch here and there. No one is immune from the vagaries of life. Your agenda w/ me is showing. You might want to re-think that.

    Todays Affirmation:
    The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.

  • riz


    I hope you have a better day today. It has been five years since my loss, and I still have some really bad days. There is no time limit on grief. When you lose someone who is so close it never goes away. It gets easier, but it is always there.

    When I first saw this thread this morning I thought 'Wow. Four pages of support. That is awesome.' Then I read with amazement some of the shit that was being said.

    Jesus, people. Can't we just be nice to someone hurting? Does every thread have to turn into a fight? WTF?


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