by still thinking 778 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Wizard of Oz, yes... at least 10 dimensions ! Did you know that we think we sent a particle to another dimension by accident ?

    In one of the colliders (the one in the USA i think) there was one result that had more power going into the collision than leaving the collision. The energy was lost somwhere in the collision. Some speculated that the energy transported to another dimension that we could not measure.

    I am trying my best to find the paper on the experiment but cant find it anywhere. (sorry)

    As for dimensions, they make sense (though they dont) as infinite infinities are known to exist. A simple experiment is to draw a circle, if a line from its centre to the inner edge of the circle represents one, then a fully shaded in circle = infinity. If we draw a bigger circle around the original circle and continue the lines drawn out in the smaller circle, gaps form between the lines. So one infinity is not the same as another infinity. This was the first realisation of multiple dimensions.

    Carl Sagan can explain it better than I can....

    Snare x

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    snare....LOL I hear your frustration...

    We cant prove unicorns dont exist, but does anyone here believe in them? Do you advocate them on this argument alone ? To be consistant you should! Also note you are calling me wrong for not upholding this principle, of course you are correct.... but really !!!

    I am not personally advocating any belief based on a bible god...that is why I didn't wan't to limit this thread to the bible...It is only one belief.

    Neither am I calling you wrong...what you say makes a lot of sense, and as I said, I am keen to look more closely at the information you provided. I already have practically no belief left in a god...I am NOT arguing his existence....just the possiblitly, as I am not 100% sure he doesn't exist.

    Besides, comparing unicorns to God is not quite right either...Populations around the world do not worship or believe in unicorns...most of the world seems to believe in a god...sure it could be just myths passed on from generation to gereration...and that is my feeling at the moment. BUT....I have not closed the door on the possibility...surely even a scientist wouldn't do that.

  • tec

    Snare, I read your entire post... it was interesting. I had not heard of the Miller e x periement, so thank you in bringing that to light.

    Here is the thing, for me.

    I have always accepted evolution. I have never had any reason not to accept it. I never got far enough along in my study with the jw's to even know that they were young earth people... I barely even knew such people e x isted. I have had little to no e x posure to religion (other than catholic high school, and a few Sunday school classes spread out over a few years as a child)

    I have never been faced with a choice - evolution or the bible/God. I never ever accepted the bible as an infallible word of god, either. Was never indoctrinated to believe such a thing, and so I had no reason to believe it, and my faith was never based upon that foundation. God was not in a book. He was always within and without - throughout - the very fabric of the life.

    So for me, evolution is awesome and incredible. The building blocks of life, everything learned from the Miller e x periment... equally awesome and interesting.

    Life comes from life. This is what I have come to understand, and this from my Lord.

    Dead things could come from nothing (or death - which is nothing), I suppose. Somethings without life. But LIFE does not come from nothing. And as you noted also, those building blocks that other theists would have 'us' believe are dead things... these are not dead things. They have energy, or force, upon them, and life comes further from them. But they have life because they also came from life.

    I also think it is a mistake to dismiss the spirituality that has been and still is a part of mankind from its very beginning... in every culture and in every time, even if those cultures have evolved separately. Spirituality is part of us, in some form or another. Just because people assign different meaning and/or sources to an actual thing that they feel... does not negate the spiritual itself. Superstition became part of spirituality according to the people and their evolution... as people sought to understand. But something had to have been there for mankind to have sought to understand "IT" to begin with.

    Now that spirituality has been abused by those who seek to control others through whatever means works... sometimes that is called religion; sometimes it is nationalism; or racism; or greed and fear and power. But that is on the heads of those who abuse something good.

    God has always been a part of me. He has never been a god of the gaps for me. This universe (and any other, including any other realms) came from Him. Life from life. A living universe from and within the One who is the source of life.



  • finallysomepride

    go on click on the chicken

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    LOL finallysomeprid.....nutter!

    Good post tec..

    Spirituality is part of us, in some form or another. Just because people assign different meaning and/or sources to an actual thing that they feel... does not negate the spiritual itself.

    What about people who don't or have never felt any type of spirituality? Is it only part of some of us? How could that be if life all originated from one source?

    Maybe that goes back to N.drew can created beings not know they were created? Good question N.drew....where is she anyway?

  • tec

    What about people who don't or have never felt any type of spirituality?

    I don't think I can answer that. I don't think there are very many people who are entirely void of spirituality. Even an atheist can be spiritual in some form (I am going by some of OTWO's posts on being atheist, but still spiritual in the sense of feeling... from music and such... or some sort of connection with the universe)... showing that they might simply assign different meaning/conte x t for the spirituality within them.

    For those who feel nothing of the sort, and I know there are some... I cannot say because I do not know. Perhaps there is a cause; perhaps such people are needed as well... there are always e x ceptions to rules.

    It is a good question that Nancy asked, I agree. A deep one.



  • snare&racket

    GOOD POINT still thinking.... seriously!

    One interesting thing about evolution is that everything evolves IF its a benefit within the enviroment. This efficient process for progress is not just limited to nature, it is being used in technology, psychology, logic etc.... Once you appreciate the concept of evolution you see it EVERYWHERE !

    Man I knew, I should have gone to bed....

    Ok, so Game theory by Mr Nash is interesting, it works in many areas of life, but made famous by economics. Nash theory states that "What is good for the group is good for the individual and likewise what is good for the individual is good for the group." You may remember this from the film 'A Beautiful Mind' as it is about Nash, the inventor of this theory.

    This therory is also very interesting and applicable to evolution, paticularly group behaviour and psychology. We see it in animals, if one animal in a pack steals all the food, it isnt good for the rest of the group and therefore isnt good for the individual.

    We see it in humans, morals, laws etc... when people say without the bible we would have no morals, they are ignorant to the survival of mankind PRIOR to the bible, not to mention the end of slavery, incest, genocide, stoning etc AFTER the very 'moral' bible. So what are these ancient morals based on? Not to kill, not to steal, not to harm.... Nash's Game theory ! What is good for the group is good for the individual !! We evolved to feel good when we do good and bad when we do bad. We know this is the case and can see when it goes wrong, please watch ....

    I am doing a very quick version of this so please read more in your own time :) Ok..... so why has the world in unison NOT invented and believed in unicorns (formed in mythical stories for enertainment) ...because its not that beneficial to the group or the individual..... what about your god invention? How come that is all over the place? Is it beneficial to the group and the individual....... did it inspire fear that rinforced natural laws of doing no harm, not killing, not stealing.... yes it did! Did it inspire by reward the doing of good and protecting the group and therefore the individual? Do good and you get paradise/heaven..... yes it did !!! Early gods were providers, providers of children, fertility gods. Providers of sunlight, water etc... These were all about need too. We asked for their provision in exchange for worship. Provision of justice in exchange for worship became more important, the bigger our social interactions got and the larger our society.

    We have a natural desire for justice, without it we would steal eachothers food and women as some non pack animals do. As a very social society we have natural laws, governed roughly on Nash theory. Some might say it was inevitable or essential to our growth that we invented all these gods.

    So does this explain the proliferation of religion over unicorns in the world ! I really think it does

    Snare x

    P.s. I feel like I have done a bum job on this question, but felt compelled to answer. I hope you see the point I am trying to make. It required more than one explination to get there. Also this is an area I hope to write about in the future as there are no experts in the field for the evolution of religion. Dawkins knows his biology and so naturally writes about that..... not many bishops wish to talk about the evolution of religion and why humans felt they needed it !

    There is so much you need to examine and the questions will come to you naturally. As a wild random example, I assumed at one point in my research that maybe god initiated evolution and that at the point that our ancestors became 'human' god got involved, here the Genesis account and forming of an Adam (first man) took place. But then I read about the lives of early man, it was horrendous. They were dying on average at age 25, they were mostly starving, their teeth rotten so much that this was the primary cause of death. The neanderthals were starving also and killed each other in cannibalistic manners, we even know their last known residence, it being a cave maze in Cyprus. You can still see where they had their last fire oven. The bones of these neandethals were cut at muscle insertion points by weapons, therefore we know they were cannibalistic.

    Keep in mind these early humans had language, trade, homes, tools, weapons, clothing etc... Neandethals too ! Before long the idea of a god watching this horrid life play out in front of him for hundreds of thousands of years without doing a thing until Adam made no sense.

    This is an example of the information I have gathered and conclusions I have reached. So hence I say evidence for no god, I appreciate I throw it off the tounge a little to easily, but I assure you it is with a mass of personally acumilated evidence. All I can suggest is that others go look and decide for themselves too. I woukd hate for people to think that I pushed a belief system onto other people, I really dont intend that. I just hope to promote research and reading.

    Snare x

    Sorry for the long replies and the no doubt dodgy typos, also I really must dissapear now. Cofty, New Chapter and Ziddina are VERY informed on these topics and you should ask them if you have any questions. I have exams starting in just over a week and I will have to pry myself away from this forum. This information can change your life, so please dont refrain from asking. ill be back in 6 weeks or so. All the best xxx

    Also, N.Drew... spirituality is a feeling, dont forget I had it too. I also get it when I look at the stars, when I see a cell in a microscope, or even the complexity of cancer. It is not attributed to god, but self grown appreciation for marvelous and interesting things. When we look at the stars we see infinity... that feeling is us recognising our humanity... when I see a cancer cell explained or the inner workings or a mitrochindria, that feeling is also one of wonder and a recognition of out limited humanity. None of these things equate to god... though they used to.

    Define spirituality? The WT stole it and turned it into a gauge of commitment. It is nothing of the sort, it is a state of humble wonder. To me anyway. Is it a suprise that feeling is often felt with the belief of an all seeing all knowing creator of the universe ? Especially when one tells oneself that he cares about you, that he is communicating with you that he wants to interact with YOU! It is the same feeling as looking up into the sky, wonder and humility.

  • still thinking
    still thinking said this here...

    I have never been faced with a choice - evolution or the bible/God. I never ever accepted the bible as an infallible word of god, either. Was never indoctrinated to believe such a thing, and so I had no reason to believe it, and my faith was never based upon that foundation

    but this here...

    I went to a Catholic school, and while I learned christianity, I also learned other religions in a World Religions course,

    I went to a catholic school too....that's were the indoctrination began for me...I'm not sure how you can say you were never faced with a choice and never indoctrinated at all....try saying you don't believe in God in a catholic school and see how far that gets you...I'll tell you...I tried got me in deep doo doo...*I always was a bit of a stirrer...even then*...and those penguins have no sense of humour when it comes to god.

    I know Catholics no longer teach that the bible is Gods word, they haven't for a long long time...they put it down to fables half the time...they certainly don't believe Adam and eve were real....I didn't get that when I was at school...I either believed in the bible...or not.

    Anyway...when I was there they were preaching the 'good news'.....the OT was basically written off all together (except when they wanted to quote convienent snippets from it)...and they DID NOT like to discuss it....AT ALL.

  • Wizard of Oz
    Wizard of Oz

    @ snare..... I hadn't heard about that collision before, sounds really interesting. My own way of showing someone infinity is to stand them between two mirrors. It blows everyone away seeing it for the first time. I think most go home and redo it for family and friends as a party trick. At least they redo the experiment. Would I be correct in assuming the "Elusive God Particle" is what is puported/hoped to be the cause of the Big Bang.

    We have come so far in our scientific knowledge; a nucleus of an atom was as far as we went just a few years, now we know the active ingredients inside of that. Further and further in, out. INCREDIBLY AMAZING.

    I just think it's a crying shame that for all of the knowledge we have learned, we still can't live and let live in harmony on our little blue speck in the unbounded(as yet) expanse of space.

    Love'n'Thoughts WoOZ

  • tec


    Well, first, I wasn't Catholic so I never participated in much. I knew that it didn't apply to me, and that it was the catholic belief. I never participated in the confessions or the mass and other religious stuff, and no one ever said anything to me about it. (not the same as claiming you are an atheist, I suppose, lol) It was an interesting e x perience, but not an indoctrinating one.

    Second, they didn't teach us infallibility of the bible... they did teach us possible scientific explanations for the miracles in religion classes (or some, the ones that could be explained, anyway... like getting water in a desert, etc) They're not young earth creationists or bible literalists, and so none of that was even mentioned. Religion was taught only in religion class, and in grade 11 you could take world religions instead, and I did. It covered: Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism. I loved that course.

    So you can see where I never was faced with such a choice - evolution or bible/God. Those things were not taught here when I was in school.



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