Were Jehovah's Witnesses Correct In ANYTHING They Taught?

by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Yes, dear Miniman (peace to you!). Such as some of things stated above. It's as dear What Happened states: just enough "pure water" (a couple/few drops... s'all you need really) so as to sell folks the lie that they had more. You know... to get folks to come in and start drinking their real stuff... which is poison.

    No different from all the rest: just a spoonful of "sugar"... and the whole bottle of poison'll go down...

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Terry

    What UC said about war, and "christians" killing "christians".

    Letting your own children die is even more cold blooded than killing in war, imho, since self-defense is as normal as apple pie.

    Shunning your own family and close friends is a demonstration of real character, too!

  • dgp

    Personally, the "Truth" did set me free. More exactly, apostates did. You know, the Watchtower is such a "snare and a racket" that once someone explains it to you, it is very easy to connect the dots and see all other "snares and rackets" under the same light. And I don't mean just religious snares and rackets.

    Also, since the Watchtower gives such importance to arguing and presenting stuff in a seemingly convincing way, I am now able (thanks to the giants who raised me in their shoulders) to see beyond deceit. Much more so than I used to.

    I also happened to be in contact with some fine people, in this forum and outside. Some who are great indeed. If they had come to my house with their Watchtowers and Awakes, I would have pretended not to be home, or to be busy, or would have bought the magazines quickly so they would leave. Now I can see beyond that. I don't have much sympathy for "us" vs "them" anymore.

    JWFacts, Farkel, Leavingwt, Terry, Broken Promises, Leolaia, Mary, Blondie, YKnot (I haven't seen her much around here), Mouthy, Dogpatch, Outlaw, Poopsiecakes, Justitia Themis, Taliesin, Besty, Possible-san and some others.

    Those are the only truths I have found in the Truth.

  • ShadesofGrey

    I think that they were pretty much wrong on everything...

    but regarding heaven, hell and God's purpose for the earth, most Christians have that wrong too, so it makes them seem believable.

    Luke chapter 12. 1 John 2:29, Psalm 37:29. Revelation chapter 21.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I have heard it said that a believable lie must contain some truth to give it credibility, but in reality, it only has to contain something held to be Truth by the recipient.

    In the WT's case, if they ever were right about anything, they wouldn't have been the only one that said the same thing. E.g. They wouldn't have been the first to call religion a snare and a racket and they won't be the last.

  • Listener

    Only when they stuck to what was written in the bible and not necessarily the NWT.


    Maybe, even a broken clock is right twice a day. But I would never bet my life or even an enemy's on anything that comes from the WTS.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Christmas/ Easter both have pagan origins - TRUE

    .... but not worth the experience just to find that out!

  • sizemik

    I don't see the JW teaching of "no burning in hell" as a "correct" teaching. They simply identified some biblical "destinies" differently.

    Swapping one fairy tale for another doesn't constitute a correct teaching IMO.

  • stillajwexelder

    Religion is a snare and a racket

    No hellfire

    No Trinity

    Certain holidays have Pagan Origins (so does the wedding ring but we pick and choose which we want)

    College is dangerous -it MAKES YOU THINK!

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