Were Jehovah's Witnesses Correct In ANYTHING They Taught?

by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    On a little more serious note...

    One thing that kept me in as long as it did was the WTS outward (I stress: outward) stand on wars and politics. The WTS and JWs are apolitical. They don't endorse any one candidate or party. They remain neutral in those affairs. They refrain from making war.

    I think a lot of religions could do well to practice at least part of that policy.

    I know, I know... It's fairly easy to dispel a good bit of just how neutral the WTS really was, but on the surface... to the everday J-dub, like me, knowing that "we" were acting more like Jesus in staying neutral and out of the world's political affairs and armed conficts, it was a point that made me think that it was closer to true Christianity than other so-called christian religions where Baptist took up arms agasint Baptist; Catholic against Catholic, etc.

  • dgp

    LOL Outlaw. LOL . And LOL.

    Good one, Leaving

  • leavingwt

    If you read apostate literature, you'll fall out of 'The Truth'.

  • leavingwt

    Good people don't go to Heaven.

  • Terry

    Well, Jehovah's Witnesses had me when they started pointing out the errors in the bible such as 1 John 5:7 which was inserted to "prove" the Trinity.

    The John 1:1 "correction" in the NWT allowed me to understand how deep the scholarship was in the Society.

    That made me wonder why nobody else had shown me that.

    If the bible was tampered with it meant there was a conspiracy to defraud.

    What other tampering was going on in Christendom?

    Jesus had NO BEARD and yet every christian church depicted him with one! What was wrong with them?

    Clearly, Witnesses had the holy spirit directing them.

    Finally, 1968 arrived and one of the most significant dates in human history was clearly laid out in all the Society's publications: 1975!

    What a happifying event that would be!!

    The "correctness" of the teachings is not really the important thing. It is there sincerety of their beliefs and their willingness to allow their children to die rather than take blood transfusions which clearly shows the LOVE among themselves!

  • garyneal

    It's all subjective judging from the responses. They are a 'religion' teaching empirically unprovable things.

  • leavingwt

    If you don't give a witness, you cannot be a Witness.

  • tec

    No burning eternal hell.

    What UC said about war, and "christians" killing "christians".

    The two bigs one, imo.



  • BluesBrother

    LOL at Outlaw and nodding my head in agreement with Wha Happened?...........

    When you strip away the WT fantasy you are left with the basic Christianity that may be found in any Mission Hall.. I mean If one accepts the Bible then the basics are there : God, Jesus , mankind's fall and redemption. As for their own doctrines I happen to agree with not fighting in wars and it is good advice not to smoke tobacco - but is that a command from God?, No

  • blond-moment

    Don't forget all the hidden gems. Dinos either died in the flood or are made up by scientists under satans influence. Carbon dating is a trick of satan. If you masturbate satan is watching. History books/channel/scholars on this subject are all controlled by satan. The media is full of satans lies.

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