April 15th WT - WT Society says " Obeying Us is Same as Obeying God "

by flipper 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • WontLeave

    Yeah, to JW's if the organization is rejected it's the same as rejecting God.

    Actually, this is not true. All day, in their ministry, JWs encounter atheists. Some of these are less than tactful about how ridiculous and stupid they see belief in God or the Bible. This doesn't ruffle the JW's feathers at all and they smile and go on with their presentation, using the Reasoning Book's "personal interest" questions to draw the householder into a dialogue.

    See what happens if someone dare question their Governing Body. Oh, then they get nasty. They'll resort to scoffing insults, name-calling, then make a hasty getaway. I've actually done this. I'll talk all day about the Bible with JWs who come to my door. As soon as the subject of the human leadership comes up and I show them where the Bible disagrees with it, they stop coming. They don't care about anyone's belief in God or Christ, but only in the magesterium of the Society. It's so obvious that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is the true God of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Jehovah of the Bible is just a mask they put on it, so they won't look quite as nutty. Just like the golden calf, they try to blur the lines between the two, to throw attention off their idolatry:

    And they began to say: “This is your God, O Israel, who led you up out of the land of Egypt.” - Exo 31:4
  • Terry

    Let us ask ourselves the question: What happened to Moses when, at Meribah, he took credit for giving the thirsty Israelites water?

    To use dispensational language: the latter day Moses (governing body) is striking the rock and telling us "drink") and insisting we

    view their word just as we would deity!

  • WontLeave

    The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses. - Mat 23:2

    The Society does this, too. If they really were God's messengers the way they insist they are, you'd think they'd talk like this:

    What, then, is A·pol′los? Yes, what is Paul? Ministers through whom YOU became believers, even as the Lord granted each one. I planted, A·pol′los watered, but God kept making [it] grow; so that neither is he that plants anything nor is he that waters, but God who makes [it] grow. - 1Cor 3:5-7

    But they don't. They talk more like this:

    We need to obey the faithful and discreet slave to have Jehovah’s approval - ws7/15/2011
  • Haulin Oats
    Haulin Oats

    Terry: "he took credit for giving the thirsty Israelites water"

    good point Terry. Yeah Moses about got an a$$-reaming for taking credit for the rock/water stunt.

    Along those lines, I've never understood how the cult can "claim" exclusive rights to the gates of heaven, in effect deciding who gets to make it to the new world.

    "We are pleased to present.....ARMAGEDDON! Brought to you by the WTBTS (all rights minds reserved)"

  • tracylee

    Even though I was raised in the troof, the whole concept of the FDS and the GB never sat right with me. No matter how many times the concept was pounded into my head, I was still left with this one thought: "Huh?" I couldn't for my life even explain it if an outsider had asked me about, because it made so freakin' sense to me, EVER.

    I got an email a couple years ago from one of my old "friends" from my former congregation, asking in so many words what my "status" was. He knew I had doubts, and that I didn't believe certain major parts of the JW doctrine, or even that the Bible is necessarily inspired, but he never shunned me. Not until I told him that one of the reasons I left was because I didn't believe the GB had any authority to tell me a damn thing, and that I couldn't be a part of a religion where a bunch of old farts in NY sit around and decide what clothes I can wear, what color I can dye my hair, what job I can have, who I can marry, and even what type of sex I can engage in, and how disturbing I thought it was that they insist on keeping a freakin' RECORD on me, a file of how good or bad I am, and that I am not allowed to even SEE what is in my stupid records that follow me from congregation to congregation, or why they need to keep tabs on me in the first place... and that if someone were going to be spying on me like that and keeping track of how good or bad I am, they better be bringing me presents in December! Once I dissed the GB, he shunned me. I was shocked that it was THAT that made him cut me off. Not my apostasy or disbelief in the doctrine, but my disbelief that the GB has any authority from God. To the JWs, disagreeing with the Bible or God himself is considered a lesser offense than disagreeing with the GB.

  • flipper

    Saw this thread got bumped a couple days ago. Been working a lot. Thanks for your replies !

    DESIGNS- Good point you make. Many leaders of religions or cults are promoters of themselves in self serving scams. All in the name of serving God - allegedly - they give false promises to their religious members then stuff their bank accounts with donations from the masses of followers.

    TERRY- Exactly. The GB and alleged " faithful slave " HAVE wedged themselves between Jesus and religious people. In their own eyes- they ARE Jesus.

    WASBLIND- Yeah, I've had a wedgie or three in my time ! LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    WONTLEAVE- Your statement : " It's so obvious that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is the true God of Jehovah's Witnesses "

    My statement : " Yeah, to JW's if the organization is rejected it's the same as rejecting God. "

    I think we are trying to say the same thing here. The Governing Body is the FACE of the JW organization and WT society. So ANYBODY questioning their authority or not listening or disagreeing with what the WT society's message is are considered irrelevant and ignorant by Jehovah's Witnesses. Even the atheist you mentioned is considered by a normal JW as being " misled " or in the darkness if he doesn't believe in God OR believe in what the JW talking at the door is expressing to him .

    TERRY- The alleged " modern day Moses " - some of them aren't striking a rock or striking ANYTHING anymore because they died in THIS generation ! LOL ! Jaracz, Barr, Fred Franz, all of em. And the same fate ( death by aging ) will happen to David Splane, Losch, or any of the newer GB members too who are in their 50's & 60's.

    HAULIN OATS- I think the GB and leaders of the WT society claim unique standing before God because they are legends in their OWN minds. Period. LOL !

    TRACY LEE- Very good points you make. Very true what you say- JW's look at disaggreeing with the GB's authority as more of an offense than disagreeing with the JW doctrines or beliefs ! That was really good how you explained it to your former JW friend. Sounds like you gave him some things to think about ! Well done. You never know- he may ponder on what you told him down the road and start questioning himself ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • thetrueone

    Religious cults like this are designed to offer something out of the ordinary and grandiose to the general public.

    The WTS. is offering the viable capability to not be slaughtered in a horrendous death by the almighty god

    of the ancient Israelites. The only way to survive this worldwide calamity in their words is to join and stay within their organization and take

    or obey their designated requirements. Of course this all doesn't work unless you proclaim that your a chosen spokesman for this god.

    Fear is the exploitive and aggressive part of this organization that has cultivated its public support for so many years now.

    This marketable element of fear is the core engine that has been driving this publishing kingdom for over a century, forwarding its expansion

    all over the globe, for as the organizations expands so does the procuring power and wealth toward the organization ( the men ).

    People have given up their land, their wealth. their own lives, their families, their health, their education and intellectual growth, the list goes

    on and on, mostly over a very precipitous and pretentious wanting of power and control over people's lives as a advantageous enhancement toward

    a small circle of men, who run and operate a publishing business.

  • seenitall

    It is the only way to get the flock to go along with present teaching, without complaint. There is no valid method of non-compliance without consequences. So, "Listen, Obey and Be Blessed" - the title of a new song from the songbook. Elevating oneself or a group is dangerous since there is accountability associated with it. Better it is for equality for a open exchange of ideas, expressions of valid complaints and true fellowship. Being responsible for the salvation and lives of the lowly ones is a sombering thought.

    Can you imagine a suggestion box at the KH or at Conventions / Assemblies? How about solictations for individual thoughts on bible passages / doctrine? How about special interest group meetings? Ah, a community fellowship arrangement. It will never, ever happen.

  • thetrueone

    Obeying Us is Same as Obeying God

    There seems to be more pressure coming out by the WTS. as to holding on to their devoted adherents, possibly do to

    the fact that the viability of the organization's doctrines have lost their intended usefulness and strength.

    You have to realize that the WTS. has been promising the public now for over 100 years that the day of judgment was to come

    in this lifetime, in this generation, making matters worst is that all of this information from the past is being openly distributed

    widely now on the Inter-net. Those old disregarded doctrines are not as easy to dump in the garbage never to be seen or heard of again

    like it was in the past.

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