April 15th WT - WT Society says " Obeying Us is Same as Obeying God "

by flipper 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    BAND ON THE RUN- It is chilling that we once believed and trusted old men sitting at board room tables in Bethel. Now most of those same old men are dead and YOUNGER men in their 50's and 60's are taking the place of these old men. Then 20-30 years from now these men will be dead and someone will take THEIR place leading the WT society facade. It's the never ending scam

  • sizemik

    I had my first taste of "institutionalised" violence in 1970 as a 1st year student in a very dysfunctional boarding school. The students in the next grade would carry out their sadistic fantasies under the threat of retribution from the God-like powers of the Prefects.

    Subsequently we regularly and voluntarily subjected ourselves to it without resistance

    One little prick, who I could have slapped out of existence, would ask me to put my hands on my head while he pummelled the shit out of my kidneys. One day I lost it and knocked him out cold . . . cost me a two hour session in the "boiler room" so I never did it again.

    WTS are guilty of "institutionalised violence" . . . cowards and "kidney punchers"

  • WontLeave

    The "faithful and discreet slave" understanding of the Watchtower rubbed me the wrong way from the first I learned of the real depth of it. I have been "counselled" on many occasions to refer to the Governing Body and the Writing Department as the "faithful slave" or "faithful and discreet slave", instead of "the Society", which is the term I always used. I realized at a glance this was glaringly inconsistent and scripturally incorrect. I don't think many JWs (even elders) realize the literature is written by "other sheep", even though the Watchtower has made that fact clear. It didn't take me long to realize JWs don't have the best reading comprehension, which is probably why they're so willing to allow someone else to tell them what something they read "means".

    One of the first pieces to fall into place in my stand for truth vs. "the Truth" tm was an argument I got into with my bookstudy conductor about the obvious difference between what the Watchtower defines as "the faithful and discreet slave" and "the remnant". He insisted they were the same thing and I saw that's not the understanding they were obviously promoting.

    The idea of humans interpreting the Bible and forcing others to adopt their ever-changing interpretation has always been a clear violation of Scripture, to me. That was one of those secret teachings I discovered later. I realized they believed the old men in NY were the fds in Matthew, but I didn't know they were to be obeyed and worshiped until after I'd been in for a while. I was actually shocked about things I heard said by people I thought should know better.

    Attempting to reason with them was the first thing that got me dragged into the back room. That was not a pretty sight and I've never been so disgusted by the blatant disregard for the Bible, God, and Christ as on that occasion. The elders admitted I was right, but it's 'not my place' to correct anyone and what I said could be considered "apostate". I asked "Telling the truth is apostasy?" That's when I started really examining what I'd gotten into. I was fortunate to be disillusioned quickly, before my whole life was wrapped up in the organization. I never put any faith in it to be shattered and I didn't form years-long relationships I fear losing. I can only imagine how it is for people with many close family members who are JWs, a JW spouse, many close JW friends, and all their beliefs hung firmly on JW doctrine, when it all comes crashing down.

    I was rejecting teaching JW beliefs I couldn't establish in Scripture, from the beginning. It sounded good on the surface to most JWs when I told my studies "I only teach things in the Bible", believing that would equal JW doctrine. When it didn't, then they started backing off from me and tattling on me to the elders.

    The way I figure, if they're the ones engaged in idolatry, they're the ones who need to adjust their thinking, not me. So, I still attend meetings and am still considered part of the congregation. I rarely get into conversations anymore where my loyalty to the Governing Body could come into question, because I can't really stand talking to hardly any of them, at all. But if it comes up, I stand for truth, despite any problems which might occur. I'm not walking away and if they decide to cast me out, they're just fulfilling Scripture that standing up for truth in Christ will make you hated, even "in the synagogues".

    I won't leave (thus my username) and they hate it. When I pop up at the meetings, they look surprised, especially if it's been a few months. They know I will not go down without a fight, if they call me into the back room for anything else. I'm pretty sure they also know I'll record it, despite their demands otherwise; probably also aware it will end up online. They already know I don't acknowledge the hierarchy or the clergy/laity distinction they deny exits (but try to invoke in the privacy of the back room). They know I don't believe elders are appointed by Holy Spirit, because I've told them as much. They already know I follow only Scripture because I've told them as much. They don't dare confront me anymore on something not firmly based in the Bible, because I will humiliate them and show them to be the liars and hypocrites they are. ...again.

  • kurtbethel

    Evidently, their indoctrination of this sort works quite well and their minions and operatives parrot that party line.


  • flipper

    SIZEMIK- Good for you that you kicked the a$$ of that kid punching your kidneys when you were young. I feel the WT society punches our "brains" and thinking abilities in that it turns us into mind controlled robots when we were Witnesses. It's a psychological & emotional abuse really. Once we escape that we find our thinking clears up big time after being away from mind controlling meetings.

    WONTLEAVE- You are correct- most JW's think the anointed write the WT magazines and publications - they have no idea it's the great crowd who writes this stuff. What a good post by you ! Thanks ! I certainly admire your courage in standing up for what you know is true and right. It definitely takes courage to expose the WT society for what it is - a pretend substitute for God and Jesus. Your experience you shared here will help others reading it that they too can be courageous and make a stand like you did. Thanks again.

    KURT bETHEL- Interesting you-tube. Yeah, to JW's if the organization is rejected it's the same as rejecting God. So ridiculous

  • sizemik
    It's a psychological & emotional abuse really.

    Without any shadow of a doubt Flip . . .

    While there's not much in the way of "indoctrination" in my personal example, the result is so similar as to be unnerving.

    Once the pyramid of power is established . . . the fear factor dominates totally . . . the two situations have very strong parallels, which was why I was reminded of those days by your thread

    I'm sure the inflexible application of shunning, the constant bullying to "do more", the application of their blood policy, the attitude to mental illness and child abuse amounts to "violent" psychological abuse. Psychological "sadism" if there's such a thing. All by the authority of the big "Prefect" in the sky . . .

    The attitude of WT authority mirrors the same callousness I encountered back then . . . cowardly bully-boys

  • flipper

    SIZEMIK- I hear you and feel you friend. I encountered that same callousness you encountered. Sorry you went through that. Sorry I went through that. Sorry ALL of us had to go through that. You are right- the elders use their part in the pyramid of power you mentioned to cause fear within people in the congregations. With absolute control and power over JW's - this fear permeates and spreads in congregations like a cancerous attitude keeping JW's trapped. I'm so glad we are out, aren't you ? Ick

  • designs

    Its all a self-serving scam. Recently a deceased Pope was put on the road to Sainthood by none other than his own group of Cardinals.

  • Terry

    Define MEDIATOR: a negotiator who acts as a link between parties

    1 Timothy 2:5-6 (New International Version, ©2011)

    5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus

    Question: How does the Governing Body wedge itself between Jesus and the rest of us??

    Answer: By becoming a substitute Christ. An idol.

  • wasblind

    " Question: How does the Governing Body wedge itself between Jesus and the rest of us?? "

    Hey Terry, don't get us started on "wedggies"

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