Fallout From GB Anti-College Letter – This Will Cause Problems!

by Seeker4 179 Replies latest members private

  • Finally-Free

    There is a distinct possibility that the old time honored rule of "selective enforcement" will apply to this: I illustrate -

    Brother XJoeBlow (amost a good elder, but you do still have that bass boat) - well, your out.

    Judah Ben Schroeder - we are so glad that the almighty Jehoverah has blessed you with your trophy wife, car company, law degree, and now you are the new Freddy Franz (practically our new Rhodes Scholar). Your education will set God's people forward in the next retranslation of the Hebrew and Greek fragments of the scriptures....blah blah blah...

    Absolutely. I knew a number of elders kids that were taking 2 year college programs without a hassle. When I had to retrain because of health I got the third degree from some elders. Others were ok with it. Later I moved to a different congregation and occasionally took part time courses to keep my skills up to date. I had all of my "privileges" removed because I enrolled in a 4 day Cisco firewall course that used up 4 consecutive Saturdays. Everything in that cult depends on who you are and/or how well you kiss ass. W

  • booby

    This type of thing is quite disgusting however they are good at influencing toward their end while covering their butts. The elders are manipulated toward discouraging higher education, but as long as they can convince the body that they discouraged the child from pursuing, or at least did not encourage them to pursue it they are basically off the hook. Back when I was an elder one of the other elders had a teenage daughter that was "acting up" (you know, being a normal teenager, but an evil child to society standards) and the way we as a body viewed it, based on our understanding of proper procedure, was that since the father (elder) was doing his best to dissuade the conduct and definitely not condoning it, he did not have to lose his privileges. This sounds to be quite similar.

  • sir82
    Absolutely. I knew a number of elders kids that were taking 2 year college programs without a hassle.

    I know!

    What the heck do these kids have to take as juniors?

    "Apostacy 301", "Why Blood Transfusions are Wholesome 310", and "Why Covering Over Child Rape Should Be a Felony, Even For Religious Organizations 330"?

  • TD

    ...This comes across as insane, whacked, a cult, stupid, ignorant, lunatic fringe, jihadist, backwards and worse.

    Don't sugar-coat it; Tell us how you really feel ....

    Seriously though -- I agree.

    All the JW's I know have been in denial about this. They've been telling themselves (And telling me) that the Society has simply been advising to "be cautious" and "count the cost" of higher education first.

    Real, honest to God sanctions against those who don't toe the line pretty much yanks the rug out from under that argument

  • Emma
    BUT, I have a feeling that this will be the final straw for a lot of elders and MSs. Already I'm hearing about brothers who are stepping down over this, and I'm sure there will be more as this letter makes the rounds with the CO.

    Just a separating of the wheat from the chaff. (Not my opinion but what I think you'll hear from hard-liners.)

  • sammielee24
    know the chances of getting a copy are slim, but a copy in any language would help, and the broader our pool of potentially POed COs who might leak the letter the better

    The chances are slim of getting the actual written instruction unless someone 'inside' were able to pilfer it from the CO's bookbag while visiting - the best chance of a written directive, might be if any Elder takes written notes in their Elders manual as many do. A copy of those notes might suffice since that is their guideline. Those notes may hold water in a custody case for sure.

    The idea of an Elder stepping aside and then getting reappointed has probably already been thought out. The reason for removing them is to stop people from mixing with the world and asking questions, finding answers and then motivating others to do the same. What would be accomplished if they simply allow them to leave, still support their kids in college and then return? I think that at some point, you are going to see the walls come up higher and being built thicker with the refusal to allow anyone, except those at the very top - GB members and their posse, to hold any position inside the congregations. That will ensure that only those who are completely brainwashed and under their thumb survive.

    I pity anyone inside who is foolish enough to get married and have kids in the organization ...sammieswife.

  • Seeker4

    I was just re-reading some posts here and some private correspondence, and I've got to say that this is creating a stir in the BOEs because it will affect a lot of elders personally.

    I would be willing to bet that a high percentage of middle aged elders have kids who are in college or thinking of going to college.

    Unlike a lot of WTS edicts, this one will hit home for a LOT of elders and BOE.

    Few things that I can remember stirred up as much resentment in the friends as when the WTS relented on their anti-college stand in the early 1990s. I can't tell you the number of JWs from my generation who said, "Why didn't this happen when WE were young?" There was a huge collective sigh of relief that kids didn't have to be regulated to a life of manual and often boring, low paying labor due to the WTS edicts.

    Now, it's coming back. Lots of Witnesses know how much harder their life has been due to a lack of higher education, and now, when it is more important than ever, here comes the hardline anti-ed thing again.

    This is really going to piss some people off.


  • llbh

    It would be a great idea to get a scan of this on an open forum

    The mind contol continues



  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro
    Unlike a lot of WTS edicts, this one will hit home for a LOT of elders and BOE.


    They may have underestimated the damage. Or maybe this is a way to weed out those who aren't really "on-board". You can hide a life saving blood transfusion for your kid but its really hard to hide going to college.

  • civicsi00

    This is HUGE. The GB is losing control, and they know it. They are pulling out all the stops to try to keep the flock together. Fear and intimidation is all they've got (it's all they ever had), instead of love and compassion the way Jesus taught. Maybe this is just another sign of the upcoming implosion...

    This religion started out based on prophetic speculations and fear. But time is the enemy of any false prophet... Their time is limited.


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