The Spread of Muslims in Europe

by serotonin_wraith 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • marmot

    5go, I am talking about the problems with ISLAM because it is a current issue affecting the world. Point me in the direction where homosexuals and women are being killed right now by other state-sanctioned religious denominations and show me how many other religions out there are blowing themselves to bits in the name of their god. Present-day examples that I can read in the news, please.

    As others have pointed out repeatedly to you, you can go make a thread bashing other religions if you want but quit spamming these with your insipid arguments and red herrings.

  • 5go
    5go, I am talking about the problems with ISLAM because it is a current issue affecting the world. Point me in the direction where homosexuals and women are being killed right now by other state-sanctioned religious denominations and show me how many other religions out there are blowing themselves to bits in the name of their god. Present-day examples that I can read in the news, please.

    As others have pointed out repeatedly to you, you can go make a thread bashing other religions if you want but quit spamming these with your insipid arguments and red herrings.

    And I keep pointing out it's the new Communism that is all it is. They are going to come over here and take over like the communist were supposed to do back when they were around. That is BS and fear mongering. To your last point it was already brought up Northern Ireland, Serbia, Croatia, Africa etc. You just don't want to look it up because it would pretty much prove you are a bigot.

  • marmot

    What would I need to "look up"? I have already openly and plainly stated that I agree christianity is guilty of massive bloodguilt in the past, but we are talking about the PRESENT.

    Out of all the religions in the world right now, Islam is the most dangerous. And it is dangerous because of core principles, not merely because of fanatics. Have you read the Koran? I have and it is a violent hate-filled piece of literature.

    Modern Judaism and Christianity have the benefit of not following Leviticus and Deuteronomy anymore.

  • Gill

    It is commendable and laudable that we have so many on this board who would wish to stand up and protect the rank and file Muslim people who are in effect victims of their religious beliefs in the same way that Jehovah's Witnesses are victims of their religious beliefs.

    To a greater extent than the JWs the Islam faith uses mind control and family pressure to FORCE absolute obedience.

    However, it is the radicals and extremists that we do have to fear as they are the ones that pull the strings on their victims, the rank and file Muslims.

    So, this thread is NOT Muslim bashing as some may appear to believe, BUT we do accept that the Christian faith has been guilty of atrocities in the past and is still guilty of warring in Iraq and Afghanistan in the past and present.

    BUT, by sheer power of democracy, once the birth rate of our Muslim brothers overtakes our own, as it is beginning to do now, the western world will be 'democratically correct' to vote in Sharia Law and Muslim states every.

    Surely, that is something we have a right to say we do not want.

    In Algeria in 1992 - 1995 young women were dragged off the beaches in their swim suits and raped, hung from lamp posts and beheaded simply for their disgraceful behaviour for wearing swim suits. Whole families of Algerian christians, men women and children even babies were beheaded.

    Do we want Sharia Law? Do we want the Muslim faith to become the dominant faith that by sheer democratic law can be permitted to over take us.

    I pity the victims of Islam, those in, those not in and those afraid of the potential growth of an evil cult that proves itself in the second chapter of the Koran that claims 'A woman is worth half of a man.'

    That in itself says everything and that is why we have a lot to fear.

    Remembering always that the Muslims are VICTIMS also and deserve our support and sympathy!

    I only hope that the Internet can do for the Victims of Islam what it is beginning to do for the victims of the JW cult!

  • justhuman

    Do we want Sharia Law? Do we want the Muslim faith to become the dominant faith that by sheer democratic law can be permitted to over take us.

    I pity the victims of Islam, those in, those not in and those afraid of the potential growth of an evil cult that proves itself in the second chapter of the Koran that claims 'A woman is worth half of a man.'

    That in itself says everything and that is why we have a lot to fear.

    Remembering always that the Muslims are VICTIMS also and deserve our support and sympathy

    In Algeria in 1992 - 1995 young women were dragged off the beaches in their swim suits and raped, hung from lamp posts and beheaded simply for their disgraceful behaviour for wearing swim suits. Whole families of Algerian christians, men women and children even babies were beheaded.

    Good point Gill

    Muslims they DEMAND from us to ACCEPT their Sharia, build them their special toilets, to stop ringing our Church Bells, and many other things that they DEMAND. But Muslims can come over Europe and in the West, DEMAND the respect of their religion from us, but they don not respect our faith(no matter were you belong)

    Can a Christian go and live in Countries like Saudia Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan, Algeria, and demand from the local authorities not to have the loud speakers loud when they pray 5 times a day, because it is noisy??? Will the Muslims accept from us to have wine in the Communion? The story of the Muslims is one way. They DEMAND, DEMAND, DEMAND, but they give NOTHING.

    But what about the things that they insult other humans and specially women, that they have it as CORAN LAW? There are hundreds of thousands of women in all the Muslim countries that they are suffering. Not ot mention those who are killed or brudaly raped. In Pakistan there was a woman that it was jailed for a stupid reason, she was raped repeadetly from the Policemen, and at the end SHE WAS ACCUSED FOR FORNICATION, and stoned to death!!!!

    This is the Islamic law. Women have NO rights. Their Prophet was marrried with a 12 year old!!! Yes you might say that is acceptable for their culture to married young girls at the age of 12, but still is paidophilia...

    The JW's and Muslims have a lot in common. They are cutls and in the early stages of the Muslim religion they were considered by the Orthodox Church as a Christian Cult...Even WT states that they cannot stone the apostates or those who commited serious sins, like ancient Israel!!!! So if they could they would stone us....

    It is about time for the West to awake up and stop doing all this mistakes that will lead more spreading to the Muslims.


  • BurnTheShips
    BUT we do accept that the Christian faith has been guilty of atrocities in the past and is still guilty of warring in Iraq and Afghanistan in the past and present.

    United States' involvement in Iraq is not driven by religious reasons, any more than were Gulf War I, Vietnam, Korea or WWII. It is not a "faith" that invaded Iraq, the US armed forces are made up of a number of faiths, as well as nonfaith. There are about 4000 Muslim Americans in the US military, and a great many non-Christians.


  • BurnTheShips
    This is the Islamic law. Women have NO rights. Their Prophet was marrried with a 12 year old!!! Yes you might say that is acceptable for their culture to married young girls at the age of 12, but still is paidophilia...

    No, Aisha was betrothed at the age of 6, and Mohammed "consummated" his marriage to her when she was only 9.

    Bukhari Hadith Vol VII, Book 62, Number 65: "Narrated Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that 'Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death)."

    Tabari Hadith: IX:131: "My mother came to me while I was being swung on a swing between two branches and got me down. My nurse wiped my face with some water and started leading me. When I was at the door she stopped so I could catch my breath. I was then brought in while the Messenger was sitting on a bed in our house. My mother made me sit on his lap. Then the men and women got up and left. The Prophet consummated his marriage with me in my house when I was nine years old."



  • Xena

    justhuman I really enjoyed your contribution to this thread, you seem to have an excellent grasp of this subject. I appreciate the information you posted, it was very illuminating.

  • quietlyleaving

    But on the other hand I do see young muslim teenagers becoming more relaxed with the opposite sex behaving in a carefree flirtatious manner with each other and when I see that it fills me with hope. These youngsters I think are second generation European muslims. I'm not sure they even care about religion anymore.

  • Mary
    BUT, by sheer power of democracy, once the birth rate of our Muslim brothers overtakes our own, as it is beginning to do now, the western world will be 'democratically correct' to vote in Sharia Law and Muslim states every.

    When I read statements like this, I'm almost glad I didn't have any kids because I can't even imagine what it's going to be like around here in another 30 years. 5go, if you think Islam is so damn great, then why don't you just move to Bagdad or Tehran, let your wife go outside in a t-shirt and shorts on a hot summers' day, and see what happens. Something tells me you wouldn't be defending them for too much longer.

    How anyone can try and defend that screwed up culture/religion that treats women worse than they do dogs, is beyond me.

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