The Spread of Muslims in Europe

by serotonin_wraith 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hillary_step


    Christian fanatism is worsed than the Muslim fanatism. But in modern history U.S.A was a possitive factor in the spreading of the Muslim fanatism, due to their policy and that they support fanatic Muslim regimes like in Pakistan, Saudia Arabia, and Muslim countries that islamic fanatism is spreading dangerously like Turkey. The Middle East problem that it has stayed unsolved for all this years, and basically is the West to be blamed.

    I will put you in the shoes of a Palestinian "terrorist". You are born in a place were Israel troops are shooting small kids, destroying your house, killing your parents with bombs, you have no money, no future, NO EDUCATION, and here it comes the Coran telling you that if you die for a holy course(blast your self to the air killing unfaithful Israelites, or Americans)you will inherit paradise, with happiness and women!!!

    What will be your chance not to hate, or not to be a fanatic. The answer is NONE...While our kids are sitting in their luxury sofas watching Barny and Cartoons, the Palestinian kids are learning how to kill the unfaithful ones that: KILLED THEIR PARENTS, THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, DESTOROYED THEIR HOUSES, AND TOOK THEIR LAND.

    Some of the most important words written about this subject that I have read on this Board, words that are worth analysis and discussion.

    Thank you justhuman.


  • Gill

    For the very reason Justhuman points out, religious war is shockingly inevitable!

    You can smell the blood in the air and there is no where to run.

    But so is the course of human history for uncoutnable thousands upon thousands of years and those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

    Treat anyone unfairly and they will seek revenge and Palestine is the breeding pot of unhappiness and injustice. Lack of education with a very hearty shake of religious intolerance and you have a bomb ready to blow.

    The powers that be know what is going to happen. A lot of them have studied history and can already see the course of events that will follow. Security is coming down on everyone like a strangle hold that is already choking the life out of our freedoms.

    We are already at war, and there is no where to run and no where not affected.

    I'm reminded of stories such as 'The Hand Maid's Tale' and am afraid that women are going to be the first ones to 'get it' in one way or another.

    The world's going mad and we can't stop it!

    Five years ago when I first left the WT world I sensed great freedom but I don't believe that freedom will exist for much longer. I can't see us holding back the tide of the majority, which means in the UK eventually the majority will be Muslim, whether we like it or not and my daughters and grand daughters will be oppressed back into the stone age.......with no where to run!

    It's easy for men to sit at their computers arguing the niceties of 'religious intolerance' and saying unpleasant things to eachother about whether they are nice to the Muslim faith or not.

    To women, the story is different. Men's freedoms will more or less remain unaltered.

    Women will immeadiately lose their value by half, their freedoms, thier hopes and aspirations and become chattle again as we were hundreds of years ago and all you can do is argue about who is intolerant towards the Muslim faith.

    Get a grip and realise that the women you care about are. potentially in the future, to become absolutely nothing, invisible, child bearing machines allowed no mind or freedoms of their own.

    Personally, I would rather die than live under an Islamic state and I don't think I am the only one.

    The majority sadly rule, and the majority are Islamic! The R and F Muslims are the salt of the earth as are the R and F of most communities. But they don't make the rules. It's the fanatics at the top who make the rules and they are the ones with the power, the guns and the bombs.

  • avishai

    5go, let's be clear. #1, not all hatred and intolerance classifies as bigotry. I hate, and do not tolerate child abuse for instance. I hate, and am intolerant to religions that condone, or even require child abuse, got me? That does not make me a bigot. #2, it's getting to where your ad hominem attacks are just spamming the board. Yes, I am a US citizen. Yes, women and children are abused here too. That does'nt mean that just because I don't like Islam's treatment of people, that I condone christianity's treatment of people, or some US citizens abuse of women, get it? MOST people here get that, OK? Yet you CONTINUE to blather "well, what about YOU!!" "Christianity SUCKS!!" The US SUCKS!!" We get it. OK? Really. Start your own topics on the US and xtianity and how bad they suck. Knock it off here. Were sick and tired of it.

  • frankiespeakin


    Five years ago when I first left the WT world I sensed great freedom but I don't believe that freedom will exist for much longer. I can't see us holding back the tide of the majority, which means in the UK eventually the majority will be Muslim, whether we like it or not and my daughters and grand daughters will be oppressed back into the stone age.......with no where to run!

    I take it you are an alarmist, when it comes to the Muslims taking over the UK and oppressing women back to the stone age. I consider it is extreme and ethnocentric. It doesn't take into acount most muslims are not fanatics, and far from being the majority in the UK, both now and in the not too distant future. I think you need to get a better grip on reality.

    The majority sadly rule, and the majority are Islamic! The R and F Muslims are the salt of the earth as are the R and F of most communities. But they don't make the rules. It's the fanatics at the top who make the rules and they are the ones with the power, the guns and the bombs.

    Sounds like your mixing things up a little and then running with it. We could start with Tony Blairs siding with our asshole for a president Bush in invading Iraq, they are the ones that make the rules, they more fittingly are "the fanatics at the top who make the rules and they are the ones with the power, the guns and the bombs." Not the Muslims in both your's and mine country.

    The fantacism we see in the Muslim world towards the west is exacerbated by years of imperialism of both the UK and the US over many decades, which has created the ideal breeding ground for terrorist. Hey if someone from another country bombed my nieghborhood, killled my wife, children, and friends, in an move take over my country for corporation profits, I would be willing to strap a bomb on myself or do what ever it takes to kill the mother fucking pilot who dropped the bomb on my house or the guys at the top who were responsible. In my mind how could it be wrong? And I consider myself a very tolerant person

    I'm an optimist more than a pesimist, even though it may not sound that way in the above paragraph. I feel that as the human speicies evolves we will better understand ourselves and the world in which we live, sure we repeat the same mistakes over and over again, but thanks to the internet and the rapid expansion of knowledge which often is right at our finger tips things are changing rapidly and seems to be excelerating every day. My optimism is that world rulers that do evil will be more and more scrutinized by the masses and the same old propaganda tricks won't be as effective because of what GWB calls "the internets" and non corporation owned and funded news media. And that once a critical mass of understanding is reached about,, what is wrong with these warmongering assholes and reasonableness of requirring a just accountablity of these rulers the same as we would expect from the average citizen rich or poor. I know we all(or majority) know this already to be just and fair, so we are not that far off IMO, it is just that this understanding can just be acknowledge by most as fair, and hasn't been profound enough in the human psychi yet to bring about substancial change in the way governments like the UK and US operate.

  • freydi

    (Now that "the US is no longer a Christian nation," according to Sen Obama, I wonder what his plans are?)

    Last Updated: Monday, 11 February 2008, 14:38 GMT

    Adoption of parts of Sharia law "unavoidable" in Britain.

    PM praises archbishop's integrity

    Gordon Brown has praised the Archbishop of Canterbury's "great integrity" after criticism of his remarks on Sharia law.
    The prime minister's spokesman said Dr Rowan Williams had clarified his comments that implied adopting aspects of Sharia in the UK was "unavoidable".

    But Dr Williams faces pressure from some Church of England traditionalists who want him to apologise.
    The archbishop is expected to address clergy on the subject at the general synod later. The prime minister's spokesman said Mr Brown understood "the difficulties" the archbishop was facing and paid tribute to Dr Williams's "dedication to public and community service". Earlier the Times reported that Mr Brown had telephoned the archbishop and encouraged him to clarify his remarks where he felt they may have been misinterpreted. Mr Brown's spokesman would not say if the two men had spoken over the weekend, but described their relationship as "close", and said Mr Brown had "been kept informed on this debate throughout".

    Mr Brown believed religious law should be subservient to UK law, he added. He's left Christians in other countries that are trying to sound cautionary notes about the spread of Sharia law in an extremely difficult position. If the archbishop fails to apologise, 150 traditionalist members of the synod are believed to be prepared to sign an open letter distancing themselves from his suggestions. BBC religious correspondent Robert Pigott said traditionalists, who believe Dr Williams should be fighting to preserve the Christian, biblical basis for the law, had "declared war" over the issue. Dr Chris Sugden, canon and executive secretary of the evangelical organisation Anglican Mainstream, is one of those calling for an apology from the archbishop.

    "Well we're saying that he's made a mistake - that he has caused great difficulties for our colleagues especially in Nigeria, especially in other countries where there's significant Muslim pressure for Sharia to come in," he told BBC Radio 4's The World at One. He added: "We hope that he will have the integrity to say 'I made a mistake in what I said', and 'I'm sorry to those for whom it has caused great distress'."

    The Reverend Rod Thomas, chairman of Reform, a group representing traditionalists, also told the BBC's One O'Clock News the archbishop's remarks had inflicted huge damage to Christians both at home and abroad. "He has let down the Church and in particular I think he's left Christians in other countries that are trying to sound cautionary notes about the spread of Sharia law in an extremely difficult position." HAVE YOUR SAY No religion what so ever should dictate or influence laws or policy in Britain. Ever. Daniel Burnett, Newcastle Dr Williams sparked a major row after saying, in a BBC Radio 4 interview last week, that the adoption of parts of Sharia law was "unavoidable" in Britain.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I agree Christians have much to apologize for. But religion in general has a lot to apologize for, such as starting wars, keeping people ingnorant, and justifying any whim by twisting words.

    If religion were removed from both sides. If it never existed, what is that drives men? What do they want? Would they still conquer and justify their actions on both sides without the old framework of thought? Of course they would. Why? Because men want power. Russia and China are for the most part Godless. They don't need one, and do not behave any better with human rights abuses and nuclear stockpiling.

    This is a global world, and to dominate you need people that will fight. You need money, you need weapons, you need oil. Human nature cannot handle power in a benevolent fashion. It warps the mind.

    The powers that be in the East, know very well they are serious contenders with the vast wealth that is theirs. Why then does the wealth stay mostly at the top echelon? Two reasons. Money for weapons, and lining their own pockets. Yes all societies to some extent behave this way. The poor suffer and remain ignorant.

    What I have come to find, in examining the witness religion, is that if you take the religion away, all you have left is a greedy corporation made up of old farts and everyone else suffers and is poor.

    Keeping this in mind, we see that religion, in this sense, is only a tool or framework for holding on to power. What scares me about theocracies in the mid East, is that in a governmental framework, there is no room for change in abhorent laws, because the laws are seen as divine.

    At least the West absorbs the times, to see whether a law is relevant or not.

    The west supresses information too, as any government must, and they too have an agenda. The difference is, I think that the western objective is not to take oil from the Arab people, but to protect their own interests. If the west really wanted to dominate as a superpower, they wouldn't stay in Iraq or Afghanistan, they would simply blow it peices. It would be far cheaper. Amadinajad to the horror of the entire world, has outrageously stated he wishes to wipe Israel off the map. He is also trying to develop the means of doing so, despite the international communites wishes. It doesn't get more obvious than that.

    Living in a Global community, and not desiring global war, we do not behave as we might have done in the crusades, we try to negotiate, over and over to no avail. There have been countless broken treaties with Palestine and Israel. Hamas and Fatah have been killing each other for eons without the Wests help. Hezbollah, is sworn enemies with Al qaeda I beleive, Sunni against Shia in Iraq as well. They are all interested in takeovers. They beleive it is their inheritance. In Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Checnya, afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Lebanon and on these battles rage with no end. The stakes are high. In Europe, pockets of Islam are growing so strong, that police are no longer allowed to enter. This is a slow takeover, and it is about global domination, under one form or another of Islam. Power!

    When Communism failed, they tried something new. It just didn't work. It still needs improvement, but given time, it will improve because changes can be made. Nothing changes in Islam. When a veiwpoint is taken in any form of this religion it creates intense clashes. This is not just government decrees, but the word of Allah, in the mind of the beleiver. That can be good, if a peaceful veiw of Islam exists in the mind of the beleiver, but very bad, in the mindset of an evildoer, and is virtually unchangeable, as death to this mindset, is a reward. These opposing veiws not only create conflict with the west but also from within its own body of beleivers.

    All governments have their failings, but in a global world, Islam must exist as a benign peace loving religion rather than a means of political governance. It must exist in the real world and work with its neighbours, showing them its valuable attributes rather than force feeding and dominating with no enlightenment. ( Witness world)

    I fear for peace loving Muslims and Christians, because I beleive such an animal, can only be stopped with force, as was Nazism. It might already be too late. Fanatics can be found in any religion. The witnesses have millions of them knocking on doors telling them the world is gonna end for the last 130 years. What makes them dangerous, is the inability to change and a quest to dominate. The witnesses are simply waiting for God to kill 6 billion people and take over the planet. The Muslims arn't waiting for God. They're doing it. Not all by killing, but outbreeding, and immigration to all corners of the earth. It is so gradual, you might not even have noticed. Its when a critical mass is reached,that one must worry. Take a look at how Christians are treated in arabic countries. Need I say more.

    I tried to be balanced to both sides in writing this and I'm not an expert on foreign countries or religions. I don't mind being corrected either. I do not condone Christianities actions or the evil actions of any other form of governance. I beleive that most folks just go to work live their lives and want to be left alone.

    Yes, men want power. Whether it be by a corrupt government, or a religion that has been corrupted.

    Frankly if I had to choose one, I'm afraid I would go with the corrupt government. Religion has left a very bad taste in my mouth and I reckon, my chances at having rights afforded to me as a secular human being, stand a greater chance of survival under the present system. The issue of power is so dominant and absolute in the Koran, that a woman rights and influence in politics is non-existant, just as it was in the bible. Just as it was in the kingdom hall to a lesser extent.

    When a womans rights are trampled, this is a sign of a very flawed governance, that suits its own agendas. Human rights is a very basic thing. Our system isn't perfect by any means, but through trial and error, womans suffrage, abortion rights, abolision of slavery, cracks at the abolishment of capital punishmnet, advances for the handicapped, the Marshall Plan, and world aid, we have at least shown some concern for the human condition and value of life. We are going by the seat of our pants and change may be slow, but don't forget who we are and what has been accomplished. Without religion!

    I have broken this down into reasonable peace loving Muslims that don't rule, Fanatical dominating Muslims who do rule, Corrupt western governments and even witness world for good measure. I have hit all, and let no one off the hook. My conclusion, is that religious ideologies do not belong in politics because it does not evolve into something that serves justice by trying to grasp the human condition. Rather it is considered infallible and divine. Hitler thought he was doing a good thing by killing Jews, because the bible claims that it was the Jews, who killed Jesus. 6 million deaths justified!

    Communism under Stalin. 10 million of his own countrymen. Nothing personal, just business, selfishnes and ego. Keep in mind too, these were dictatorships, not democracies. There was no means of checks and balances, other than their own egos.

    Corrupt western Gov. is the only thing we have even close to being humane. It is a work in progress. It, itself is evolving. It has written principals that it was founded on. Many of these principals came from the bible, but the bible was not used to govern the nations as a theocracy, but more as a realistic body living in the real world. If this leadership was not evolving its ideas, blacks would still be in slavery. This notion of slavery came from the scripture where Noah was naked and his son looked upon him in his drunken state. Noah then said "cursed be Canaan.' This is the danger of religious ideology. It leaves out the thinking part. The negotiating part, the changing part. Its time for change.

    What can we do to ensure that our current system continues to evolve? We can start by realizing the threat which it faces. An animated, powerful and governing Islam. and although the world may not be ready to put it on the shelf, it must be imasculated to serve the purpose it was meant to serve. Enlightenment and a way of life that peacefully coexists, with other ways of life. Not to govern but to guide. You can't kill an idea. There are still little pockets of Nazism in Germany. However, it has lost its power and it was done with force. Communism lost its power economically and just petered out. With Islam however, you can't just make people have a new system of beleifs. It took me 20 years just to get Jehovah out of my frikkin head. That is why I fear many ignorant but innocent peolple will die before this is over. It is their tradition tied in with their national identity. They can't be brought down economically, cuz they hold all the oil. I'm afraid the world has lost its resolve and we are sinking into the abyss. Our economic ruin is just as good a takeover as any. If a beast that big, ever can be taken down or tamed, it will change the world forever. The domination of Islam doesn't have to mean death for everyone but I would venture to say at the very least a curtail in human rights.

    I would say that if Muslims living here could avail themselves of knowlege through generations of freedom it might die out, but it seems integration as can be seen in Europe, is not on the agenda and never was. I don't mean to sound crass, but it is my beleif that all Muslims, even peaceful ones wish to see their religion dominate the earth. Why? cuz there politco/religious document tells them it should. And why not? Isn't that what the witness's want? " They desire their religion at some point, to dominate the entire globe. It's freakin insanity! To hell with religion. I'll take my chances with the human spirit. It will have a better chance at understanding the human condition and learning from it under a system of checks and balances.

    Corruption and greed, are part of the human condition, but so is the intelligence that can rise above it, and move mankind, towards a more prosperous destiny. Hopefully, if we are side by side with Muslims in this country, we will see our own commonality and progress hand in hand towards a new understanding. It's not that I don't want it, but I fear there's about as much a chance of that happening as me becoming a Jew or a Muslim becoming a Bhuddist.

    Women like Wafa sultan are very rare indeed, she is prepared to die as a secular human being and fight for womens rights. She is a brave woman and I hope she has planted seeds deeply into the minds of Muslim women that love freedom. She is a bright light in the Muslim world. She has no fear and tells it like it is. I hope her spark of hope, is an inspiration to future generations of great Muslim women. These women may in fact ,hold the key to breaking the back of Islam and bringing it out of the shadows, back to the source of enlightenment it once was to so many.

    I have tried to offer hope but I must close in saying , I just don't see that happening in any significant way. It is like me saying I hope sister Thompson showed those elders. Now we will all be able to take part in the theocratic ministry school for 1 hour talks. In our fanciest and wildest of dreams! Now, imagine the witnesses as an actual government. Scary!

    Tyrone Vanleyen

    ps. Hope this made sense, and didn't offend anyone. I was just in a thinking mood tonight. I may read later and find errors in judgement, flaws in logic, or just downright inaccuracies. Don't beat me up. I have been writing all night and may even sleep all day before I reply. It is lenglthy, so if there is a huge rebuttal, I may deal only with key issues as I have things I must do as well.

  • Gill

    Frankiespeakin - If you go back to what I said, I did say that oppression and lack of education WAS and IS the cause of such hatred by Muslims against the West and I didn't say that Bush and Blair were good in what they have done to Iraq.

    I am concerned that you think I am 'over reacting' to what Islam can do to women.

    You'll be just fine if you're a man. You won't have to wear 'head gear' be in 'subjection' be worth half of a man, be 'guilty' if sexually assaulted or raped, not allowed to drive, generally oppressed, so why should YOU care?! Basically, it matters nothing to men as it doesn't affect them and puts them in greater position of power. The fact that you would consider my response to Islam, which I will admit is loaded with FEAR simply because I see how they treat women already, but that you would brush it off in such a manner is a sad reflection that the majority, not all, but the majority of men will not care what happens to women anyway and the fact that we may already FEAR Islam for GOOD reason, is a reflection on your attitude which I think you might be good enough to adjust if you put yourself for one moment in the place of a woman and women in general.

    Would you want to be worth half of a woman?

    Westernised Islamic women who support Islam need to look at Afghanistan, Saudi Arabi and other Islamic states and consider if that is what they want for themselves and their daughters. Oppression, sexual assault and degradation does not exist to a lesser extent in these countries simply because the women are dressed in Burkas. These crimes are simply ignored and brushed under the carpet and considered the 'fault' of the women involved.

    I would die rather than live under Islam.

    The fact you consider this as irrelevant should cause you to think about why you might consider women as so insignificant yourself as to not respect the fears that I express which I know are the fears of many hundreds and thousands of women who have become used to being at least the value of 3 /4 of man in the Western World even if not quite equal yet!!

  • serotonin_wraith


    They aren't the problem just like moderate Christians aren't they problem here it's the wackos. The moderate muslims hate the crap the wacko muslims pull and have spoken out about it. Again this falls back on your bigoted view of the world. Which isn't diffrent from some of their opinions of us. The more we keep telling the moderates fix your wackos, or else! The more the moderates are forced to join with the wackos out of fear of us.

    I'm not sure if you understand my point at all. I haven't said the moderates should try to sort out their wackos. In fact, I don't think that's possible. They've been trying for hundreds of years. It ain't working!

    I've made it quite clear that most Muslims are peaceful (so no, I'm not a bigot) and I know it's the minority that are the problem, but if people left behind their own benign beliefs about Allah, their children wouldn't be influenced to do evil things in his name, because they wouldn't be taught he was real in the first place. If we can't get through to the extremists, we may be able to get through to those who haven't really thought about their religion so that if their children would have turned to extremism in the name of Allah, we've prevented that from happening by controlling the virus in its more dormant form.

  • BurnTheShips

    I think the particular danger of Islam is that it was militant and military from its inception. The Koran and the Hadiths call for spreading the faith by the sword until all the world submits to the will of Allah. That is a particularly volatile idea. And as for tolerance of women and other points of view, production of the film "Submission" got Theo Van Gogh killed and Ayaan Hirsi Ali basically banished from the Netherlands as her safety was in grave danger there.

    Here is a link to Part I of Submission.

    Another great documentary is Obsession. It contains interviews with former terrorists and highlights the real danger. I strongly recommend it.

    Here is the link to an abridged version.

  • frankiespeakin


    I was fully aware that you agreed with JH about "oppression and lack of education WAS and IS the cause of such hatred by Muslims against the West" I'm in no way implying you don't I just change the wording of your statement to show the real terrorist,, it is all POV when you come right down to it.

    I am concerned that you think I am 'over reacting' to what Islam can do to women.

    I'm not saying you are wrong about unfair treatment of women cuased by the dictates and interpetations of the religion, I'm all for equal rights and treatment of women, children, foreigners, people of different colors, or nationalities. And so I don't condone any mistreatment of women or men as taught by religion christian or muslim.

    What I was pointing out to you is that your fears were unfounded if you somehow imagine the Muslim becoming the majority in UK and having enough power to cause laws to be made in your country bringing non muslim women back to the stone age or camel train or bronze age biblical times. I don't think you need to worry about such things as they are highly unlikely, and will cause you unnessasarry anxiety.

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