Email to my Dad on the UN / Prison Stories

by msil 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • msil


  • msil


    Elie Weisel is in a different league. He has done so much to put the word out. As you know, he is chairman of the President's Commission on the Holocaust.

    I went to the US Holocaust museum a few years ago, when I was touring there. I never made it through the museum. The memorial of shoes broke me and I had to leave. The poem "we the shoes" was just too much for me...

  • Tina

    Hi msil,
    While weisel's experience was quite different. I don't think he would consider others who suffered out of his league.
    I am very familiar with his work and writings.
    he applies his experience to all those who suffer violations of the human spirit. That does include you and others.

    here's another quote from the great man which I feel explains his ethical stance quite well.

    'Sometimes we must interfere.
    When human lives are endangered,when human dignity is in jeapordy,
    Whenever men and women are persecuted because of thier race,religion or political views,thatplace-at that moment-must become the center of the universe'.E Weisel.
    He speaks for all,not just the holocaust experience msil.Tina

    'The Good,The Bad,The Fundy'

    Special Matinee HORROR!!!!
    'I Was A Teenage JW Pioneer!

  • ladonna


    Such a kind and warm soul. I could not help but return to your thread yet again.
    I also confirm Nae's words. You have the makings of a good writer.

    I am sure that one day in your life you will find such peace and happiness that you will feel able to put pen to paper and feel happy about writing of your life story.

    I wish you peace, happiness and above all, love.

    Listen to the whispers of your soul. Anon.

    "He to whom emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Dear Msil,

    Here I am again. I can't resist this thread. When I sit down to my computer it calls to me. I want to see if you have posted another story to share. Your storys have touched me so. Thank you so much for writing them. If you choose to write a book I would be the first one in line to buy a copy.

    You spoke of heros. I think the true heros in life are the ones who do what they think is right no matter the personal cost. So you see, you ARE a hero in my book.

    You said you loved my name. It took me a long time to choose it. I've been away from the JWs for a long long time. Half of my family is still in the borg. In Sept'81 an article came out in the WT talking about how they should treat DF and Disa persons and although I was neither they decided I was to be shunned. I can never tell you how much that hurt me. I even called my niece who I had loved and cared for as if she were my own baby and asked her if I knocked on her door and she knew it was me that I wouldn't be welcome? She told me no, I wasn't welcome. I felt like I was put in a dark cellar by my family. It took me years to realize I had done nothing wrong and it was their mean hearts (drivin by the WTS) that had made that decision. I realized that I was the lucky one. I was not living in fear (because that is how the GB controls their members) anymore, I was free. I walked out of that dark cellar and into the beautiful sunshine of the freedom of the life I have now.

    Gosh I hope I have written this well enough for you to understand. I don't write nearly as well as you do.

    The "Shawshank Redemption" is one of my favorite movies. I agree that Morgan Freeman should have won an Oscar for his performance. He is one of the great actors of our day.

    Don't put yourself down for not having more of a formal education. The "school of hard knocks" is a very good teacher and the lessons are never forgotten. A also believe that reading is the key to learning. I never tire of it.

    All good things are wished for you today

    Hugs, J

    minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.

  • Double Dee
    Double Dee


    I am deeply touched by your trust in your friends here to speak out about some of the things that happened to you. What you said about the fear....fear of the tribulation starting, etc is so true. That is how the dubs keep the members awake. How frightening!

    It seems that of all the painful things that touch us, betrayal is the worst and the deepest cutting of of them all. I don't know you real well yet, but I am glad I have read your posts and am grateful that you are a survivor. I understand not wanting to be a hero, for my own reasons. So,please go on surviving and and keep sharing with those that love you and care for you. I will be thinking of you.


  • bboyneko
    Thanks for the expressions. I am unqualified to write a book - I am missing an education (I never even finished my junior year of high school). I have never regarded writing as one of my talents.

    But thanks, Naeb.


    Few autogiographies are actually written by the person who it is about. If you could, with the help of those here with connections, get a publisher interested in your story you could easily simply record your experiences on tape and have one of the publishers ghost writers transcribe it for you. It's not about making money, it's about telling others what happeneds, as a warning and message. Im an ex-jw and heard alot about brothers being sent to jail but I never once heard a personal story about what went on in there. This might serve as a 'Crisis of Conscience' that would help open many more eyes. Naeblis could easily transcribe it for you he is a regular mark twain with the written language :)

    I was touched by your experiences, reminds me of a book I read called 4,000 days, about a man sentenced to many years of jail time for smuggling pot into Thailand. In that book he tells of how he adopted a kitten and cared for it alot, and then one day a fellow prisoner ate his was very sad. Lots of very disturbing things in there...make me appreciate my freedom more.


  • Norm

    Hi Msil,

    What can I say? As you can see for yourself, we are real people on this board. Collectivly we have been through IT ALL! Every one of us is experts in our narrow fields. The collective wisdom of this board is immense. We are all here for each other. I like to think that whatever we are we can recognize a fellow human being in distress, and we are able to help anyone who needs us.

    Many of us has years of experience on the internet, we have been fighting, arguing and also giving comfort and information, to those who have wanted it.

    Even though many of us, including me, are going for our swords as a mere reflex it doesn't mean that we are not compassionate and caring human beings.

    Take care,


  • miner

    I'm not sure if it's the right thing to throw out this question here or not...(MSIL, Hope you don't mind!) I keep seeing references to Jehovah's Witnesses who are still serving time in prison due to their refusal to either be drafted or serve in alternative service. Were these people sentenced prior to the new light or does this continue on in certain countries?

  • msil


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