OKM 09/07 (english)- Just another brick in the wall...

by metaspy 181 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    It's a good thing the ancient Beorians aren't around any more. They'd be in a heap of trouble!

    Questions to ask a witness regarding this KM:

    1-When you were in school and had to hand in a research paper, what grade do you think you would have gotten if all your research came from one source?

    2- Would you be comfortable sharing this article with non-witness (neighbors, relatives, co workers..)? What do you think they would say about this article?

    3- How would you feel if you read this article in the newspaper but is was not reagarding the witnesses. Say it was something published by another religion or civic group. Would you think they were crazy, out of touch with reality? Would you think they were a cult?

    Can you guys think of others?


  • knock knock
    knock knock

    It's amazing but to the "faithful" this has long been the mindset hasn't it? I mean it's a closed loop. Dubs have the truth and the writings to back that up so why would anyone that is "faithful" look anywhere else. All other material is trying to draw you away or merely uninformed and mistake prone -yeah, I know that's LOL funny. And hasn't that included books written by jw apologists?

    As far as their view on the bible, that was shown ages ago when studies in the scriptures "appeared" - anyone that relied on the bible alone would "soon go off into darkness". Yada, yada...

    It will be taken in stride by most. Mother still knows best after all.

  • Stealth453

    Typical watchquirer horse shit.

  • journey-on
    associates of our organization

    Did anyone else find this phraseology odd? Have they stopped calling them 'publishers'?

  • changeling

    Maybe they want to put even "interested" ones and students under the umbrella.


  • fjtoth


    associates of our organization

    Yes, I thought it was strange too. Like an amateur had written it. That phrase even made me suspicious of the article's authenticity.

    I think they want to minimize the fact that "baptized brothers and sisters" are the ones involved. They want to convey the idea that only the "less mature" and "newly associated" are engaged in this type of activity.


  • Hermano
    associates of our organization
    Did anyone else find this phraseology odd? Have they stopped calling them 'publishers'?

    Maybe they are trying to imply that they are not true witnesses.

  • heathen
    thing I find very interesting is that, not once, did they ever explicitly forbid JWs from holing their own personal meetings.

    No they only ban the use of outside info .You can only study WTBTS approved publications . Thought you knew that one........................

  • watson


  • nvrgnbk

    The cult is scared.

    They should be.

    The ship is sinking.

    Reality is catching up with them.

    I can't wait to discuss this with my elder father, who less than two weeks ago told me that the FDS has never suggested that one should not read only "approved" literature.

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