NEW policy! NO LIT for EX-JWs!

by MinisterAmos 117 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sunspot

    If THIS is the best these losers can come up with to warm the hearts of their followers, the hearts they have methodically and purposely turned to stone----it is far worse than we imagined! The WTS is floundering and thrashing around in their self-imposed darkness. They have to think of SOMETHING to try and gain some sort of momentum to get the JWs whipped back into shape. These sheep are getting TIRED OF WAITING....and the WTS knows it.

    What MORE will these men try and do to keep the "interest" going?.............Stay tuned.....

    I am sure we will hear!

  • DaCheech

    If I can get extra copies, I will leave some in laundromats

  • loosie

    You think they are tired of people who dont' donate for them? Surely it must be the ex members who don't donate, because all the real jw's are guilted into donating.

    Won't it be funny when they find out it's most of the real jws that don't donate?

  • Scully


    vat vood die bruders at sie haus auf Gotte be sehen???

    ei don't know vat vood zey be zeyingk, but ei know "vood" is der operatif vurrd.

    zey zeem du zink zat ztrong-villed vimmins like Mary und ju und me are not zo nize frauleins, but, ja, vee are gut vimmen mit gut zenzez und zexxy schtuff too.

  • OnTheWayOut

    DaCheech said:

    If I can get extra copies, I will leave some in laundromats

    I guess that's out. Apostates could go to laundromats for these gems.

    Street work: "Have you ever been a JW before? NO, then you can have a magazine."

    Have you ever met people in the d-2-d work that said, "No thanks, I am not a JW." ?
    They think the Witnesses at the door were searching for the stray or lost JW's.
    They can't understand why someone would think THEY wanted the mags, and
    the Witnesses can't understand why the householder doesn't want it.
    Now what are they going to think if they need to be approved for the mags?

    This sounds like a violation of their "free of charge" tax exemption for donations.
    Now, they put conditions on who can get the literature.
    JW's will not try to weed out apostates anymore than they say the scripted words about
    donations accepted for the worldwide work. Only ones like the examples we have read of
    family or friends saying "They say I have to cut you off." will happen.

  • blondie

    Actually, they sound Dutch to me. It is fractured English.

    jgnat, if I had seen an elder do that to my husband, I would have grabbed that KM out of his hand faster than a Kung Fu priest. And then marched him over to any other elder who had witnessed such. Then called the CO and ask what kind of "spiritual" men they are growing at the KH. Many an elder has felt the hot sting of Blondie's disdain on such occasions.


  • loosie

    I envy the hot sting of Blondie's disdain. lol

    I want to have that special power.

  • VM44

    Has anyone been able to get a copy of the letter? --VM44

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    You guys are all hilarious! You brighten my night.

    I think this is to make the dubs feel special and to fear being left out of the loop, nothing more.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Hi Freedom Fighters one and all,

    I recently looked at the UK 's webb site for the Charity Commision and the instructions and guide lines for trustees of charitys .There it says that it must be remembered that the charity exists not for the benefit of the people operating the charity but exists to benefit those in need of the product of the charity. With this in mind ,how can withholding " life saving information" benefit those in need of what the Society would call spiritual food?

    This I think brings their charity status into question.I rest my case ladies and gentlemen of the jury.


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