Lots of Bethelites Not Happy With Downsizing

by Seeker4 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • zagor

    Actually, e-watchman.com is down as well, could it be that WTBS did its (black) magic again.
    Boy this is getting upclose and personal, they are shutting sites all over the net. Why is it that they've got such power over host providers?
    Anyway, hope I'm wrong!

  • Honesty
    My friend said there is a lot of resentment, disappointment and frustration among the long time Bethelites who were told at one time to consider Bethel as a "lifetime career."

    This my friends, is a class action lawsuit just WAITING to happen.

    What the Bethelites had was a 'meeting of the minds'--they give their life up to Bethel, and stay there until Armegeddon or the new system rescues them. A meeting of the minds is considered a contract. Certainly, with everything the WT published about the END coming, the faithful believed it. This is a contract, period.

    Now, since the older Bethelites can't insist that the JWs bring Armageddon tomorrow to save them, y'all know what comes next, right?

    A lawsuit that says the JWs did not hold up their end of the bargain.


    I'm lovin' it Class

    I just wonder how many of them would have the courage to sue when they are aware that they'll lose family and lifetime friends who worship the Watchtower Society no matter what it does.

  • Honesty
    The operators of Paradise Cafe regard JWD as an apostate site and may block their info from being cut and pasted here.

    I tried to access Paradise cafe on another internet connection and it still is 'unavailable.'

  • LDH

    I'm reminded of the Lady JW Chiropractor-Bethelite who sure as hell didn't let that stop *her* from suing the WT....for work related injuries!

    Honesty, it would only take a couple of disillusioned, angry ex-JWs to do some real damage. The law of averages says that not every Bethelite they put on the street is a meek and subservient person.

    Just a couple. You know how fast news travels in Bethel.

  • zagor

    What are the chances that both e-watchman and paradise cafe are down at the same time?

  • zagor

    and it says account is actually suspended

  • looking_glass
    Can anyone say "class action lawsuit?"

    Unless there is something in writing saying that they are promised a place at Bethel until the NS and they cannot be terminated at will, then there is no such thing as "class action lawsuit" for the Bethelites who are currently being canned. Lawsuits have to have merit or a cause of action. A person can volunteer their time to any organization. It does not mean that the organization owes them anything (thus the term "volunteer"). If the org made promises to them then maybe, but I cannot imagine that the WTBTS has anything in writing that would ultimately give the Bethelites any legal recourse. If anything, it gives the WTBTS a black eye amongst people (non JWs and the rank and file), but lawsuits would be meritless.

    Hopefully, this will wake people up to the whole giving our lives over to god mentality. They need to take care of themselves and their families because the WTBTS is made up of a group of old men who are looking out for themselves and not the Bethelites. Like others have said, it is run like a corporation. When there are lay offs, the higher ups don't get canned, their salaries don't even get cut. It is the little guy that goes first.

    But I think most of already know the spin that will begin ... more trust in Jah, more this is a test, more it is for the best of the whole org, etc.,

  • minimus

    Thanks Seeker! Now THIS could be very big! Imagine all these loyal old Bethelites realizing that they are/were being taken advantage of? This could easily open the eyes of many. If Brother and Sister Faithful are talking against the Organization, this effects the core of the brotherhood.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Ok wait a minute. Wasn't there a European contry that was forced to pay benefits to Bethelites?

    If so I have to wonder whether the WTS is trying to get people out before this becomes an issue in the US, Canada and the UK and then they would have to be forking out millions of dollars

    Always remember: Follow the Money

  • looking_glass

    As an addendum to my prior posting, the chick who sued the Society and won, it was WC action. That is a different ball all together. She was injured, could not do her job and they let her go. Unless people can come up with an age/gender discrimination claim, then maybe. But from what I hear, the ages range quite so it would probably be difficult to establish any age discrimination.

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