Fallout From GB Anti-College Letter – This Will Cause Problems!

by Seeker4 179 Replies latest members private

  • Seeker4

    Well, the letter has been totally verified, and I can't help but think this is going to have serious consequences.

    Here is a paraphrase of the letter from an elder who heard it read:

    Elders can lose their freedom of speech by allowing their children to go to college. If an elder allows their son or daughter to go to college without first trying to talk them out of it, and actually encourages them, the elder could lose privileges of service.

    If however the kid goes to a two year college and the elder doesn't make a big deal of it then it's ok. It is also ok if the elder goes to college himself as part of on-going training for his current job. But if he is seeking to better his financial status or seeking a degree for the sake of having a degree to get ahead in business then he loses his freedom of speech. Elders need to counsel young people to put their best years towards theocratic goals in kingdom service and not seek higher education.

    There it is. What outrageous gall the GB has - telling the brothers they have to TRY TO TALK THEIR KIDS OUT OF GOING TO COLLEGE!!!! If you go to college to better your self or your business, you will be punished!! I'm literally angry about this. I could punch somebody out right now.

    BUT, I have a feeling that this will be the final straw for a lot of elders and MSs. Already I'm hearing about brothers who are stepping down over this, and I'm sure there will be more as this letter makes the rounds with the CO.

    And think about how this sounds when you tell people! I'm going to be telling everyone I know that JWs are REQUIRED to talk their kids out of going to college, and if they actually are so bold as to ENCOURAGE their kids to get a higher education, they will be punished by losing their congregational positions. This comes across as insane, whacked, a cult, stupid, ignorant, lunatic fringe, jihadist, backwards and worse.

    I encourage anyone who hears more about the fallout from this to post about it here. I sense that this is going to be another deciding moment for a lot of brothers and sisters, another 1914 Generation, another UN Scandal, another nail in the WTS coffin.


  • cabasilas

    A scan of this letter will cause tremendous damage to the WT. Let's hope someone can make it available.

  • WTWizard

    It sounds like they are already starting the Second Dark Ages. So far, it is just for themselves. But, if they reach Critical Mass, they are going to seize the governments and start the whole humanity into the Second Dark Ages. Permanently.

    I would like to see a scan of that letter get spread to every forum, blog, and news media possible. I want to ruin the Washtowel Slaveholdery before they can ruin my "secret" society with their sham presentations and/or their stupid rules. Or by plunging the whole world into the Second Dark Ages.

  • isaacaustin

    However, it seems like it is pretty subjective in its application. Anyone can simply claim they need this training for their job to support themself.

    Is this anything really different from their past stance?

  • journey-on

    Think about it, though. The WTS survival depends on dumbed-down people that will believe without researching for themselves

    everything that comes out of New York. They absolutely cannot risk an educated flock who might be capable of seeing through

    the whole scam with critical-thinking eyes. They may lose some from this, but I doubt it will be enough to matter. In the long

    run, the WTS will gain by keeping their flock ignorant and lapping the "rich spiritual food" right out of the GB's hand. If the flock

    is more educated than the GB, it would be harder to control their thinking. They just cannot risk this.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Thanks Seeker 4. So we now have it from several sources and different parts of the country that this is the new WT policy. I'm willing to bet that in about 6 months or so after the COs have rotated through every congregation, the WT will publish a "Questions from the Readers" that will address the subject. My guess is that they're giving all the servant bodies a heads up over the tightening of the reigns.

    I agree this is going to cause plenty of problems in the US, Europe and places like Korea & Japan. In my old hall, all the MS (at least the young ones) went to college and most of their elder fathers were also college educated. I can think of at least 2 of the 7 elders there who are very pro-education and will likely have to step down. I just can't see either of these guys sacrificing their kids education over this policy.

    I'm puzzled over why they are doing this. With the shortage of elders they already have, why toss out even more? Obviously, they recognize that the retention rate among the young is horrible, but somehow they link that with getting an education and not with the fact that overall, the WTS has shown contempt for young people (no youth groups or anything special for them). If they really want to improve their retention rate, they could make the kids feel welcome and special as opposed to how they feel now.

    Also, leaving it up to the local BOE is going to create real problems as more liberal (read reasonable) BOEs will try to find ways around the policy where more conservative BOEs will hammer down anyone that so much as takes a single course. This actually could be bigger than the recent "new light" doctrinal changes because at the end of the day, most JWs care little about doctrine and much more about their day to day activities.

    Edited to add: In order for the letter to be posted, it would have to be leaked by a CO. These sort of things are simply read to the BOE who aren't even allowed to look at the letter.

  • TheListener

    So now we know the real reason bookstudies have been melded into the School and Service Meetings. They expected a loss of elders and ministerial servants due to this decision on their part. They have given themselves until January 2009 to adjust and see just how many elders and ms's step aside over the college issue.

    It's funny to see the WTS make such a make or break decision over college. A simple campaign via word of mouth from the platform would have sufficed.

    If they were really worried about kids leaving, which they must be, they should start a Sunday school of sorts and encourage witness only playgroups by installing play equipment at the kingdom hall. I've seen many churches with play equpment for kids. Association is the beginning of the end for many dub kids.

  • OnTheWayOut

    A (most-likely) unexpected consequence is that many brothers will feel that this
    is a tolerable excuse to step aside or refuse privileges. They can put a positive
    spin on it by saying, "Of course I am going to encourage my son/daughter in their
    endeavors. I cannot put my privileges ahead of supporting them."

    I doubt we will get a letter scan unless a C.O. provides it. It is read to the elders
    and not given to them.

    It is possible that WTS recognizes that established JW's in the U.S. and other
    countries are not that profitable and are allowing a shake-up to get rid of many.
    They prepared for less elders with the bookstudy change. Now, they may do
    things to arrive at less elders. It may be easier to control less elders and tell them
    how they reduced their load already, so what's the problem.

  • sir82
    Already I'm hearing about brothers who are stepping down over this

    Seriously? Awesome!

    Any ideas on numbers? An isolated instance here and there, or affecting many congregations?

    Our CO visit is coming up...our BOE is basically a bunch of yes-men, I can think of maybe one other elder who would have a problem with this...maybe.

    My time as elder is coming to an end. Just can't stomach this stuff any more, despite my curiosity to hang in and get an insider's view of how it will all shake out.

    With the shortage of elders they already have, why toss out even more?

    I suspect even more outrageous stuff, directed at both the congregations and the BOE, is coming down the pike. I think they would prefer to have 4 or 5 million totally devoted followers, and cast off the several million who are in it for social or family reasons. This would reduce their expenses even more, but they would still have the glory and the power.

    Actually, if that is their plan, the numbers may not drop so significanty. If they recruit heavily in 3rd world countries, the resuling increase would offset the attrition. This is already happening in the US, where I suspect an astronomical increase in Hispanic Witnesses is masking a significant drop in English speaking congregation members.


    This is the "Information Age"..Never in history,has information traveled so fast or freely......The WBT$ is losing control and they know it..This is a desperate attempt to try to herd JW`s back to the horse and buggy days..When your mail came by stage coach or pony express.....Those days are long gone.....The WBT$ can no longer pick and choose the information a JW has access to.. Theres just to much of it,out there..........Many will use this to step down from their elders positions,it`s the perfect opportunity..Others will be forced to step down........The WBT$ religious cult,the JW`s,is imploding..........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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