Back when I was active in the Truth I used to pray to God that I would not wake up in the morning the next day. I remember one time in particular I was so down that I prayed so hard that I would just go to sleep and wake up in paradise. I truly had faith and believed Jehovah would do me that favor. The next morning I woke up and slowly openned my eyes and then cussed out loud because I was still in my own bedroom looking at my ceiling. I threw my pillow accross the room. Now I truly am happy I woke up in my room since I am much happier. I guess God knows what he is doing after all. I never had the nerve to consider doing it myself though. Now I would never want to die.
Posts by goofy
Considered Suicide ?
by Guest 77 inafter reading about the two jw's committing suicide and larc's comments, how many of us have considered suicide?
i saw a movie about a man trying every trick in the book to committ suicide and failed.
it got to the point in the movie that you know his next new attempt would fail.. most likely some people prefer to die without committing suicide.
What Were You Told That You Had To Work on By The Elders?
by minimus inthe elders feel obliged to have you work on at least, something.
what did they tell you?
jwbot, yes, I think they wanted us to erase our personality and start all over again. I have found out though, that most people in the world appreciate my outgoingness (if that's a word lol) I talk a little much but I least I have and can show my personality now!
The Watchtower's Yearly Rejection of Jesus Christ
by metatron init's that time again - that special time of the year when 6 million jehovah's witnesses meet together to reject the.
symbols of christian salvation.. never mind that jesus clearly said "he that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and i shall resurrect.
him on the last day" (john 6:54) - in a plain reference to those who hoped in the general resurrection.. never mind that jesus is called the "one mediator between god and man" ( 1 tim.2:5).
I still haven't made my mind up as to what I exactly believe, but somehow it sure isn't going to feel right tonight. the whole situation doesn't feel right for me anymore. I am going for my family but will go home and say my own prayers tonight.
What Were You Told That You Had To Work on By The Elders?
by minimus inthe elders feel obliged to have you work on at least, something.
what did they tell you?
Boy, I could write a book on this one. Let's see I was materialistic, I was loud and not meek, I was to bold for a sister. I had worldly friends, dated at times in the world. Too much makeup, hair to blonde (rumor going around about the hair). This wasn't me but I knew of a young brother who was counseled for giving a talk wearing a Disney tie. Oh yeah, some of my dresses were not modest. My knees showed. (They should see the skirts I wear now!
Daughter counselled on dating a wordly guy
by minimus inmy daughter recieved this email from one of her witness "friends".
she is counseling my daughter (indirectly) about her choice to date a "worldly" guy.. hey, so, we had a talk recently that was about love & respect in your marriage.
the brother brought out that this was more for us witnesses rather than worldly people, because it seems that even in the truth now marriage has lost it's correct place.
Congratulations on your daughters engagement and congratulations to her for loosing such a non-friend. Tell her to live her life. People who love her will always love her. The others she does not need.
Are You A Lover Of Pleasure Rather Than A Lover Of God?
by minimus inas a witness, you are constantly warned about being a lover of pleasure, rather than a lover of god.
do you fit into one of these catagories, now?
God gave us our life as a gift. If someone gives you a gift and you sit it on a shelf and allow it to collect dust, when that person comes to your house, they would feel hurt that you didn't care enough to enjoy their gift. It would be like telling them that your house is so small right now that you wanted to wait and enjoy their gift when you bought a bigger house. How disrespectful that would be! Yet we are to put our lives on a shelf, let our life collect dust, make it through, and just keep surviving until this old system ends and a new one begins, how disrespectful to God! He gave us a beautiful gift of life, I am sure he wants us to enjoy it. I love pleasure and happiness and thank God everytime I get to enjoy his gift.
shooters? Drinking before meetings? Anyone?
by goofy inok, up to the last i would make sure and have a few drinks before i went to the meeting.
it helped me relax as i am very hypertense and up to the last was going crazy listenning as i truly believe the speakers were getting more boring than before.
i never did but thought it would be cool to sneak a shooter in your purse and down it in the restroom mid-way, but i can't drink hard liquor straight, so that didn't happen.
That's what I would do have a couple of glasses of wine. It helped. Once a pioneer sister was suspicious and approached my Sister to ask her if I had a drink before the meeting. My Sis told her I did, she (the pioneer sister) never did ask me personally though, lol. I am sure they had a nice conversation in service the next day.
Can you eat blood now?
by Brummie ini have no trouble with transfusions to save peoples lives but recently we went to a wedding and one of my little lads had been up to the buffet and come back with a plate of food, on it was little circles of black pudding (blood sausage), he didnt know what it was (i have never brought it home so he hasnt seen it before) but just threw it on his plate anyway.
while he wasnt looking i took it off and threw it away!
couldnt bring myself to let him eat it and i still couldnt eat it because of the background in jws.
The Bible does say abstain from blood. And do not eat blood. Besides that it is just horrible to think about yuck!
Should we or shouldn't we?...JW family member's graduation..advice please
by MoeJoJoJo inmy husband's sister is graduating this year.
she called and was excited to let us know when her graduation party is planned for.
his parents called the very next day and said maybe it would be a good idea if my hubby who is da'd not attend.
Honesty, I wouldn't go. I would send a gift and regrets. If I were married and my husband was not welcome, I could not go and if he does go, your husband will just hurt by their actions.
"You know it is, you know!"
by Redneckgurl ini kept hearing these words from my mother today, she kept saying, "you know it is the truth" "you know the end is coming" "you know there is only one true religion, there is only one truth" "you know, you know, i know you do".
it makes me sick to hear her say that, i have always responded to those words with "yeah, i know", but this time i didn't.. a friend that i haven't spoken with in quite a while from the kh da'd herself the other night, i found out.
Boy, can I relate to you. My Mom is always telling what I know too. I know this is the Truth. I know this is the only organization doing Jehovah's will. I know I know, I know. I want to scream "No I don't know that!!!!!!" but it would hurt her to bad. I just tell her, "Mom, you know we hold different views", Which is bad enough. I just wanted to let you know I empathize with you, but sadly, I have no answers.