JoinedTopics Started by InquiryMan
An unexpected visit
by InquiryMan inmy family and i stopped being active witnesses some 3 and a half years ago.
we did the fade thing, thus we are neither das nor df.
before we stopped, i served as an elder.
Why Hong Kong was given back to China :-)
by InquiryMan inthis is a thought on why hong kong was given back to china (as reasoned by a staunch jw).
cut from beliefnet.
i remember a co gave a talk, that one of my sisters found very objectionable.
Exposé JW/UN
by InquiryMan inwhile browsing some books in a book shop today, i discovered a most interesting title: joy of sects written by sam jordison.
it is a brand new title, see the following link.,6109,1643175,00.html
Canadian Teenager update
by InquiryMan injehovah's witness teen doing well without transfusion
girl at centre of court battle in n.y. hospital
isabel vincent
New Abuse Case in Denmark
by InquiryMan indenmark: jehovahs witness forced six-year old to oral sex a 55 year old danish man has been imprisoned, charged for abusing a six year old boy.
the abuse took place in the kingdom hall of jehovahs witnesses in copenhagen.
{there are several kh in copenhagen, my remark} the 55-year old has on several times since new year made the six year old boy satysfy himself sexually, reports the ekstrabladet newspaper.
New Abuse Case in Denmark
by InquiryMan indenmark: jehovahs witness forced six-year old to oral sex a 55 year old danish man has been imprisoned, charged for abusing a six year old boy.
the abuse took place in the kingdom hall of jehovahs witnesses in copenhagen.
{there are several kh in copenhagen, my remark} the 55-year old has on several times since new year made the six year old boy satysfy himself sexually, reports the ekstrabladet newspaper.
Reverse scenario
by InquiryMan inin a small town in norway, a police officer was fined with an equivalent of some 1,500 dollars, or subsidiary three days of prison, for failing to bring forth to social service and other relevant authorities, information provided him by two elders from the local jehovah?s witnesses congregation of a df member having commited sexual abuse of his step daughters.
in this case, it was the police that failed, not the jw.
(i am not an jw apologist just for bringing this forth).
JW reaction to Tsunami-information
by InquiryMan inrealizing that many witnesses are concerned with how many of their fellow beliveres are affected by natural disasters, i did provide those i know with some information on sms.
the information was based on various postings on the jw-believers are of (various reports supporting one another).
i thus found them rather trustworthy.
Need support
by InquiryMan ini am in a rather difficult situation at the moment.
if someone would care to pm me, .
i do not want to elaborate on my .