New Abuse Case in Denmark

by InquiryMan 0 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • InquiryMan

    DENMARK: Jehovahs witness forced six-year old to oral sex A 55 year old Danish man has been imprisoned, charged for abusing a six year old boy. The abuse took place in the Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs witnesses in Copenhagen. {There are several KH in Copenhagen, my remark} The 55-year old has on several times since new year made the six year old boy satysfy himself sexually, reports the Ekstrabladet newspaper. The abuse took place in a congregation hall situated in a remote road in the southern part of Copenhagen. On Friday last week, the 55 year old man was imprisoned, intially for twelve days. The imprisonment hearing was secret, and it is not known if the 55 year old accepted imprisonment. Copenhagen police has confirmed the imprisonment, but refrains from further comments on the case. The imprisoned man is officially charged for having sexual relations with a minor child. The abuse shall have taken place on several occasions, starting from New Year until now. It was the parents of the boy who went to the police with the allegations. The parents are also members of the congregation.

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