I'm now part of an elite club of memorial invitees.... My mother mailed each of her Satanic children without any hope for the future a one page tract reminding us of this important date. No accompanying letter, no "how are you?" NOTHING but the rhetoric filled tract re-explaining how we can all benefit from this "important occasion".
My one sister was a pioneer and a missionary, my other sister was a pioneer. I was a witless most of my life. It's not like we don't know the date when Elvis Jesus with his huge hair (I hated the superman swirl they always drew on him) "died upon a tree, to set all mankind free." While we insult real Christians by just passing the emblems and turning our noses up at them.
I toyed with the idea of responding, but decided it wasn't worth the effort. You can't reach someone with glazed eyes and a world view controlled solely by GB spoon feeding. My sister called me today and said she will respond, though not in a nasty way and asked me to edit the letter (she knows how much I love this board and my true apostate self ). I'd like to help her but really would just like to ignore it. I don't think there is a point. I thought about mailing her a copy of Crisis of Conscience with no accompanying letter but she would drop it like hot coals and press number one on her speed dial to get the elders over to do an exorcism. Mostly I'm p*ssed because I know she is counting her time mailing us this tripe (all of us are still technically baptised.) This is just a visceral reaction, and I'd appreciate any advice on what I should do.