Say something nice about the JW's

by JH 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar

    There are some very hot, rather pleasant women in the congs. Other than that, I got nothin'.

  • jgnat

    They dress conservatively, are neat and clean, and rarely die of lung cancer.

  • mrsjones5

    I knew a hot MS. I had a crush on him when I was 16.

  • JH

    They have good lawyers

  • mouthy

    Most of them are honest
    dont smoke( which they helped me stop)
    Trusts !!!! ( because they believe Jah is the owner)
    MANY !!! do very kind actions at the doors, I KNOW cos I did them with others like What?
    Bought groceries for a single Mum..
    lit a oil stove for an old lady who was sitting in the cold cos she didnt know how to light it.
    Painted a very dirty home when the home owner started a study!
    Did a womans washing for her because she said she didnt have time to study! & after all for her to get into the Kingdom why not???
    Went to prison ---- rather than disobey!
    Gave up buying homes because Armeggedon was on its way
    Gave up having Children cos the WT said it was a NO-No should I go on????? I can!!!!
    So LOYALITY is a trait they have EVEN if it IS Misplaced.


  • Momofmany

    For the most part, they really try to do what god has ask of them. They truely believe in god, and try very hard to do as s/he wishes.

  • hartstrings

    The old sweet ladies who were so "faithful" because they knew no better. They were not the gossippy types, they were the ones who baked apple pies without even thinking when there was a family in need. They are the ones who I cry for most at night because they know no better and don't have the confidence to question.


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    Something nice about the JW's.


    i said it.

    luv, jojo

  • daystar

    They taste good with catsup.

  • kittyeatzjdubs


    they're also good w/ a little guacamole and salsa.

    luv, jojo

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