Say something nice about the JW's

by JH 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls
    Most of them are more honest than the average person

    I am hoping you are kidding.

  • JH

    Well, I'M sure that just about all of them, if they would find a wallet loaded with money, they would give it back.

  • misspeaches

    Some of them honestly to have the very best intentions. My mum helps anyone who needs the help, regardless of their social status, their history (d's, d'a etc), their mental health etc etc. She gives her time, her money, she lends what she can. She prepares every study, she is active. She has very poor health but suffers for her religon.

    It breaks my heart. This is never reciprocated to her. I wish she would wake up and smell the roses.

  • Purza

    Its hard to say something nice when you read a story about Damselfly and how she is not included in family functions. That is really pissing me off tonight. I can't think of anything positive to say.


  • OldSoul

    As a whole, JWs are very sincere and have no clue that the ones running the show don't have authority from God. Even most of those who do know and play along anyway are doing it to keep friendships and family relationships intact.

  • inquirer

    I guess they like other Bible translations and use them in their literature.
    Don't go off to war.
    Don't believe in the trinity, use God's name.
    Don't believe in pressuring people to give money every time you go to the Kingdom Hall. I really felt that.
    Help people with public speaking.

    Have a strong desire to await the New System and live on a paradise earth. I wish they were right on 1914, by the way. (I am sorry if you guys are disappointed with me. But I am sure there is a better life than this one.)
    Invite discussion on current topics.
    I guess, they use their Bibles a lot... But at times obscure the meaning by putting to much interpretation on Scripture. There was a guy on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire for example, in Australia. I guy did a "phone a friend," and he phoned up the Anglican Priest and asked him what is the third book of the Bible, and he couldn't even tell you! A JW would tell you this in a second!

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    Most of them are more honest than the average person

    JH, I agree. I don't think I have ever really seen a dishonest real witness. There was a husband of one, but not a true JW. HL

  • Confession

    Funny isn't it?

    Some have great difficulty bringing themselves to admit anything positive about JWs. It's as if they need to demonize them in order to feel justified in having left the group.

    And some of us have no problem saying, "Yes there are lots of wonderful human beings within the organization." We know that, in so admitting, this does not in any way give credence to the Watchtower Society as being what it purports to be.

    Of course there are disgraceful people among them--just as there are among any group. Sometimes it's because the organization in which they've placed their trust compels them to act in such a way. Sometimes not. But largely these are people who genuinely believe in God and usually live their lives believing he's taking note of their actions. When they disfellowship or shun, it's because they believe God is pleased with their loyalty. I'm not suggesting their actions are ultimately justified. I just feel very sorry for them--and hope they come to discover what I finally did as soon as possible.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    You don't have to worry about what to get them for Christmas

    If you smoke you don't have to worry about them bumming cigarettes from you.

    They are good for the liqueur industry.

    They don't clog up the golf course on Sat and Sun mornings

    They are good for donut shops

  • zagor
    there are also some hot elder's wives.

    Amen brother


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