Heres your chance..........

by defd 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    omg! a fish suicide! I'm sorry but that is so funny. lol

    wonder why the fish jumped?

  • BrendaCloutier


    Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change

    The courage to change the things I can

    And the Wisdom to know the difference

    Just for today.

  • coffee_black

    Sometimes having too much time on your hands can be you too much time to think...and you keep going over and over and over the stressful situation in your head.

    Take a a book...have a cup of coffee with a friend...tackle a something creative. Get your mind off of what is giving you stress in the first place.


  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Take up Golf.

  • damselfly

    I think you need to be honest with yourself about identifying your stress and WHY it is stressing you out so much. Then you can move things around to help you overcome the stress. It's been my experience that stress is just fear in another form. You need to beat that fear in order to overcome that stress.

    For example ~ school was stressing me out. I realized that I was afraid I couldn't do the work. Solution~ schedule regular study time and be vocal about asking for help if I don't understand what is going on.

    I think whatever is stressing you must be pretty serious if you are asking us for help, I hope that things work out you. The shortness of breath sounds like a panic attack. When I had them I found that Bach's Rescue Remedy worked well for me.


  • myelaine


  • Honesty


    That's all I can add to what has already been mentioned. I hope the feelings you are having soon pass and you can get back to your normal fiesty and somewhat aggresive self.


  • Insomniac

    Warm baths, chai tea with honey, and some physical closeness with someone you love are all ways to distract your restless brain from the stress-factors, at least temporarily. Personally, when I am stressed out, I find something to clean, and I scrub it half to death. This calms me in the short-term, but I sometimes overdo it and find myself putting a fifth coat of wax on my floor at 3am and washing my hands repeatedly until they bleed. My point is, whatever route you take to ease the stress, approach it with moderation and common sense. In other words, a glass of wine is nice and soothing; drinking one's self into oblivion is not. Physical exercise is good; working out until you faint is not. Take care of yourself, and I hope you feel better soon.

  • misspeaches

    Defd I am sorry to hear that you are going through a stressful period. I too have been through extreme stress in the past and because I didn't manage it found myself sinking into depression.

    When do you feel at your most stressed?

    Is it an environment, a situation?

    Can you elimnate it? Do you have to remain exposed to it? If so can you minimise it?

    Perhaps you could introduce some stress relieving exercises everytime you feel yourself getting anxious.

    Have you talked to a professional at all?

    Its very important that anyone experiencing high levels of anxiety have it addressed. It can lead to serious health issues.

  • stillajwexelder

    Jack and Jim

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