You Aren't Good Enough to Spend Time With Us, But Your Money Is Just Fine

by Scully 53 Replies latest social family

  • lawrence


    I'm the guy who sends mackerels in the mail when necessary to turned-seedy business partners and former friends. I can send stinkweed or anything you like to as many people as you wish. I enjoy the special wrappings.

  • Finally-Free

    Hey Scully, haven't they tried to pull this crap with you before? You're probably too good to them. They don't seem to appreciate your "taking the high road."

    In my book, family is family - either all of the time or none of the time. I don't allow any middle ground.


  • hamsterbait

    Necessary business in WTS parlance means MONEY = "who gets what".


    If they then continue trying to contact you, report them to their local elders and get THEM disfellowsipped for persisting in trying to have a relationship with an apostate family member.


  • Scully


    I'm the guy who sends mackerels in the mail when necessary to turned-seedy business partners and former friends. I can send stinkweed or anything you like to as many people as you wish. I enjoy the special wrappings.

    I think I'm in love!

  • BrendaCloutier

    ((( Scully ))) I've been ignored by my "siblings", especially my brother and his wife, all of my life, even when I was in good standing. So why should they treat me any different now? At least they don't ask for money. OK by me.

    I like the Red Cross donation idea. Telling them that you know the money would be put to appropriate use there. And don't bother asking ever again. They wouldn't understand Quotes at all. Not capable.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Stinkweed. Hmm. It's a little late in the year here, but the blackberry vines are still very nice!

  • Scully


    Hey Scully, haven't they tried to pull this crap with you before? You're probably too good to them. They don't seem to appreciate your "taking the high road."

    Yep, they've been pulling this crap for years. I decided I'd had enough though when a non-JW brother got married .... we were invited so as not to Stumble™ the Worldly™ relatives, but we weren't good enough to be invited to (or even informed about) the other wedding related festivities, since it would require the JW relatives to have a meal at the same table as us. They got around that technicality at the wedding reception by seating us at a table away from the JW relatives.

  • Scully

    and wonder of wonders... I'm not DFd or DAd, just Inactive™. I almost feel like DAing just to get them to fck off.

  • lawrence


    Heading down to the fish market tomorrow for some kingfish (for BQue). The guy who owns the place in Kensington Market is cool and I can get some shark heads and salmon tails from him. Should I?

  • Scully

    hmmmm well it's a month or so until the big event... how nasty will they smell if you get them tomorrow and mail them by halloween?

    oh, and we must discuss your fee !!

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