by You Know 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know
    I think you are the most valuable poster here by a long shot.

    You are probably right. But not for the reasons you suppose.

    Over the years apostates have sought numerous ways to try to silence me. This little scam of yours is something many others have tried to pull before. When the standard ridicule and name-calling proved futile apostates have sought various other underhanded means to try to muzzle me. Many times various posters would try to organize an official boycott of my posts whereby everyone would agree not to read or respond to anything to wrote. That scheme of course would always backfire because they couldn't just let me run roughshod over them without a fight of some sort. Over on the old H20 there was always talk of banning me. Some apostates have been so desperate to get rid of me that they have hypocritically appealed to the Watchtower to do something about me! What an honor for me! At one point they even considered shutting down H20 because I continually upset them. Those were the good ole days! I have been threatened with violence, called every vile thing imaginable. But one of the lamest routines run on me is what you are trying to pull. I can tell you now that it don't work. Yeah, so the same vicious apostates that may have previously tried to bully me into submission, apparently in desperation, they then proclaim me as their chief ally in their evil mission. Fine. Then you shouldn't mind me posting. But if that's really the case, why do you always howl in displeasure whenever I post? LOL. I know why. So do you. / You Know

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    You K,

    You are the Greatest apostate buster I've seen man.

    When did you first start to recognize your greatness?

    You Know If you were only around when I started having doubt, but it's too late for me I'm lost forever, and your so clever.

  • logical

    You Know,

    The reason people want you to shut up is because you are pure evil.

    By all means, continue to post here. The more you post, the more your rotten fruits are exposed to all. The more you waffle on, the deeper the hole you are digging for yourself.

    It makes me sick to see people continually bombarded with the errors they made in an effort to see sense, how they cant see them, they are so blind to the obviousness of their errors.

    Its up to you what you do.

  • AGuest

    Just as it was on H20, You Know... you again play your 'game' of failing to answer MY questions. And the only one you ATTEMPTED to answer you did in 'error'. When I asked you WHO was most 'reprehensible'... those misleading or those BEING misled... you responded:

    I have told you many times, and yet you do not believe. Jehovah's judgment begins FIRST with his own house. The question you people should ask is this: "Now if it starts first with us, what will the end be of those who are not obedient to the good news of God? And if the righteous man is being saved with difficulty, where will the ungodly man and the sinner make a showing?" (1 Peter 4:17)

    The word of my Lord to YOU, O Self-Righteous and Obstinate Man, by means of the spirit of my Father that is in me... HOLY SPIRIT... is that by this, YOU indicate that there are some in that 'house' that would not pass judgment. But you are in 'error'. How so? Because the ONLY way one can BE in that God's house... is to BE 'in union' with Christ, the 'foundation cornerstone'... and so be a PART of the 'building'... or 'house'.

    And 'those that are IN UNION with Christ...


    Romans 8:1
    Romans 5:18

    So, then, those that WERE of that 'house' and do NOT 'remain in union'... are 'cast OUT'... into the darkness outside. Yes? And it is those who are NOT 'in union'... who are 'condemned'... yes? And to 'remain in union', one would HAVE to eat and drink the flesh and blood of my Lord... AS WELL AS... obey his commandments, ONE of which is to LOVE YOUR ENEMIES... as well as your brother. Yes?

    So, now... I ask you AGAIN... and YOU tell me... WHO is MOST reprehensible:

    1. Those 'bad shepherds' who 'shut up the kingdom of the heavens from before men', the EVIL slave who 'BEATS his brothers' rather than love them, and who HATES his enemies rather than love them, as COMMANDED... and as a result is CAST INTO THE DARKNESS OUTSIDE, to eat and drink with the CONFIRMED 'drunkards'... all the while PREVENTING THE 'LITTE CHILDREN' FROM COMING 'INTO UNION' WITH MY LORD, by means of PROHIBITING them from EATING AND DRINKING THE FLESH AND BLOOD of my Lord... which SYMBOLIZES such 'union'... and teaching them that they should NOT in fact eat and drink...

    John 6:56
    John 6:48, 51, 53

    2. Or those who are 'snatched and SCATTERED' by the WOLF... due to being abandoned TO the Wolf ('wild beast') BY the 'bad shepherds', the 'hired man', because they don't CARE for the sheep... because they're not THEIR sheep?

    John 10:12, 13

    Again, the word of my Lord to YOU is... THINK hard before you answer... and keep the words 'better to have a millstone tied around their neck and pitched into the sea' in mind when you do.

    IF the GB and its 'bad shepherds' are walking AGAINST the Light, then THEY are 'unclean'. Thus, it is YOU who are continually 'touching the unclean thing'... and YOU who are 'persecuting the Christ' in the SAME way as did the scribes and Pharisees against those who no longer walked 'according to the [JEWISH] system of things', with its PHYSICAL temple... and VISIBLE priesthood... Law Covenant... but INSTEAD... walked according to the 'Christ', as a SPIRITUAL 'temple'... with a SPIRITUAL priesthood... and the NEW Covenant... which is a 'law'... of LOVE, FORGIVENESS, MERCY, RELEASING... and LIFE... as opposed to its predecessor... a 'law' of TRANSGRESSION... JUDGMENT... CONDEMNATION... and DEATH.

    You... You Know... in your 'blindness'... continually 'impale the 'sheep' of God... on a LAW... that itself was DONE AWAY WITH... impaled... with my Lord. If then, such impale meant the DEATH of my Lord... IN THE FLESH... what, then, did it mean for the LAW COVENANT?

    Rather, then, than preaching my Lord as resurrected to LIFE... you... and your leaders... preach the LAW COVENANT... as resurrected. YOU... 'breath life BACK into the wild beast who head received a death-stroke, but was healed'. YOU... breath life BACK into the 'image' of that beast... the LAW COVENANT... under which ALL of the House of God was once under compulsion... and condemnation.

    But... we have been SET FREE... for the Son... has SET US FREE! Who then are YOU... and your leaders... to attempt to put us BACK under a law... and condemn us to DEATH... when my Lord DIED... to grant us LIFE?

    'Hear' this... and 'get the SENSE of it', you are a 'dealer' and 'agent'... NOT in life, as is MY Lord and brothers... but in DEATH... as is YOUR 'father'... and brothers... as is EVIDENCED by your 'fruits'... the words of your MOUTH... which issue forth from you HEART. It is your WORDS... that 'defile' you, for they reveal what is IN you. And by such 'fruits', all will 'know' you... and your leaders... for you are ALL... are like Cain... who hates HIS brother... because his OWN works... 'were wicked'.

    It is you, then, that make such 'fatal assumption' for with the same judgment that you are judging... you will BE judged.

    I, myself, have spoken it to you AGAIN, just as I heard it from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, Son and Christ of the Holy One of Israel... JAH OF ARMIES.

    Praise JAH... you people... and NOT the WTBTS! Let every living thing... let every living BREATHING thing... let it praise JAH!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Winston

    Nice post SJ!

    The Never Ending Search For Truth

  • finalcall

    Hello Sis

    Good post. I think most people reading can see that "You Know" is blinded.His lack of love in his words should indicate that to him.
    I too, used to be just like him going around judging everybody when I thought I was teaching or doing what God wanted me to do, instead I was throwing out WTS propoganda and judging all.

    I pray too that someday "You Know" too will see the light and not fight it an remain blind.

    Take care my dear sister Shel

    Your brother in Christ,and fellow servant

  • roykaye

    The point is, as it relates to the ongoing apostasy among Jehovah's Witnesses, is that Jesus retains absolute control over the dispensation of God's sacred treasury of truth. In effect, that means that Christ indirectly takes responsibility for the errors and misunderstandings that exist among his anointed congregation seeing that it is his stated purpose to only reveal the whole truth at the time of his arrival.

    What absolute baloney. In that case what is wrong with the "errors and misunderstandings" of so-called 'Christendom'. Christ is responsible for that too.

    According to you Christ is not "the way, the life and the truth". Because if you are right, Christ is showing us the wrong 'way', which is costing us our 'lives' and his 'truth' is full of errors.

  • joelbear

    Me, howl in displeasure? Naaah.

    I love ya man. You keep things hopping here. I think you should stay.



  • Vienna

    You Know has made me seen the error of my ways! I will now go back to the Watchtower Society!!!

    Thanks You Know!!!

    You're always welcome on this board to save others! YEAH!! :)

  • You Know
    You Know
    And 'those that are IN UNION with Christ HAVE NO CONDEMNATION...

    How true! That is why your Balaam-like voodoo results in our blessing rather than a curse. / You Know

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