by You Know 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know

    To MDS:

    Jesus' guiding his disciples into all the truth is not complete until, as Paul noted in that 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians, anointed Christians see Christ as if face-to-face. That does not happen immediately upon Christ's arrival. That appears to be the error you are laboring under. Indeed, according to Malachi's prophecy, when Jesus arrives to judge God's people, he will sit as a refiner and laundryman in order to throughly and finally cleanse those who are destined to inherit the kingdom. That's why Malachi says, "but who will be the one standing when he appears?" Christ's sudden appearance to commence judgment upon God's house results in the evil apostate slave being tossed out into the street. But, according to Jesus, even the faithful slave comes under the lash as well as a preliminary to his being given authority over all the Master's belongings.

    That's why the entire apostate movement is such vanity, because in the end Christ himself addresses the misconduct and errors of his holy ones. He appropriately chastises, corrects, and then pours out his spirit in full measure upon those who remain loyal through the whole corrective process. / You Know

  • bboyneko 2
    bboyneko 2
    That's why the entire apostate movement is such vanity, because in the end Christ himself addresses the misconduct and errors of his holy ones. He appropriately chastises, corrects, and then pours out his spirit in full measure upon those who remain loyal through the whole corrective process. / You Know

    So if Jesus is the final judge, who are you to judge us as evil in god's eyes?

  • You Know
    You Know
    So if Jesus is the final judge, who are you to judge us as evil in god's eyes?

    The apostate is always anxious to shield themselves from being exposed by God's word by appealing to Jesus' counsel not to judge our brothers. Besides the obvious hypocrisy of using the Scriptures for your own convenience, and the self-evident fact that none of you qualify as genuine brothers, the bottom line is that Jesus EXPECTS us to judge you. Didn't he say that 'by their fruits you will recognize those men'? Like the saying goes, "if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck." So when ex-JW's blaspheme and deny Jehovah, and try to draw others from their ministry, only an imbecile would not recognize what you are. / You Know

  • AGuest

    Here is where you 'err', You Know:

    "Apostasy" means a 'standing away from'... and for the purposes YOU intend... standing away from God. What you are DOING, however, is what your leaders have taught you and that is accuse all those who 'stand away' from the WTBTS... as also standing away from God. This is not necessarily TRUE, for those who 'stood away' from the Jewish system of things, with its temple, did not necessarily 'stand away' from God. My Lord was one of these, as were his disciples.

    In addition, such 'standing away' FROM God... would have to be in reference to those who stood WITH God... and it is only those who at one time was 'in union' with God... who could do so. The WTBTS, however, has PRECLUDED MANY... from coming to, being with and remaining in union with God, by means of their very 'shutting up the kingdom of the heavens'. How so?

    To 'apostacize' in the manner spoken of by the disciples would mean to 'stand away'... FROM THAT UNION. And the ONLY way ones come 'in union' with God... is by being 'in union' with Christ. And the ONLY way ones come to be 'in union' with Christ is:

    1. Love - for ALL, including one's enemies and PARTICULARLY one's brothers and neighbor...

    2. Faith - in the WORD of God, that he died for us, but is now ALIVE and so SPEAKS to us from 'heaven'... and is 'with [us]', although invisible in 'presence'...

    3. Obedience - TO that 'voice', in what it directs us to speak... and do... including heeding the words that:

    "He that OBEY my commandments remains in union with me;"

    "UNLESS you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man...

    "Remain in union with me, for apart from me... you can do NOTHING of your own selves..."

    He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood... REMAINS IN UNION WITH ME..."

    He that loves ME... will OBEY my commandments;"

    "KEEP doing this... in remembrance of me."

    Yet, is those who claim to BE of the Household of God, by reason of an 'anointing'... who PRECLUDE ones from coming into this union. Yes, the judgment WILL start with us first. However, my Father... in His INFINITE wisdom and mercy... KNEW... and thus, my Lord knew... that it would be those claiming to be of his household who would 'shut the door'... HIM... to others, so that they would not enjoy such union. And He would NEVER consider as 'standing away' from such 'union'... and the NEW Covenant... those never allowed IN it.

    For such ones, then, another provision has been made: the "Rahab" provision, wherein such ones CAN get life... STILL... based on how they treat the brothers of my Lord, and thus, in essence, him.

    You are like your brothers, You Know... those who preach condemnation and death... the LAW COVENANT... rather than mercy, forgiveness... and LIFE... the NEW Covenant. You are like your forefathers before you, who, rather than invite ALL into such New Covenant... 'shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men.' Why? Because they themselves... do no go in.

    Yes, indeed, the judgment WILL start with the Household of God; take care, then, that it does not start with YOUR... 'abode'.

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest
    Absolute Blasphemy against Jesus Christ!

    The 'word' of the spirit of my Lord to you, MDS, is... 'calm down'. Any blasphemy against Son... can be forgiven. You Know, however, has already blasphemed the Spirit, which is not forgiven... in this system of things, nor in the one to come.

    The judgment may indeed, start in his 'abode'. We will have to wait and see. In the meantime, as 'priests'... we CAN ask for mercy on his behalf... at the same time asking that the Father's 'will'... and not ours... is done. By doing so, the 'fiery coals' are heaped upon HIS head... and not our own.

    I bid you peace,

    A slave of Christ,


  • logical

    You Know,

    How can a person who wants to please Jah JOIN the organisation AFTER knowing it is full of hypocrisy? AFTER knowing the baptism questions lead straight into full-blown spiritual adultery and idolatory?

    You speak total crap You Know.

  • logical

    You Know, read Revelation 22:15:

    "Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and the fornicators and the murderers and everyone liking and carrying on a lie"

    And you say that people who REFUSE to carry on the WTS lies and fornications and murders, and leave that org, are the ones who are in trouble?

    BAH, go away.

  • AGuest

    My prayers for peace... and 'healing'... are with you, Logical, as they are for the undeserved kindness and mercy of my Father, JAH OF ARMIES... and the peace of HIS Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, as well.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • logical


    who is the "spirit of truth"? Do you know? Is it you?


    Think HARD... before you attempt to answer.

    Talk about asking for the impossible... I dont think YK can think at all.

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    YouKnow - When I read your posts it reminds me of some of the reasons why I left the organisation, to get away from stupidity, callousness, hard-heartedness, cruelty and self-righteousness. And before you accuse me of name calling, I am merely stating some of the qualities I found within the society. It breaks my heart to see people following such a misguided set of beliefs, it really does.

    Jesus taught love, where is your love YouKnow? Jesus loved people, he had compassion for them. Where is your compassion YouKnow. Jesus felt empathy for them. Where is your empathy YouKnow? You claim to be a disciple of Christ - I wonder what he would think of your ramblings...
    You ought to look in the mirror and see what sort of person you are, I would not like to be in a system that is ruled by people like you.

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