by You Know 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist


    I am one who is here of my own valition. Yes, I at one time pioneered and led the "lifestyle". After reading and researching many topics, I simply decided to cease my activities.

    I am not disfellowshipped or disassociated. I am merely inactive. I stopped turning in time over a year ago and have been to less than 5 meetings in two years.

    Why? Did I commit a sin? Did someone offend me and hurt my feelings? Was I involved in immorality? Have I gone out after riches? The answer to all of those before Almighty God Jehovah is a staunch, indignant and outright NO.

    I stopped because I am mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually TIRED, FRUSTRATED, DISGUSTED with religion and human beings! I have had it.

    Yes, I know there are some "happy" doers of the WTBS words. We all know that the majority of JW's have never researched much of anything in their lives like major purchases, where to live, what car to buy, let alone religion. That is until that doorbell rang.

    Now, all of a sudden there are millions of PARTIALLY informed, PARTIALLY educated, PARTIALLY experienced humanitarians exerting themselves in scripted life or death campaigns.

    Don't you see, we are TIRED. When does the so called rest come? Is it ever coming? How many loads must you bind? How many meetings are enough? How much service will warrant some respect and genuine concern?

    I learned that it is never coming. Humans are never satisfied. Like the WTBS, you now accuse those who have left of all sorts of wickedness, like the Pharisees.

    Janis Joplin once said that "freedom means nothing left to lose" and I tell you truly today, that none of you are free. Unless you can maintain all relationships (business, family and social) and live freely, then you are still presenting yourself as a slave.

    The FRANZ books are not simple gossip. The GB is aware of that. If it were simple gossip, given that all JW's use "upbuilding speech" to socialize, that book would never have made it off the first shelf it was placed on.

    Your presence here is proof. I too once believed that relief would come. Someday, those that researched and learned to think out of the WTBS box would somehow foster change and start a new generation of empathic utopian christians. It will not happen.

    This unfortunate offshoot of 19th century protestant doomsday religious fever is getting older and older. Soon, after 200 years we will write about like the Mormons and Scientologists.

    What then will happen to us, the human race and the earth? I believe the more we speculate, the more we prove to the Creator we are not ready. We are still lost in the 21st century desert, still looking for signs and seasons.

    If it is the knowledge, love and friendship of the Creator you seek, ask HIM, seek HIM, and stop placing human obstacles, organizations and other distractions between yourself and your Maker. If you DARE!

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Kat - Good for you girl! Sock it to him good and hard! Yours was a
    very poignant posting which I really admire you for writing,

    "I am right, you're wrong--I'll live, you'll die."

    That sums it all up so well... don't you just hate that attitude, where's the love in that??
  • AlanF

    To Individual's Wife and Kat:

    You Know said:

    : I have yet to see even one XJW take responsibility for allowing themselves to be stumbled. It is always someone else's fault that you lost your faith in God.

    This is the sort of baldfaced lie that this idiot, and many JWs as well, are known for. He and I and others have had many discussions of this very thing. The truth -- which YK can't accept because he needs to blame Satan or Ray Franz or someone else -- is that plenty of people get disgusted with the JW religion, and in the process open up their minds to everything that was closed off before. One can read about science, history, archaeology and anything else without those thick blinders on anymore. Those blinders make one automatically filter out anything that doesn't pass muster with the Society.

    In my case, I gradually realized that the Society was wrong about many aspects of science and history. Then I found out that they actually tell lies about these things in order to bolster their religious claims. Once I realized that the idiots in Brooklyn are charlatans, I examined the Bible itself, on its own merits, and it came up severely wanting. So no one stumbled me about the Bible, or about God. Examining the Bible itself was all I needed.

    In case you ladies don't know it, You Know was once a drug-crazy biker. He stumbled into the JWs and, like most of his kind, substituted the JW drug for LSD. And like most former bikers and hippie-types, he's far more vicious and less forgiving than JWs who didn't live such nasty lives before they were JWs. Today he claims to be anointed, and hopes to rule over people as a holy Priest-King. Imagine a monster like that having power over anyone!

    A couple of years ago YK decided that he was going to engage in massive apostate-bashing by making a website. Unfortunately for him, in the process of registering the site he revealed his true identity -- Robert King of Kirkland, Washington. As a result of that he shut down the site and moved somewhere else. About the same time he claimed that he was going to educate himself about evolution and other science matters so as to bash apostates. He never did that either.

    So you can see that Bobby You Know Priest-King is nothing but an ignorant blowhard still getting high on ancient LSD left in his brain. The unfortunate thing is that many JW leaders are not far off from him when it comes to publishing religious dogma.


  • You Know
    You Know
    Don't you see, we are TIRED. When does the so called rest come? Is it ever coming?

    The world is tired. God knows I am tired. But Jehovah gives his servants strength to go on. But do apostates ever get tired of bashing the Watchtower and trying to mislead some burdened down soul? Apparently not.

    How many loads must you bind?

    What loads am I binding on you? Is my pointing out how the system is about to implode a burden for you? You don't make much sense.

    How much service will warrant some respect and genuine concern?

    Whose respect do you want?

    I learned that it is never coming. Humans are never satisfied. Like the WTBS, you now accuse those who have left of all sorts of wickedness, like the Pharisees.

    That's pretty perverse. Apostates accuse us night and day. Apostates blaspheme Jehovah and slander his people. But when I bring the scriptures to bear against you for your crimes you whine that I don't love you. It's ridiculous, really.

    The FRANZ books are not simple gossip.

    I disagree. I read one of them. A lot is what some brother supposedly said or didn't say. That's gossip. But that's what people want to hear and they gulp it down like candy.

    Your presence here is proof. I too once believed that relief would come. Someday, those that researched and learned to think out of the WTBS box would somehow foster change and start a new generation of empathic utopian christians. It will not happen.

    You fatal assumption is that humans can start genuine Christianity. Obviously that's not possible. If it doesn't come from Christ it isn't worth anything. If you had half the insight that you imagine that you do you would know that Jesus is still king over his congregation regardless of what kind of mischief the evil slave stirs up.

    What then will happen to us, the human race and the earth? I believe the more we speculate, the more we prove to the Creator we are not ready. We are still lost in the 21st century desert, still looking for signs and seasons.

    You truly are a lost soul and you have my pity. / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know

    Poor Alan Fraudbacker went to the big school as a young JW and had his head twisted around by some college prof. He tried to defend his faith, but it was futile. Up in smoke it went. Now, after his conversion, he zealously wants to evangelize the world with his atheism and avenge himself on Jehovah's Witnesses for whatever damages he imagines they have inflicted on him. Underlying his hatred of all things connected with Jehovah are deep childhood resentments against his JW father. Unquestionably he needs phychiatric help to resolve the real issue that he has with Jehovah and the Watchtower Society. Basically, Alan Fraudbacker, as I affectionately call him, is a bully who tries to ridicule and demean others into submission if they don't agree with his opinions. Because he has never been able to best me in any sort of discussion, or intimidate me with his bluster, he tries to hurt me in personal ways way beyond the bounds of this forum. / You Know

  • Englishman

    You Know,

    I would have expected that a man of your age would have grown out of all this childish separatist nonsense by now.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly


    Your post seems to have touched a nerve
    in You Know's little brain.

    Of course, You Know must "defend" the
    truth as he is Jehovah's special one.

    The GB could use this guy to do its dirty

    I really think You Know is Demonic, as
    his posts demonstrate.

  • You Know
    You Know
    Your post seems to have touched a nerve in You Know's little brain.

    LOL. Why the interest in my brain and portfolio?

    Of course, You Know must "defend" the truth as he is Jehovah's special one.

    Actually, it's kind of a family thing with us.

    The GB could use this guy to do its dirty deeds.

    I'll take that as a compliment.

    I really think You Know is Demonic, as his posts demonstrate.

    Interesting. What exactly in my posts make you think I'm demonic? Please explain or retract your slander. Actually, Jesus' apostate enemies thought he was demonized, and Jesus of course warned us that we would be treated no better than our master. / You Know

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    You Know,

    I'm serious you need to present your stuff to the Governing Body!

    I hate to see a man with all your talent go to waste!

    You should write the GB and tell them all the things you told us on this board, they will recognize your devotion and give your the recognition you so rightly deserve.

    I think it time for you to toot your own horn and speak to the GB they surely need someone like you to be in their group.

    You are of the anointed are you not and so form part of the Faithful Slave, so what on earth are you waiting for, provide food at the proper time, and go ask for an audience with the GB.

    Don't look as doing it for your self because it's not it for the good of the other sheep and the rest of the little flock.

    They need you now!

    Your time has come do it now, the flock need you to do it.

    Your friend :-)

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    How about it You Know are you thinking it's time at last?

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