by You Know 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • individual

    GodRules - Witnesses do not spend billions of hours every year publishing the good news of the kingdom - what they do is spend billions of hours placing magazines that have no meaning to anybody and no relevance and certainly have no effect in convincing people. People do not come into the religion because of the magazines or because of what a JW has said. In my experience the majority of the people who have come in were susceptible to anything at that time having suffered a profound event in their lives.

    A lot of those that have come into the religion were in need of psychiatric help having emotional problems and in need of a crutch to lean on. I know this does not apply to everyone but in my experience it was extremely common. This means they were victims of circumstance and events in their lives meant that they were looking for hope. Surely this cannot be the best way for God to gather his people. The preaching work is incredibly inefficient and if peoples lives were really at stake and Armageddon was really a reality then surely they deserve a better chance than this.

    The JWs are preaching in order for them to gain their prize. All the JWs I knew had very little humanity and they were certainly not preaching to help others but were preaching in order to clock some hours on their timesheets. To me, at that time, I used to look at the people that were going out on the ministry beside me and listen to the moans of 'we're not going to THAT area again are we?'. Their motivation was completely wrong and I felt at that time that God wasnt behind the work because it was so ineffective and nobody who was going out actually wanted to carry out this work.

    When you look around the world there are a lot of good people, I would say that the majority of people are sincere, honesthearted and genuine, many of whom truly love God and Jesus Christ in their own religions. The only people that I know that long to see them destroyed are JWs. People used to go out looking for a house to own after Armageddon and I've experienced this with people I've worked with so you cannot say it doesnt happen. How can you say their heart condition is right and better than those they are preaching to??

    If God brought Armageddon now it would be a massive failure on his part, a failure to reach peoples hearts because he has decided to use a corrupt organisation whose faults have revealed consistently on this board. If He did bring Armageddon now, as YouKnow wants, then He would be responsible for the billions of lives destroyed including children. He has not given these people a chance, certainly not a fair chance. This is why I do not believe that God would destroy these ones. The society wants to believe they are evil but they are clearly not. The apostates are considered evil by YouKnow and others but they are normal, thinking, kind people who have more humanity than any of those in this so-called 'truth'.

    This thread is typical YouKnow stuff - 'lets destroy the world regardless of how good people are because I am greedy and greedy for my reward.'

  • philo

    :the now developing apostate community

    What? So we're a community after all, not the 'Satanic cohort of back-biters'. Well, then, aren't we indeed 'developing'. Do you see JWs as a 'developing community' also? Settling down into the religious and corporate mainstream, loss of expansion, propping up flawed doctrines with the crutch of enforced uniformity: do you see these things as developments?


  • Patriot

    You Know (nothing),

    Getting back to your anylisis of the Iraqi forces and how they built them up thru the last decade, they indeed have built up their army but not their "forces". Let me explain it to You like I did my daughter:

    The U.S. Army spend millions on specialized training-Iraq does not. An american Ranger or Special forces soldier is exactly that ;like their motto goes " You mess with the best..You die like the rest".

    Iraqi "elite" guard is nothing more than a few men who were given a crash course in repelling and weapons handling. I can give my daughter's 3rd grade class ak47's and they would be considered a "force" who can do damage. That is exactly what
    Iraq is dealing with. Their soldiers throw their weapons down with the slightest glimpse at us. Believe me they are not a force. Again only the lunacy of their leader must be watched.

    You can believe and predict anything you want but You know nothing. My last tour their was May -Sept. 2000 and I don't recall seeing you there. So try and stick to things that you actually know about.

    As for Godrules,

    JW's don't go out endless hours trying to save people, they go out because you need to get the $$ for the literature.

    Let me show you how I can prove it: Go to your meeting and tell your P.O. that from now on you just want to preach using your Bible and that you no longer want to "place" magazines, that if the people have any quetions you will gladly call on them. See what he tells you. When he convinces you that thats not wise ask him that if the early Christians understood the Bible truths without magazines and books and went preaching without them and it WORKED!, Why do we need them today?

    I bet you will be interrogated within a few days and "relieved" of any position of which you treasue. And if you get upset and don't show humility, you'll be all up in a judicial comm.

    Good 'ol JW's always predictable.


  • gsark

    You're doing it again You Know...making our case for us--as usual.

    You use the 'WT' term 'apostate', then quote scriptures that do not have anything to do with the term 'apostate'.

    So what is the Greek and Hebrew word for 'Apostate' dear? Enlighten us please.

    And for that matter, what is the Greek and Hebrew word for Homosexual? Please enlighten us some more.

    Jehovah's Witnesses simply want us dead so they can have our stuff. OH WELL THAT'S SO NEW.

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • GodRules


    Are you kidding me? Obviously you don't read the magazines, even worldly people realize the value of the information they contain. The magazines help people focus on different biblical topics. Your post is just full of your own personal interpretation on the motives behind Witnesses.

    Patriot: You're just being idiotic. I go out in service and never ask for donations. Many times I don't even place literature, I just use the Bible. And why would I go ask the P.O. anything about the magazines? I am the P.O.

  • Winston

    God rules,

    So are all us apostates going to hell in a wicker basket.

    The Never Ending Search For Truth

  • bboyneko

    I would prefer to go to hell in a large waterbed with piper Perabo

  • seven006

    Mr. Clueless, aka You Know Nothing,

    Just because you are a lonely pathetic man and have no one in your little religion who want's to listen to your rambling on like a mad man doesn't mean any one here wants to see you crawl up on your soap box and fulfill your dream of becoming an evangelist. Why don't you write your redundant speeches and then go outside and gather all the neighborhood pets together and preach to them. Tell them how they are all bad little doggies and kitties and that sniffing each others butts will not allow them to inherit the kingdom of god. You can read scripture after scripture to them on the subject of fornication and
    how they must get married in the eyes of god to be able to do it doggy style on your front lawn. Your continued need for psychological strokes is getting very tiring. Yes we know you can read your bible and yes we know you are a lonely little man and yes we know you think we are all bad little boys and girls but you have gone way past the broken record state and are now stepping into the realm of being psychopathically dangerous. Go crawl back into your hole. It was nice to have a little vacation from you.

    Doggies and kitties of the internet, run like hell, You Knows back!

    Does anyone else find it strange that my buddy Duns walks out the door and Mr. Know it All immediately steps in? Duns, is this you?
    I sure hope not.


  • You Know
    You Know


    Please tell me what is your definition of an apostate?

    The definition of an apostate is one who falls away from devotion to Jehovah.

    I'm not on the same page as you.

    Obviously you are not on the same page as Jehovah either. That's indicative of your own apostasy.

    Another words what does one have to do to become an apostate, so I can avoid being destoyed. Please be very clear my life is in your hands. Make it clear so clear that we will all repent.

    Whether you are just pretending to be stupid, or actually are, makes no difference to me. That's part of your fatal assumption, namely that it is even possible for you to repent. LOL / You Know

  • Winston

    You Know,

    You speak in such generalities and base you assumptioms on nonexistent facts.

    The definition of an apostate is one who falls away from devotion to Jehovah.

    I'm not on the same page as you.

    Obviously you are not on the same page as Jehovah either. That's indicative of your own apostasy.


    All assumption based on a wrong premise!

    The Never Ending Search For Truth

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