Living Alone... How Do You Do It?

by FMZ 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • FMZ

    As you guys may know, I don't ask too many questions on the forum, as I feel that I have a pretty good grasp on things. But this... I am clueless on.

    Starting sometime next week, I will have my own apartment. My own little pad. My own place in which I can torture myself and do nothing but think 24/7.

    I am really not looking forward to it. Lately my life has been pretty crappy, and it has taken a lot of digging to find the silver-lining in each and every cloud that has passed over me. I have never lived alone before, and I'm not sure I'll deal too well with it. I'm not a good "alone" kind of person. I crave interaction.

    Ugh. Lovin' life. I guess.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Get a bird. We have a cockatiel. It talks, likes to cuddle when we take her out, Is just happy being in a cage or out. Doesn't have fleas. Doesn't climb on your cabinets and shed. Not much upkeep. Does not kiss and tell. Enjoy your time by yourself. HL

  • confusedjw

    ( Simon - FMZ really needs Chat living alone starting next week! )

    No great answers here. Movies, beer, reading, online.....

    Sorry for your trouble WM. Anything I can do to help?

    Do you need a house warming party?

  • FMZ

    HL, that's not such a bad idea. Hmm.. thanks for the hint :)

    WM, house warming party would be beautiful. When are you coming down to Missouri? lol. Thanks for the support mate. :)

    I just hope I don't end up becoming a loner. I am already feeling the depression. I'm not even excited about having my new place.


  • Princess

    Sorry to hear it Keith. Hope things get better soon.


  • FMZ

    Thanks Rachel :) It's just another one of those low times in life. Soon the cycle will kick back in and I will be "up" again. Things will improve eventually.


  • Mulan

    I've never lived alone, and have often thought it would have been good for me. I went from my father's house to my husband's house, and am still here.

    One of my friends can't stand to be alone, and will borrow people's children if it looks like she will be alone for an evening or a weekend. She used to let her kids stay home from school so she wasn't alone, if she had to be home for a day or two. Now, that's a sickness. I really thought she would get over it, but it gets worse as she gets older.

    Keith, just enjoy the solitude, and have people over when it gets to you. It's a learning and a growing experience, so go with the flow.

  • Aude_Sapere

    Pets will definitely help make your new place 'homey'.

    A housewarming party is a great start and gets your friends and coworkers familiar with your new digs.

    Go for walks. Meet your new neighbors. Keep a few snacks and maybe a few beers on hand so you can invite someone up to chat. (Actually, if you keep beers in your fridge, you will probably have plenty of visitors.)

    Get an outdoor grill. Share with a neighbor and offer to share a salad if they'll bring drinks or dessert.

    I think it's a great learning experience for everyone to live alone - at least for 6 months. You will survive. And you'll only become a loner if you chose to be.

    BTW - How come the sudden change in living arrangements? (Sorry if this is too personal or if this was covered on a different thread...)


  • cyberguy

    Hi FMZ!

    In your early posts, you mentioned you were married. I guess this is no more? Well, that’s your business, but I’m sorry to hear this hasn’t worked out for you. Anyway, try to find friends you can talk with every day, even if it is over the phone. I’ve met a lot of really nice folks here on this board that I’ve later been able to have helpful, encouraging conversations over the phone. Just do the PM-thing to anyone you’d like to have a phone-conversation with, and enjoy. Or get someone's Yahoo IM address.Take care!



  • prophecor

    When I lived alone, for the first time in my life, I had no appreciation whatsoever for the company of myself, now that I have a ready made family and mad crazy responsibilities, I can truly appreciate living the single life. The solitary life.

    Not forever, mind you, but long enough to sit in my own $#!+, and learn how to be about the things that were most important to me, my music, my education, all of the things that I tried to scoop up, after I'd gotten myself involved in someone elses life other than my own.

    Learn to have a love affair with yourself. It's the only reasonable response to a brief and momentary period in your life, when the only person that you truly need, may just be yourself.

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