Jehovah's Witnesses as "a people......"

by ScoobySnax 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    "Living in La-La Land"

    LOL are such an old witch! know me too's scary.


  • acsot

    Scoob, I know what you mean. My mom was one of those good people, who, although in her 70s when he came out, didn't reject my gay brother. Although the feeling of "unity" exists at large conventions of JWs (and I was a true believer for many, many years), it is more a forced uniformity than individual choice.

    I would suggest that you go to other large gatherings and see what it's like there. Just as a few examples over a wide spectrum of attitudes/activities can show, the same peaceful feeling of unity was present during the late Pope's last visit to Toronto during World Youth Day a couple of years ago. Hundreds of thousands of people present, from all over the world, peaceful, happy and there of their own accord (I'm saying this as an agnostic/atheist, not as a born-again Catholic).

    Then last week, I attended, for the first time, the Gay Pride parade here in the city. It was wonderful, and there were easily 100,000 people lining the sidewalks, in the heat and humidity, enjoying the parade, clapping, laughing and generally having a great time. Again, no violence, no rough stuff, the police had literally nothing to do. The crowds were better behaved than JWs at a convention, and I'm serious about that, I'm not gratuitously condemning the dubs - after all, I was one of them at one time at those large conventions.

    As another example, Billy Graham packs 'em by the tens of thousands and it's peaceful and united.

    So, Scoob, just try out different kinds of groups to see for yourself whether or not the JWs are really all that unique with respect to the feeling you got from being at the convention.


  • LouBelle

    If you took away the GB & the Watchtower BTS - there would be no Jehovah Witnesses. They'd probably be like any other religion.

    I don't do religion - full stop. People who do religion have lost the plot.

  • DannyBloem

    First of all what is Good or Bad, how do we define that?
    second we ask here to judge the people (jw's) by a group that is mostly bad experiencs with them (ex-jw's). That is not really objective, and the replies to this question clearly shows how none objective it is. Just like asking JW's themselfs if they are good people.

    Being mislead does not count as bad in my opinion. The same as being into a large group following it does not count. Most of us are in some groups. Are all muslims bad? Are all catholics bad (both groups did a lot of bad).
    Are all people from certai nations bad, only because their government does soem bad things? Then we all would be, there are not many good governments around.

    No, I dont agree that they are a good bunch of people, they may behave themselves while out at an assembly but this is all fake, they do it to give a good witness.
    Behind closed doors they are a bunch of child beating, self righteous hypocrites not worthy of anyones respect.

    Comments like this, are the greatest generalizations you'll hear. And it is just bull-shit.

    The question was without the FDS, but without them there would be no JW's as the only thing separating them from others are their teachings with the resulted differences in behaviour. So, this makes the question not possible to answer.

    The common theme in this thread is that they do not have unconditional love. That is true, they do not have. It does not mean that the love is not genuine or not real. If it exists at all, unconditional love is very rare.
    The fact is more that their love is real, but the teachings of the FDS prevent them to show there love in some cases.

    As with all groups, there are nice peolpe and not very nice people inside. It is just the same in the JW. People expecting then JW's to be more nice and all good will be disapointed.

    Just to conclude, there is nothing special about them.


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