Jehovah’s mother chose death before baby

by trevor 59 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • rebel8

    I thought this was going to be a philosophical thread answering the question, "Would Mary have refused blood during childbirth if it meant baby Jesus would have died?"

  • Dragonlady76

    That's all I can muster after reading this.


  • greendawn

    One more victim of the cult choosing to dye because the FDS told her that a tranfusion would lead to etrnal death whereas at least if she dies without a transfusion she will live again and after all the paradise and the resurrection are so near. No need to fear death say the elders and the FDS.

    That's what happens when you get involved in a cult another needless death and more orphans, all for imagined reasons. Now in the year 2005 and counting, one wonders what would have happened in Bulgaria with such a case.

  • Scully

    I wonder if the WTS will ever do a repeat of the May 94 Awake! cover, except this time, put photographs of all the women who died from massive bloodloss during childbirth along with pictures of children who will never know their mothers.

    Yeah, that'll get the peoples' attention.

    The WTS is bloodguilty beyond redemption for inciting people to martyr themselves to this utterly false doctrine.

  • trevor

    Of course blood transfusions are allegedly a ‘matter of conscience’ now.

    Consciences trained by the Watchtower Society.

  • nilfun
    Her mother was also at the bedside and we begged her to try to influence her daughter but she just told us “If I interfere, they will get upset and I won’t be allowed to see the grandchildren.”

    Yeah, so much a matter of conscience that this mother would rather not "interfere" to help her daughter -- just so she could still see the grandkids(!?!)

    That doesn't sound much like "conscience" -- sounds more like the fear of being shunned. She feared the consequences of going against the rules..."conscience matter" my @ss.

    The bOrg sure has a lot to answer for...

  • pooka

    Unbelievable.......Just makes you want to .. I sorry If I needed a trasnfusion I would take it. I have this thing about having other people blood in me, but when I go into the hospital for any major surgery I would have given blood that would be there for me. I cant donate. There are other means I thought for blood transfusions, synthetic something? I know that I talked to JW about this once. Am I wrong?


  • Euphemism

    This story--and the religious policy behind it--is sickening, but I have to ask, was there really nothing the doctors could do for this woman?

    When I lived in Spain, which has sociaized medicine, many doctors at the publicly funded hospitals would refuse to provide bloodless treatment for patients who requested it. The only alternative for Witnesses was to transfer to private hospitals, often at exorbitant cost.

    I don't know whether or not that's what happened here. But reprehensible as the WTS' policy is, without more facts I don't feel comfortable laying all the blame at their door.

  • Scully
    This story--and the religious policy behind it--is sickening, but I have to ask, was there really nothing the doctors could do for this woman?

    When I lived in Spain, which has sociaized medicine, many doctors at the publicly funded hospitals would refuse to provide bloodless treatment for patients who requested it. The only alternative for Witnesses was to transfer to private hospitals, often at exorbitant cost.


    It really depends on the underlying medical reasons behind the massive blood loss that the patient experienced. If the patient experienced a common medical emergency such as a Post Partum Hemorrhage (PPH), bloodless treatment would probably be an option that could be used once the source of the hemorrhage was identified and corrected. This particular case doesn't sound like that though.

    One of the most dangerous complications of pregnancy is HELLP syndrome (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelet count), which can develop as a result of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH). If the patient's condition isn't caught and treated in time, she can end up with an almost always fatal condition known as Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy (DIC). Patients with this condition require complete replacement of their blood volume. I've nursed patients after they have been in ICU with this condition who have needed over 20 units of blood transfused to get them stabilized and save their lives. In a case like this, bloodless therapy would be useless because the patient's own blood is being destroyed by the disease process very rapidly, it no longer has the ability to supply oxygen to the brain and vital organs, and the patient goes into shock and dies.

    This is a perfect example (to me at least) of how poorly the WTS values the lives of women. Men don't get HELLP syndrome. Men don't die of HELLP syndrome. More men are affected by potentially life-threatening diseases like hemophilia - and guess what - clotting factors to treat hemophilia were the first blood fractions that were approved by the WTS for JWs to use as a Matter of Conscience™. You can bet your bottom dollar that if MEN, instead of women, were dying of HELLP syndrome, the WTS would repeal its oppressive ban on blood transfusions to save the lives of their Brothers™, Elders™, Ministerial Servants™, Circuit and District Overseers™, and Bethelites™. But since it only affects women, they don't really give a $h!t.

  • Euphemism

    All too true. Thanks for the explanation, Scully.

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