What's Your Status? Christian, Pagan, "I Don't Know", "I Don't Care"??

by minimus 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    i'm not sure, I believe their must be a Creator, so I'm not athiest, but I really have a dislike for Jesus/God, so what does that make me ?????

  • littlerockguy

    my status now is just working on being a good human

  • greendawn

    I have never doubted the existence of a creator and always believed in the gospel so I am Christian.

  • delilah

    I believe in God, but I have no desire to ever again, be involved with organized religion. I guess, I'm a Christian???!!!

  • caligirl

    Christian, after a long journey of first cleansing my brain of all tht was foisted upon me by being brought up a witness, then a period of time where I had no interest in anything and had no idea if I even believed in God, then onto feeling that I have a belief but no idea what to do with it. Then earlier this year, finally ready to attend a few churches to see if their style of worship meshed with what I feel the bible is telling us. We found one that we like, and are regular attenders, but I don't ever want to be an official member of any organization ever again. I do not feel regular attendance at any church to be necessary for salvation, but as long as I enjoy going and look forward to it, then I will go.

    This process took 8 years, just in case you were wondering.

  • Insomniac

    I am in an odd situation, as I could claim to be any of three very different religions:

    I was told last year, by a Catholic priest, that since I was baptised as an infant into the Catholic church, I am still, and will always be, a Catholic.

    I've never da'd or been df'd. Although inactive, I'm still likely being counted as a Jehovah's Witness.

    However, my personal beliefs and practices are entirely Pagan.

  • Insomniac

    Rundon'twalk: I think you'd be considered a Deist. It's a good thing to be; I date one of them, and he's remarkably easy to talk religion with, as he has few theological hang-ups.

  • GentlyFeral

    I'm thinkin', I'm thinkin'.

    Well, I identified as a Unitarian Universalist for about 7 years, during which time I tried atheism and then discovered I was some kind of Neo-Pagan. Then I took up the study of hoodoo, which is an African-American system of folk magic that leans on the Bible as one of its sources of power.

    So now I'm lookin' at the Church of St. John Coltrane. I'll let you know how that turns out.

    I still don't call myself a Christian, yet.

    gently feral

  • 3rdEye

    Spiritual, not religious. I believe in God, but not necessarily Jesus.

  • lazyslob

    I´m Lazyslob. I don´t believe in religion/ god/ jesus/ buddha/ muhammed/ pink unicorn/ santa claus/ bible/ couran/ lord of the rings, or whatever you wanna call them. What does that make of me? I don´t know, and I don´t care.

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