Why do/don't you believe in God

by LouBelle 153 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    Now for all the scientists out there this is not a question of proof or anything along those lines.

    For my part I choose to believe in a God because I honestly believe there is one (though I did start doubting for a little while) I've always felt that there was more to our existance on earth - and that doesn't stem from me wanting to live forever or as a spirit, as I don't even know if that will happen.

    I also believe in him because many many times when I could not carry on, on my own strength, I managed to pulled through. I also have had some personal experiences which have made me sit back and think.

  • googlemagoogle

    i don't believe in a god, because i asked god if he exists and he didn't answer. then i realized that i was just a child still believing in santa clause. i believed in god because they told me there is one. just as a child believes in santa because it is told he exists.

  • Frog

    Hey Loubelle,

    I do not not believe in God, I don''t like labels or the stigmas that are attached to them, but I believe this makes me an atheist. My honest opinion though, is that it is irrelevant for me to really question the beliefs of others. Because irrespective of whether these beliefs are based on logical fact, those personal beliefs are real in their consequences. For instance, if voodoo tribesman from a Papuan tribe pointed a bone at me with a curse that says I will die in 2 weeks, I would probably be humoured by it and think nothing more of it. If however, the bone is pointed at a local tribesman he will no doubt take this very seriously, this could in turn affect his health, he would prepare himself for death, and he might even die. So in saying so, his beliefs are real in their consequences. Perhaps this is a left field analogy but it's an analogy all the same:)


  • LouBelle

    google...oh my god there is no Santa *tantrum*

    Froggy - I also believe as you mentioned that if a bone was pointed at......It's kinda the same as if you always say you sick - you become sick.

  • mtbatoon

    I assume that when your talking about god your referring to the Jewish/Christian god. Why not ask why people believe or disbelieve in Lord Brahma, Odin, Zeus or any of the thousand gods that man has created throughout history?

    We once needed a focal point to answer all the nagging unanswerable questions of how did we get here, how should we live our lives and where do we go, questions that each religion tries to answer, some more successfully than others.

    Science has answered many of these questions for us and possibly one day science will be considered in the same light as we now consider the universe being made out of someone's testicles.

    The most damming verse in the bible is Genesis 1:26 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”. Should this be taken literally, god and all the heavenly host have two eyes, two ears, two arms, legs, genitals, teeth? Why would a spiritual creature need these things. If the bible is to be believed there was no earth to walk on, they don't need food or have a need to reproduce. I think that it's the other way round, we create god in our image.

  • Golf

    Loubelle, I'm a strong believer in my Creator. In my culture we don't label our Maker as a God but "one who made us." This has a personal attachment to it, like mother and father.

    I don't go out of my way trying to convince others about my Creator, this is a personal thing. If people want to or not believe, that's their 'choice."


  • LouBelle

    mtbatoon. Perhaps instead of God I should have put a Supreme being because that is actually what I was aiming for.

    When it comes to the 'image' part of 'let us....' I personally don't take that scripture literally. I think it goes deeper than that.

  • sonnyboy

    I don't believe in God because the bible is one huge contradiction after the other.

    In the OT, God was a HORRIBLE TERRORIST. There is no other way to describe the beast. He cast his loving napalm upon Sodom and Gamorrah because they wouldn't kiss his ass.

    What a nice guy.

    He sent his sweet Angel of Death to SLAUGHTER innocent children in Egypt to punish Pharoh.

    Do you feel the love yet?

    The list goes on. Then in the NT, he's supposed to be some kind, passive God who doesn't do anything to harsh until Armageddon when he again smites anyone who doesn't kiss his ass.

    So, I choose not to believe in this horrible creature. If he's real, then half the bible is a lie. I'm just not sure which half, nor do I care.

    I'll never again consciously follow a terrorist.

  • mtbatoon

    LouBelle: If it isn't meant to be taken literally then how should it be taken? I've heard that it means that god made man with the emotions that he and the angels had but to me that is as ridiculous. How can we comparing the emotions that a spiritual being would have with a physical being. I also have a problem with the “it shouldn't be taken literally” argument. If the bible is gods word and a manual for how we should live our lives then it should be clear and uncomplicated, not hidden in metaphor.

  • LittleToe


    We once needed a focal point to answer all the nagging unanswerable questions of how did we get here, how should we live our lives and where do we go, questions that each religion tries to answer, some more successfully than others.

    Science has answered many of these questions for us and possibly one day science will be considered in the same light as we now consider the universe being made out of someone's testicles

    Ermmm... no it hasn't.


    So you've disproved for yourself the concept of a "God" based on the representation of the bible that you received. Bravo! How does this dispel the concept of all the other colours of invisible unicorn, though?

    If all you've got are a few bible contradictions, from this site, then surely all you've done is replaced the WTS as your "authority" with something potentially as tenuous?

    I'm not attempting to "get at you" incidentally. These commments are equally applicable to a broader audience.

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