Richie Rich

by Emma 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Oh, Richie, you crack me up! I made the same gender mistake with Hillary_Step when I first started with the board.

    Not all great thinkers are agreeable. But they may be saying something important.

  • upside/down
    I never fire the first shot.

    And THAT makes it OK?

    Who's the lame ass pansy that said shooting first was "wrong"...?

    "THIS BOARD"- H_S.... reminds me of when Ben Stiller says "YOU PEOPLE" to the black dude on the plane in Anger Management.

    u/d (of the "some PEOPLE you just can't reach...class)

  • upside/down

    Ooops... sorry RR.... "howdy" and hang in there!

    u/d (of the "peep's" class)

  • hillary_step


    Hill buddy, I understand you, just don't agree.

    You do not agree with what? That Minimus has a sinister interest in a sheep farm in New Zealand? That the Bush Administration should invade itself to spread democracy? that Joe Stalin came back as Celine Dion?

    Spit it out man!


  • love2Bworldly

    Sticking to the topic--hi RR--you feel like a younger brother to me, even though I'm old enough to be your mom. I enjoy your humor.

  • hillary_step


    You are a proven hypocrite. You insult a person and then preach to the board about the low moral territory of, guess what? Yes, insulting a person on this Board.

    Would you like me to prove to the Board what a hypocrite you are? Again? Get your own house in order before you deem fit to sort out mine.

    "THIS BOARD"- H_S.... reminds me of when Ben Stiller says "YOU PEOPLE" to the black dude on the plane in Anger Management.

    And your comment reminds me that the Schumck's of the world seem to have found themselves a new King.


  • hillary_step


    Not all great thinkers are agreeable. But they may be saying something important.

    What astute observation.

    I have to admit though, I am not a 'great thinker', I lack the focus, or the mental discipline to view myself as such. Mind you, given the opposition, the 'attack mice' * U/D, Stillajwexelder, and one or two others who turn up on every thread I respond to trying their very hardest to outwit me, I do seem to shine like a great beacon of bright thought.

    Best regards - HS

    * Phrase borrowed from a truly great thinker, AlanF

  • upside/down
    the Schumck's of the world seem to have found themselves a new King.

    So I'm a "king"

    "the Schmuck's" I assume must be the "people" on JWD....poor bastards.


    You are a proven hypocrite

    Dude.... I don't know what fantasy world you live in... but in CO...dem's fitin wurdz!

    That is the BIGGEST insult you could lob on me.... but my "daddy" (non-Dub) always told me to consider the source....

    "Source" considered....and found an unworthy adversary...

    Dude you need to CHILL out (you must not have been breast fed or told you were loved enough or sumthim?)... you would NEVER speak like this to my face... I guarantee it...

    And no SIMON (or Admins.)that is not a threat or an insult...

    This a menace and blurrs the lines of decency.

    Even for an X-XJW...

    As "king"....My first monarchial duty is to order H_S tongue removed and his fingers chopped off....

    IT'S GOOD TO BE KING!- History of the World Pt.1- Mel Brooks.

    u/d (of the thinks H_S is a waste of skin class)

    p.s.- why does even responding to you feel so demeaning?

  • jula71
    I have to admit though, I am not a 'great thinker', I lack the focus, or the mental discipline to view myself as such. Mind you, given the opposition, the 'attack mice' * U/D, Stillajwexelder, and one or two others who turn up on every thread I respond to trying their very hardest to outwit me,

    Hope you don't mean me in that 1 or 2 others?!?!?!?

  • hillary_step


    Hope you don't mean me in that 1 or 2 others?!?!?!?

    No I do not.


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