Inappropriate "shepherding" calls.

by avishai 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    They are such useless shepards when jws need some real help they might as well stay out of their homes and not bother calling, just because the WTS interests are being neglected by inactive members.

  • delilah

    Yes, it happened to my sister-in-law. She was paid a visit at 9pm one night, when they knew my brother wasn't home.....and my brother met them at the hall the next morning, and told the one "brother" that if he ever did that again, he'd need a surgeon to remove my brother's foot from his a$$....and he said it in front of this guys to say, there was never another late-night visit....

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I have bluntly told people that my home is not to be visited, for any reason ever past 7 p.m., and this only on Friday and Saturday evenings.

    People at the KH think I'm a bit of an anti-social that way.

    Oh, there are so many reasons why my poor hubby won't ever make it to be an elder as long as he continues married to me!


  • arwen

    I had an elder and a ministerial servant come for an arrainged visit and asked another sister who lived close by to come to my house so they could"kill two birds with one stone" so to speak. Neither one of us felt comfortable to talk about any problems we were having and it was highly unusual or so we thought but we didn't say anything to anybody about it.

  • gr8peace

    After my husband died the P.O. came to my house every friday night drunk and wanted to talk to me. After a month of this I told his wife. And then the elders. His wife came to my house and was upset with ME. She said I really hurt her family. She didn't deny he was here and drunk, I should not have told anyone.


  • Preston

    The elders that inquired about my sex life felt it "appropriate" to ask me questions about being gay in a Coffee Shop, in public, in front of a bunch of families and their kids...... After that I never made the mistake of agreeing to meeting them on their terms again.

    - Preston

  • mkr32208
    "No, I think we're gonna come in!"

    Excuse me, but first Iet me make a quick phone call to the police to report a home invasion and trespassers.

    Um Hell no guys. You don't call the police you take this trash out by yourself!

    I had a good time making this pic I giggled the whole time!

  • darkuncle29
    The elders that inquired about my sex life felt it "appropriate" to ask me questions about being gay in a Coffee Shop, in public, in front of a bunch of families and their kids...... After that I never made the mistake of agreeing to meeting them on their terms again.

    - Preston

    Preston, poor guy. I could not have handled that. They love creating drama--no small understatement.

  • littlerockguy

    It is even worse if some the elders are related to you in some way

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I was 20 or 21, hard to remember now. I think my last meeting was about at 18. I was living at home and going to school, the deal with the parents was I could do whatever I wanted, just not at the house. I think they were trying to keep me close in hopes of winning me back and I think they felt some guilt over my repeated rants of the WBTS stealing my childhood. I was doing the usual college stuff, power drinking, wench clenching, inhaling, as I say the usual stuff. I was never baptized mind you and these two goons show up at the house first telling my parents the whole laundry list of my transgressions and saying they wanted to talk to me about it. So I get a call and I come down from my room and dumb and dumber start in on me.

    For a couple of minutes I was just stunned, then I tore into them, first I say, you talk to my parents about what you hear I have been up to, I'm a man for Christ's sake, talk me not my parents. Then I say, a-holes, I haven't been to a meeting in 3 years and I'm not baptized so where do you get off even talking this shit to me. I told them they had 10 seconds to get out of the house before I threw (not a figure of speech) them out.

    I believe I hold the unofficial record for the briefcase toss. I snactched the one nimrod's briefcase and did sort of a shot putter/discus deal before launching that sucker. Almost got me thrown out of the house but it was worth it to watch that sucker fly before hitting the pavement and spewing WBTS crap.

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