Does anyone else flip off the Kingdom Hall when they drive by?

by Dustin 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frog

    Hey Dustin, I think do whatever feels good, you're not hurting anyone:) You'll tire of it when you're ready, but in the meantime it might just be the needed continual affirmation that you need. Give em' the double bird for me next time you're enroute! hehe frog

  • Athanasius

    Whenever I drive by a KH I just think how nice it is to be free of all that Watch Tower stuff.

  • DramaQueen

    I don't because I am with my parents but hey do whatever makes you happy.

  • claytoncapeletti

    Man o man, I know how you feel. Instead of flipping them off, I would drive by ( hall is not far from my house) with the radio blasting, tatoo's showing while smoking a J. It kinda of made me feel free, knowing that I was free to do what I want with my life. One part rebellion, one part freedom, mix them together and its a fine tasting drink.


    " Did you eat paint chips as a kid? Yeah, why?"

  • ColdRedRain

    I used to do that when I first got out, but when the anger waned and the pity increased, I just simply rode my bike by the hall (It's a good shortcut through another street) and just think "my god, it's sad that people believe this shit at face value".

  • Thirdson

    Sort of. Seeing a KH always gives me a queesy feeling. There is only one locally I see on a regular basis, (a couple of times a month) and I attended one meeting there. I do see others, notable one near Little Falls, MN and one near Nisswa, MN. They always remind me that I am glad I am out and to pity those still trapped inside.


  • Quotes

    Glad to know I'm not the only one with this, um, problem. *whew*

    I've even got my wife doing it -- and she was never a JW. I'm usually all passive-aggressive about it and say in a cheery voice "Oh look, let's wave to our friends there..."

    I know I shouldn't; they are victims too.

    ~Quotes, of the "not responsible for the urine or used condoms left on the door step" class

  • ColdRedRain

    Hey 3rdson! Where have you been!?

  • talesin
    ~Quotes, of the "not responsible for the urine or used condoms left on the door step" class


    Okay, now you are giving me very naughty ideas!


  • hubert

    I flip the bird lots of times, even when there is no cars in the lot. But, I keep the bird low. This is my own personal thing.


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