Why are beards so bad?

by bother_forever 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sith

    I've worn a beard since 1991, the year I was DFed for the 3rd and final time. It's a little salt and pepper these days...ok, I lied, there's a lot of grey but I color it. Don't tell anyone. It's my one vanity.
    When I was DFed for the second time, I really wanted to get back in. I had a wife and 2 kids at the time...deeply immersed. I was living away from them and my home-town congregation. I had to converse with the PO over the phone. He was tracking my "repentance".
    He told me that in order to be reinstated, I had to shave my sideburns to an acceptable length. I did.

  • RichieRich
    Facial hair is extremely sexy to me!

    me too. Wait. What?

  • hillbilly
    Facial hair is extremely sexy to me! ;
    me too. ; Wait. ; What?

    Some day, yes some day, young Richie, you too ,will be able to grow face hair! You will be hell on wheels after your 'gnads drop


  • Sith

    Until then, Richie...would you like a little wine served up in a Coke can?

  • sting

    You have all missed the point!

    Facial hair is a danger for witnesses because it increases the chances of being caught at the door by householders and getting a good slapping!

  • Moridin

    In the congregation I was in one brother was in a motorcycle accident and broke his collar bone. He couldn't shave so he grew a beard. Immediatly he was forced to step down as an ms and his priviledges were taken away. People were talking about it constantly. They wondered why his wife couldn't shave it and finally the circuit overseer came and found out what was going on and reinstated his status and told the elders they should be ashamed of themselves. He said that facial hair didn't matter to spirituality. Ever since then almost half the congregations men grew beards or goatees. That was the only circuit overseer I liked.

  • Netty

    What Kwin said! What Kwin said!

    I too must agree with some of the ladies, and Richie, beards are sexy!!

  • lucky

    my younger brother recently grew a beard. I think it's his passive-agressive way of avoiding privileges in the cong. He used to do the mikes and work at the literature counter and say prayers, and conduct the meeting for field service, etc., but they've taken all that away since the facial hair appeared.

  • SixofNine

    It's funny to me, they thought I was rebellious. I wasn't. I wore a beard for the last 6 years of my Witness life because I knew they were wrong, and I really believed that the time for them to change their attitude was long since past. I wasn't rebelling at all, not against Yahweh. Now why the hell did it take me so long to figure out that if they could be so plainly wrong about beards, they could be wrong about just about anything?

    I took a beating every day for 6 years. But I'm sure they look at me now and say "see why beards are not for christians?".

    Btw, I'm sure someone up-thread has mentioned this, but the reason behind the unwritten doctrine against beards, can be found in the history of Rutherford taking over the society from people loyal to Russell. Guess who had a traditional beard. Guess who liked the new "clean shaven" idea. The wacky psuedo-doctrine has nothing to do with the hippy movement.

  • greendawn

    Beards are a sign of sainthood in some religions, they can be prickly on the soft female skin.

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