Any coloured people here?

by Hellrider 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • talesin
    Why does it have to be that a group of folks (of color) has to be the "low man on the totem pole"?

    Think of it, we wimmyn don't even rate getting on the totem pole ...

    As to the 'meek and teachable' quote. Danny, this is the result of the culture at the time. Before slavery was abolished, African-Americans were denied education and were under pain of death if they learned to read. Up until the 60/70/80s, many whites here in North America still thought that people of colour were not as intelligent as whites. Sickening, isn't it? People still say idiotic things like this, as if being denied an education means you can't learn ...

    It's akin to a teacher saying that 'girls are not good at maths and sciences'. Old prejudices die hard.


  • mrsjones5

    This is the question black folks and others used to say to me:

    "You really like to read, huh?"

    What?! I always took that to mean that black folks shouldnt like to read and I was strange for doing so. I was strange for always having a book in hand. Then the assumtion was that I must want to be white.

    Josie ~ remembering the days of being called an "Oreo" in high school

  • Celia

    Josie says :

    Smurfs smell funny

    How do Smurfs smell ? I am pretty clean, I thought....

  • mrsjones5

    Like blueberries....wait a minute...yeah like blueberries


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Yes, it can perceived as a racist remark in this day and age.

    Please look at the date when it was published and it will help you understand. Also, look at many other publications from other religious/political/etc. organizations and you will find writings alike this one. However, society has evolved.

    Let us think and use common sense.


  • Mecurious?

    I think it is because rich white men dominate the world in so many ways. He who has the gold, rules.

    Reminds me of an article by Micahel Moore:

  • DannyBloem

    The issue of white and black is still very much alive in the states I guess.

    Here we are much more integrated, but have a lot of problems too. Things are changing.

    Until recently thinks about the country of origin could almost not be publicly spoken about. Extreem right parties have since sprong up and got a lot of votes. (we have more then 2 parties).

    Now, the remedy of ultra right, seems not to ignore the facts but discuss the facts and try to improve.

    For example: before if you told the fact that people who where born in couintry X were ten times likely to end up in jail, it was considered rasism. Now it is considered a fact and acknowledging this is a first step in changing. Now we can ask ourselves: why? Wat do we do wrong that that happens?

  • dorayakii

    Yes, it can perceived as a racist remark in this day and age.

    Please look at the date when it was published and it will help you understand. Also, look at many other publications from other religious/political/etc. organizations and you will find writings alike this one. However, society has evolved.

    Let us think and use common sense.

    I completely agree with you DY. My gripe wasn't with the percieved racism of the WTS back then, they can be excused, that was the thinking of the day. What cannot be excused is the R&F JWs believing their claim to be God's channel.

    Did God suddenly change his view on blacks along with the rest of the world? Did "new light" suddenly tell them that it was ok for black "brothers" to sit next to white "brothers" at the conventions?

    For a group that claims to be "no part of this world" they sure went along with a lot of its harmful precepts. I would have thought God would have caused them to have a key role in winning court battles upholding the liberties and opportunities of all races, instead of just stupid crap like "freedom to knock on doors without a permit" and "freedom not to salute the flag". Bunch of bigheads if you ask me, lol

    The issue of white and black is still very much alive in the states I guess.

    I think in a lot of european countries the issue has hardly been raised. In France for example, the consitution doesn't recognise different races, even though they have a very high population of blacks, arabs and chinese, everybody is just "French". Its illegal to ask questions about race in the National Census. Their ideology is that since race cannot be measured, it doesn't exist... even some of the white french may have some other races mixed with them 1 or even 10 generations ago race is immaterial and immeasurable.

    I tend to agree with them in that respect... but the non-recognition of race there, has led to races other than whites being shown less and less on the television and in other places of prominence (except sport and music). Since there is officially no such thing as race according to their constitution, there is no need to measure and control the quantity of blacks, arabs, asians etc. in the media by means of positive discrimination.

  • Dragonlady76

    I'm latte coloured.


  • RichieRich

    As a lover of all colors and kinds, all I can say is I love you all.

    I don't stereotype black people because of how some black people are, just as they don't stereotype white folks because of how a few white folks act.

    One thing that does bother me is that people still aren't trwated equally, I think to make black people feel better, white people have done things that kind of mess up the playing field. (Ex. Minority scholarships, black colleges, etc.)

    I wrote an editorial about it in the school newspaper. It was amazing how many black and white people agreed with me.

    RR (of the "Blacker than Bill" class)

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