Any coloured people here?

by Hellrider 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pole
    I'm a slightly brownish pink.


    That reminds me of "A Passage to India" - great classic by Forster:

    "The so-called white races are really pinko-grey."

    Pole - of the 'leaving for Boston in 5 hours' class

  • mrsjones5
    "Really, our colored brothers have a great cause for rejoicing. Their race is meek and teachable, and from it comes a high percentage of the theocratic increase." {WT Feb 1 1952 95}

    insert gullible: easily tricked because of being too trusting

  • luna2

    Have fun in Boston, Pole!

    Re the Watchtower and the "colored" brothers...they have never been ahead of the curve. They pretty much reflected the racism present in American society as a whole at the time this stuff was written. Doesn't say much for their being directed by Holy Spirit.

  • Elsewhere

    Hell, some of my best friends are coloured folk.

  • undercover

    All while the civil rights movement was going on, most congregations in the South were still segregated. Not on purpose but because the way the halls were located, most black folks lived on one side of town and the while folks the other. Therefore the blacks went to the hall closest to them and the whites the one closest to them.

    It wasn't until sometime in the Seventies that they tried to desegregate the congregations in our area. I remember that a black brother was moved into a congregation that was completely white. Not because he moved there, but because the WTS wanted to mix things up.

    I give the WTS credit for not necessarily discriminating against any one race but at the same time, however, they were slow to accept the new order of things as far as desegregation. At least where I was.

  • jeanniebeanz

    *wonders if Elsie is going to make it out alive in this one*


  • mrsjones5

    Hey, some of my best friends are white

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Else... here's hoping those under 30 on the board get the connection between Alfalfa and Buckwheat... ... lol

    This white man invited the colored man to his home and became interested and wants him to keep coming. He even served the darky his supper.”

    "Even".... hmmmm, my, that was awfully 'white' of him. .... (an expression from the 1950's .... as if a race had more class than another.)

  • Preston
    Their race is meek and teachable

    this is the offensive part, what a condescending remark...what do they not consider "meek and teachable"? An "uppity negro"?

    - Preston

  • tetrapod.sapien

    back then it was common, like blondie brings out. but really, if they had jehovah's blessing by holy spitfire, then either:

    • jehovah is a racist bigot
    • they don't have jehovah's blessing.

    i tend to go with the former rather than the latter.

    personally, i am what some people call olive. but when compared with either black olives or green olives, i don't match that well. really, i'm a kind of bauge. with light pink patches.

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