GHOSTS, seen any lately?

by Blueblades 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I work in one of the Travel Channel's Top 5 Most Haunted Hotels in Troutdale, Oregon. I have only been there for three months now, and have already heard strange noises and voices, have closed down one of the many small bars on the property and after turning off the lights, blowing out the candles, and leaving for the evening, had the security staff tell me that after I had left, the lights were back on, the stereo was playing, and one candle was re-lit.This happened twice. Many of our guests and employees alike are always reporting apparitions and seeing glowing orbs if light. There is a ghost-journal at the front desk you can read that has all kinds of spooky encounters logged in it. I havn't actually SEEN a ghost though. I am looking foreward to it.

  • freedom96

    Yes, I have seen a ghost many times, I lived with it when I was growing up. Scared the hell out of me.

    Been 18 years though, but I remember it as if it was yesterday.

  • Evanescence

    Wow, jimakazi

    Have you thought of getting a Priest over to your house or something?

    My friend has a similar problem but not as bad, her brother died at a young age and he sometimes hangs around her house, One time he pushed my friends older sister into the wall. But he generally likes to play with the doorbell.

    If you want to help this soul, be nice to it, it oviously means no harm and pray for it, its probebly a lost soul in limbo/purgatory


  • Dustin

    I've always believed there might be something else out there. Back when I was a dub, in one of our houses as a little kid, something would walk up and down the stairs but no one was there. Was it just my imagination? Probably. I haven't thought about anything like that in 10 years. No ghosts in my life, but I'm not going to say they don't exist. I'm just way to busy to worry about something like that.

  • Sunspot

    Nope, not lately.

    When I was little, I used to talk to this lady who wore a purple shawl, sat in a rocking chair and was very small.

    I did have an imaginary friend I spoke to all the time (lots of kids have these) so my mother didn't pay it much attention. For some reason she asked me what this new friend looked like, and when I described her, my mother was very surprised. When I got older, she told me that I had been talking to my GGrandmother---who I'd never seen! She had died a number of years before!

    I've had some weird events happen which I've also mentioned on here before, but not recently. Guess they figure I have enough on my plate right now dealng with "other" things in life!


  • gumby

    Just when I decide to go to Sunspots house for a cup of coffee, she gotta go and tell me her dead grandma is still floating around. Damn!

    Hey.....I saw a show on TLC the other day that has me thinking twice about a spirit world * sticks up middle finger at Funkyderek*

    This little girl kept getting visits from a man nobody else saw. When she was shown photographs of various men, she picked out the one she kept seeing. Come to find out this man was the former home owner many years ago. There were many other weirdnesses.. but I'm gonna wait for Derek to be a smart elic bastard and make fun of me before I tell ya more

    As a side note.....I've been sceptical about ghosts in the past since exiting the bible believers life........but I'm intriqued by stories I hear that are sometimes beyond coincidence.



  • Sunspot

    ~~~I used to believe it I had all those experiences you mentioned when I was a dub. Haven't had a thing happen since I left.


    I was just the opposite! Both my mother and maternal Gmother were "sensitive" (my Gmother used to tell me she was born with a caul--whatever that was supposed to mean)and I had the ability to just "know" certan things at a young age. As I grew older, things used to frighten me and I resisted them.

    When I became a JW I totally shut it all down as "demons" and have never had another experience. Sometimes I wonder if I could ever "get it back" if I tried, but not knowing what I did to "lose" these abilities---I wouldn't know how to re-activate them...if I wanted to!

    ~~~I'm in standby mode. I'm waiting for some extraordinary claims so I can demand extraordinary evidence.


    What would it be that would make you believe those who have had legitimate experiences? As in my case----I saw and spoke to a relative who I had never seen. We didn't have pictures of her for me to even "conjure up" through memory.

    I'm sure you've seen me write about the time the fork I had just put on the table---pick right up--turn end over end---and fly off the table a good foot away from where I had placed it.

    Now...HOW could I prove that to you? What "extraordinary evidence" would *I* have to convince you---or anyone who always poo-poos these things? I'm not being sarcastic as I write this----I'd really like to know just what you would consider extraordinary evidece by folks like me!

    Spooky Old Annie: Ready to communcate with FunkyOld Derek!!

  • ozziepost




    Why were ghosts part of the Bible-believing?

    Them talks up at the Kingdumb Hall musta got to ya!

  • Sunspot
    Just when I decide to go to Sunspots house for a cup of coffee, she gotta go and tell me her dead grandma is still floating around. Damn!

    Awwww...Gumster! That happened when I was young----gotta say that cuz I'm still "little"......but not young!

    Ennyway......The coffee is always on but GGram...erm....isn't! (so don't be skeered)

    hugs always,


  • tetrapod.sapien
    This little girl kept getting visits from a man nobody else saw. When she was shown photographs of various men, she picked out the one she kept seeing. Come to find out this man was the former home owner many years ago.


    i have this mental image of a little girl who wants to be believed, and was willing to choose whatever picture came along. she happens to choose the one of the ex home owner. if chose another one, they could have found a way to tie it to the little girl. "this guy used to live across the street from this house". lol

    Now...HOW could I prove that to you? What "extraordinary evidence" would *I* have to convince you---or anyone who always poo-poos these things? I'm not being sarcastic as I write this----I'd really like to know just what you would consider extraordinary evidece by folks like me!


    i am sure funky will come around an answer your question. but i would like to have a personal go at it, if that's okay?

    i don't deny that you had these experiences, and that they are real to you and whoever else was involved. but, i am not looking for extraordinary evidence from individuals, because evidence from individuals has not got us any farther from determining the reality of the situation for thousands of years. i would need extraordinary evidence from a group of skeptical scientists who conducted some double blind experiments, and submitted thier findings for peer review. that is the scientific method, and it is the method i trust as it has the best track record thus far. i would happily switch sides in the debate if this were provided. but it makes me wonder why these supernatural occurances never happen to scientists? wouldn't that inspire some scientists to round up some evidence to support their hypothesis? for some reason, it never happens to scientists, or they come up with other, more boring, explanations for things that happen to them personally.


    i had a look at that web site you posted the link to. and i have to say, this guy just sounds like he is trying to start a cult, and does not seem very scientific at all. any "researcher" who has the audacity to put the term: "irrefutable objective evidence" in their book title, deserves some skepticism. a scientist who is peer reviewed, would not write something like that. for example, Einstein's 1905 paper on Special Relativity was not called: "Irrefutable evidence for special relativity!". it was called: “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”

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