GHOSTS, seen any lately?

by Blueblades 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Has anyone seen 'Our Lady of Fatima"?

  • Blueblades
    Blueblades Try this site for starter.


  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    satan doesnt appear to any of you guys anymore because he already has you where he wants you....

    does sleep paralysis count???


  • love2Bworldly

    I'm surprised no one has reported any 'disturbances'. I don't believe in 'ghosts' but I do believe that sometimes evil takes on different forms.

    One of my aunt's houses is 165 years old and I believe it's haunted or whatever you want to call it. When I was about 5 years old, I was alone in a back room of the house and it was dark and I heard my name being whispered. I remember this memory as clear as day and know I didn't imagine it--I ran and asked my brother if he was playing a trick on me and no one was in that part of the house. That same house has had a few other weird things happen over the years. My cousin felt a presence in one of the bedrooms she was sleeping in (she lived away from home and was visiting her mother) and heard breathing--and drove 100 miles back to her home in the middle of the night. More recently my brother said the hair on his neck stood on end late one night when he was alone in the house looking at a very old photograph of a relative and the frowning woman's lips moved--my brother is the type of person who does not believe in that kind of stuff so I believe him.

    My aunt owned 2 houses, and I had a couple experiences when I slept in her other house--a lamp next to my bed, about 2 feet away from me somehow ended up on top of me in the middle of the night and I woke up wrestling with it; another night I slept there I awoke terrified and the sheet was over my face like I was being smothered by someone. Needless to say I didn't sleep over at my aunt's houses very often. My aunt suffered from severe nightmares every night and she would wake up screaming. She did have a ouija board in her house, so I sometimes wondered if maybe those games really are evil.

    My husband had experiences when he was growing up also. Once he was in the bathroom and the toilet paper went crazy by itself and unraveled all over his bathroom floor for no reason. Weird!

  • Mary

    love2Bworldy, I believe you.........although I joke, I do believe that there is something out there in the spirit world........I just don't believe that everyone who's ever had these experiences are just crazy or liars......

  • 144001

    It's summertime; most of the ladies around here are tan this time of year. The ghosts usually come out in the winter.

  • Evanescence
    It's summertime; most of the ladies around here are tan this time of year. The ghosts usually come out in the winter.

    Winter in my part but still no ghosts Evanescence

  • jimakazi


    We have a "presence" in our house. We call it "our friend". Our firend pulls on door handles, turns on appliences, make footsteps in the hall way, and crys sometimes at night, once hidding my copy of the "Black House" [like put it down, turn and it was gone, to turn up in the ceiling level cubbord that has my Penthouse collection] which showed good taste as it's a sick book. Our firend apparently makes calls to us [no one home, caller ID shows the call from our house, alarm condition shows no one was there]. Once it slammed a door [hard] and there was only me and my kids in the house, sitting at the table looking at the door. In one room TV's flick on and off [with no probelm to the power supply] such that we gave one TV away as broken, and took the new one for repair where no fault was found - my wife and I concluded it was "our friend" and it's stopped messing with the TV.

    This can sometime give even me the shivers when I talk about it outisde the house, but our home house has a wonderful feeling, it's not scary at all,and neither my wife or I have any reluctance being here on our own. Mos tpeople who visit comment what a great house it is - yet it is so like many others. A friend who senses sprits feels it is the lost soul of a child and has offered to help it find the light.

    We are not sure what to do, so for now have selected to do nothing. We are plaaning to rennovate so i've elft the plans in the lounge to check they meet iour friends approval.

    I've told my devout JW parents about this and trhey just don't know what to say - mum has no problems at all [I can see dad is thinking "demon"].

  • Sirona

    Sorry, I missed this thread somehow and didn't respond to meagan.

    Yes, Meagan, I have seen ghosts on numerous occasions. I've also seen other beings who were not ghosts, other "spirit" beings.

    I've talked about it a fair bit on this forum and the skeptics always deride me for it.

    It isn't something that happens all the time, it doesn't make me upset, the ghosts don't tell me what to do. Others have seen them at the same time as me on occasion. I've studied psychology and I know the standard counter arguments. For one thing, I'm not schizophrenic (I know what a schizophrenic is, I've met a couple of them and studied the condition). Plus, when an encounter is experienced by others too, and / or the ghostly experience is somehow validated at a later date, then that pretty much rules out pure hallucination on my part.


  • FlyingHighNow

    One thing, for anyone who hasn't experienced ghosts, spirits, invisible other worldly beings or visible ones, to keep in mind:

    I have observed that they don't appear to you when you ask them to or want them to. They appear to people when they want to. If you ask and they appear, it's because they choose to appear to you, it's not because you asked.

    I know people who are very interested in experiencing these beings. They search their whole lives and do not find them. Then other people who do not want to experience them do.

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