GHOSTS, seen any lately?

by Blueblades 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    Yes, but I won't go into detail. My brother and three of my friends successfully conjured up a spirit/ghost when were kids.

    Our new apartment is haunted. It's amazing.

  • Es

    Yes i have recently had experiences, just recently in my flat i have been sitting watching tv and i can feel a prescence from behind me and then my left side goes all cold and tingly. Happened twice within 10 min. and nothing since but ive always had little expericences. es

  • EvilForce

    No but I keep seeing those damned dust bunnies.

  • doofdaddy

    Es I reckon you should close your windows. That winter chill is getting to you!!! Just kiddin"

    The unexplained is just that. Who knows?

    PS it's cold up here too, Nth NSW

  • Evanescence

    es and doofdaddy,


    so cold I can barely type on the keyboard with my frozen iced hands.

    so cold I rather like classes and hate recess and lunch out... in... the... cold....

    so cold I have two dooners on my bed.......

    how many degrees on your part?

    Its about 12 degrees here! (it seems much colder) and freezing southenly winds and the freezing air coming from Port Phillip bay....

    lol im just glad i don't live in south gippsland (ive been there for holidays once talk about FREEZING!!!) and my fishing obsessed parents love going fishing on about an 8 degree day! fortuantly they got the message that the fish ain't biting and its insanity to go fishing in mid winter in what seems to be the coldest part of Victoria even in summer its FREEZING down there!

    Oh right ghosts? nope seen none! but I heard that the devil tries to fool us by getting his angels to descuise themselves as ghosts. human souls are either in heaven, purgatory or hell.

    Trying these "crossing over" or speaking to the dead is dangerous though

    Ahhh burning for some reason it sounds like pleasure (the coldness is really getting to me! )


  • funkyderek
    Haven't seen any ghosts, but I'm betting we'll be seeing FunkyDerek here soon...

    I'm in standby mode. I'm waiting for some extraordinary claims so I can demand extraordinary evidence.

  • PaulJ

    Not sure about all this ghosty stuff since seeing Derren Brown recently fake a seance, amongst other things. Just show how much can be contrived.

  • Blueblades

    Thanks all! When it comes to seeing Ghost each one has their own experience and those who don't have an experience might have what is left to them, namely, the will to disbelieve. It has been known that the will to disbelieve is far stonger than the will to believe. An example of this will to disbelieve is that of any JW who when shown evidence of the truth about the truth will disbelieve it no matter what is presented to them from the Watchtower Society itself.

    I understand skepticism when it comes to the idea about anything beyond the grave. Neither, skepticism nor the will to disbelieve leads to proof that there are no GHOST. So, when someone tells us that they have seen a Ghost that too is no proof for us. But it is open to investigation which is on - going at this time.Thanks again for sharing


  • Odrade

    FD quote: I'm in standby mode. ROTFL!!!

  • Mary

    Funkyderek said: I'm in standby mode. I'm waiting for some extraordinary claims so I can demand extraordinary evidence

    I was visiting Graceland last week and I snapped this picture of a ghost........!!

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