What is it that makes posters leave?

by Es 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • GetBusyLiving

    I think some people just get sick of talking about Joe Hoe's. They establish that the witnesses are a cult and totally full of shit, and then just move on.

    I like this board so much because I always thought I was pretty much alone with my feelings about the Watchtower, for years. I honestly couldnt believe there were so many out there that felt the same way. Plus I have an obsession with apostate woman.


  • Mulan

    I know several who have stopped posting here. All of them, for the reason that they have moved on with their lives and no longer need the group support, supplied by this board. Some of them come by from time to time to say "hi" or to see what's going on, but for the most part, their interest in this forum has faded.

    For myself, I have had some challenges with my elderly parents and had several weeks of rarely coming here. After not coming here for a period of time, the habit dies.

    It might be as simple as that.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Some make the choice to go back to the WBTS wholeheartedly.


  • willyloman

    I've always thought of this as a half way house on the road to recovery. It's like a big encounter group, where we go around the circle and everyone gets a chance to vent and share experiences.

    After awhile, people get well and they either:

    1. Go home and build a new life, or

    2. Stay and help others.

    The two are not mutually exclusive, by the way.

  • Crumpet
    one day I wanna be a part of the furniture on here.

    you and me both PaulJ! I see myself as a big comfy sofa, at the moment I'm just a lamp standing in the corner.

  • love2Bworldly

    I love posting and it's the first time I've ever been involved in anything like this on the computer or related to JW's. But it does take up a lot of time when I'm at work. And at home--I don't feel like using the computer, partly because I have severe tendonitis in my arms and using the computer makes it worse. But I can't imagine not posting at least once in a while.

  • MelbaToast

    I tend to agree with Mulan on this one. I dont post a lot, but I roam freely and keep up on the local discussions. Most of the people that were here when I started about a year ago have left, or dont post as much.

    During school time, it is hard to keep up, even to check new threads, so I decide to just visit. Plus I have made lots of ex-jw friends which I talk to on a regular basis, either via email or yahoo msgr.

    Other times, Ijust cant add anything more than has already been said, and I feel silly for just say Yeah, me too. And sometimes, just sometimes people want recognition (read: attention whores) because they have noone to turn to in their personal life that can sympathize with their feelings

  • IronGland

    amusing thread.

  • sonnyboy

    Was I just dreaming, or didn't IronGland officially leave the board last night?

    I really need a life.

  • talesin

    I think that some leave because they get annoyed when others seem to be dogmatic about their own opinions or some may leave because some of the posters have some residual elder power and shove their weight around, meaning of course their own opinions .

    You can sense when someone is being obtuse and by that I mean they lack sensitivety towards others, and that can be so irrating and plainly not nice.

    We are all equals here. For someone to act superior toward others is just plain rude and some don't like it because their feelings have been hurt. Its like they are acting out what we all have left behind when we left the organization.

    Or not hurt, just can't be bothered sharing space with those kinds of people,,, to add to that homophobes and misogynists ... and they no longer feel they can keep their mouth shut about it because they just get too pissed off at seeing the spread of misinformation and downright cruelty to others.

    thanks OFC, for saying that

    t, of the 'lurking indefinitely' class

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